Chapter 277

This old man is not easy!
This is the deepest impression the old man Xuankong left on Mu Yan.

"Of course not! The old man just does his best. As for the rest... Let God do it!" Mu Yan looked through the bed curtain at the two people who were tightly hugging each other.

How could he be willing to let his precious daughter suffer all this?It's just that Qianqian is simply too stubborn.

The old man Xuankong glanced at Mu Yan lightly, and then looked at the two people sleeping on the bed hugging each other, feeling somewhat clear in his heart.

"If the emperor doesn't want us to go out for a chat, don't disturb the princess's rest."


"The emperor's heart is quite big! It is said that His Royal Highness Yi Wang is a fool, with only five years of mentality, and he has been regarded as a disaster star since he was a child, a monster, a pair of blue eyes, and everyone in the world can't see it. Fear. I wonder what the emperor thinks?"

The old man Xuankong still had an inscrutable smile at the corner of his mouth, he stretched out his hand to stroke the beard on his chin, quietly waiting for Mu Yan's answer.


"Hmm..." Mu Qianyu slowly opened her eyes after sleeping for an unknown amount of time.

She felt very cold on her body, and a cold air tightly surrounded her body, and her head was heavy, as if she had been asleep for a long time.

"Yuzhu Yulan, come in!" Mu Qianyu slowly got up from the bed dragging his heavy body, and covered Leng Mingyi with the heavy quilt.


"Princess, you are awake! This servant is going to report to the emperor!" Seeing Mu Qianyu wake up, Yu Zhu's face brightened.

"Come back! How long have I been sleeping?"

Mu Qianyu's face was still as pale as paper, his body couldn't lift his strength, and his voice was haggard and soft.

Perhaps it was because he had slept for a long time that his voice was a little hoarse.

"Go back to Your Royal Highness, you slept for two days and two nights."

Yes, yes, you are really trying to frighten us, the servants thought..." Yu Zhu echoed, her eyes filled with tears instantly.

Mu Qianyu looked at the worried faces of the two, and a warm current flowed through his heart.

Okay, silly girl, am I all right?I'm just too tired, so I slept a little longer, and it's fine! "

"Come and help me wash up!" Mu Qianyu glanced at the still cold and outrageous person on the bed, and sighed secretly in his heart.

I don't know when this guy will get better.

"That's right! Your Royal Highness, Prince Jun has brought his master, and it is said that he is chatting with the emperor right now! I just don't know how the chat is going!"

Yuzhu Yulan felt that her master looked haggard, and she was really uncomfortable.

Their princess has been held in the palms of everyone's hands since she was a child, pampered and loved, so it must be very hard to suffer such a blow!

"Master? I remember he said before, wash me up!" When Mu Qianyu heard that Jun Jingyu's master was coming, his dull eyes instantly brightened a little.

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, she will not give up.


"Father, father! My son is here!" When Mu Yan and the old man Xuankong were chatting with great interest, they suddenly heard Mu Qianyu's hurried voice running outside the door.

"Father!" Mu Yan and the old man Xuankong stopped what was behind them, smiled at each other and turned to look outside the door.

I saw one wearing a pink skirt and a white shawl.

His face was a little haggard, and the people who looked at it felt distressed.Seeing Mu Qianyu like this, Mu Yan frowned.

"Qianqian? Are you waking up? You can really sleep!"

(End of this chapter)

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