Chapter 268 Can't Live Tonight

All Souls Palace
Mu Qianyu was lying on Leng Mingyi's chest and fell asleep, when she suddenly felt surrounded by a biting cold breath.

Her eyelashes fluttered slightly and she gradually opened her eyes.

"Xiaoyi...Xiaoyi, what's the matter with you? Come on! Come on..."

"This...His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, if you return to Your Highness the Princess, His Royal Highness Yi Wang may...I'm afraid he won't be able to last tonight..." The imperial doctor who was speaking was terrified by Mu Qianyu's terrifying gaze, and immediately shook his legs. Ruan hurriedly fell to his knees and begged for mercy.

"The emperor spares my life, the emperor spares my life... There is absolutely no lie in what the old minister said! I hope the emperor will see clearly!"

"Mr. Li, what you said is true? I can tell you, if you are half lying, be careful of your life!"

Mu Yan glanced at Empress Yun Cang who was sitting on the side in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking, and sighed secretly in her heart.

Perhaps it was a mistake for him to agree with Mu Qianyu to bring Leng Mingyi into the palace!

He was a little annoyed, if he hadn't agreed to bring Leng Mingyi close to the palace, would Qianqian have no love for Leng Mingyi?
But it happened after all, didn't it?
He just hoped that this silly girl would not do stupid things.

He and the queen are just such a child, and he doesn't want to live up to the queen's dying entrustment.

"Qianqian, are you okay?"

Mu Qianyu raised his head when he heard Mu Yan's worried voice.

"Father, my son is fine, my son is really fine!"

Mu Qianyu smiled at Mu Yan, indicating that she was fine.

But she didn't know that her face was pale at this time, and she looked haggard, especially when she suppressed a smile and said that she was fine, it was even more pitiful.

"Yuzhu Yulan, help the princess down to rest, and take care of her carefully. If there is a slight difference, you are the only ones to ask."

Mu Qianyu's empty eyes returned to a normal look in an instant after Mu Yan said the words to let her leave.

"I won't go, I won't go! He said he would be with me forever so I won't go!" Mu Qianyu's eyes were fixed on the unconscious person on the bed.

She has always known that he is not in good health, so she has been taking good care of him.

But I didn't expect such a thing
So she wakes him up, and she believes he will.

Because he promised her that they would always be together and never separate.

"How is Xiao Yi?" Outside the door, Jun Jingyu ran in in a panic.

A thin layer of sweat broke out on his head due to the violent running.

He hadn't been out of the palace for a long time, and he didn't expect such a thing to happen.

"What's going on? Didn't you feel fine this morning?" Jun Jingyu walked up to Mu Qianyu and asked loudly.

He can guarantee that if Mu Qianyu was a man, he would definitely rush up and punch him a few times.

She obviously asked her to take good care of Leng Mingyi, but in the end it turned into what it is now.

"I don't know, I don't know..." A trace of confusion and helplessness flashed in Mu Qianyu's eyes.

She didn't know why it became like this.It will be fine tomorrow morning.

She just fell asleep, but when she woke up, she found that Leng Mingyi's body had become cold.

She seemed to have tried this cold feeling all over her body before.

In her previous life, she was pushed into the lake by Qin Xue.It was winter, the wind was biting, and so was the water in the lake.

The second time was in her previous life. Before she died, her chest was pierced fiercely by the sword in Gu Ming's hand, and she was finally pushed into the lake mercilessly by them.

  I can't write any more... It's uncomfortable but I'm sleepy...

  For the time being, update two chapters first!Post the rest in the morning...

  woo woo woo... let me cry...

  All you little cuties, Ann... wood!
(End of this chapter)

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