The foolish king seduces his wife: the princess wants to hug

Chapter 282 Two Leng Mingyi Couple Chapters

Chapter 282 Conversation Between Two Leng Mingyi

"Xiao Yi, we didn't want it, we really didn't!" Mu Qianyu looked helplessly at Leng Mingyi who was looking at her pitifully, a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

Since this guy woke up from illness, he has become more and more clingy to her.

"But in the morning, after Xiaoyi woke up, the doll disappeared! Xiaoyi is scared, Xiaoyi is afraid that the doll will not want Xiaoyi, Xiaoyi doesn't want the doll to let him go!"

Leng Mingyi seemed to have thought of something terrible, and tears filled his eyes instantly.

"Hey, don't cry, don't cry, don't cry! I won't go, I really won't go!" Seeing the tears in Leng Mingyi's eyes, Mu Qianyu panicked, and hurriedly reached out to hug him.

"Hey, I really don't want to leave. I'll stay here and watch over you, and I won't go anywhere!" Mu Qianyu reached out and patted Leng Mingyi's back.

"Woooooo...Xiaoyi doesn't want the baby to leave, doesn't want the baby to leave!"

Leng Mingyi tightly wrapped his hands around Mu Qianyu's slender waist.

It seemed that she was afraid that if he let go of her, she would go away, disappearing as if in the dark.

"Xiao Yi, you have to be good, I won't leave, when have I lied to you! Xiao Yi? Xiao Yi?"

Mu Qianyu stretched out her hand in a daze, but she didn't open Leng Mingyi's embrace.He and she turned around and saw that Leng Mingyi's eyes had narrowed, and her breathing gradually calmed down.

He must be asleep, right?

This guy is so simple, it should be the drowsiness phenomenon that the old man mentioned, right?

Mu Qianyu reached out and stroked Leng Mingyi's delicate and beautiful cheek, stroking gently.

"Xiao Yi, I believe you will get better, you will!"

These words seemed to be addressed to Leng Mingyi in her sleep, but also to herself.


The sky was getting darker.

Leng Mingyi, who was in deep sleep, gradually opened his eyes, and his eyes were no longer clear, but returned to the original stupidity.

He reached out to support his somewhat heavy forehead, and then looked at the place where he was.

This place is his room in Wan Ling, which is very close to Mu Qianyu's room.

When he first came to Wanling Palace, he asked Mu Qianyu for it.

Because this way he can be very close to her.

He looked around suspiciously, how could he come back?

His last memory was in that dark place.

He remembered that it had been eight or nine years.Every fifteenth day of every month, he would enter that dark place.

At the beginning, he was afraid and frightened, crying and fussing, but he couldn't find anyone or a bright place.

Gradually, he became familiar with the darkness, the dark place, and being alone there.

In that boundless dark space, he seems to be sleeping most of the time, he can't perceive the outside world, he can't feel time and space, he can only be alone.

He was afraid of that kind of loneliness and didn't want to bear it anymore.

Leng Mingyi got up from the bed, because the movement was too violent, causing pain in his chest.

He reached out to untie the clothes on his body, but was surprised to find that there was no trace of injury on them.

Leng Mingyi frowned. If he remembered correctly, before he passed out, there was a pain in his heart and blood overflowing.

Is it an illusion or a dream?

He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. He thought for a while, and every fifteenth day, Brother Yu always asked him to go out to play with the baby.

But every time he couldn't remember what happened on the fifteenth day.

He once specifically asked the maid, that he did go out that day, was with the doll, and came back happily every time.


"Is there someone? In my body...can you hear me?" A trace of panic flashed in Leng Mingyi's eyes, he was talking to himself as if he was talking to himself, or to other people.


Then the only answer to him was silent, there was another soul in his body, and that soul was sitting on the ground at this moment, watching him silently.

He could feel what he was thinking and hear what he was saying.

But he didn't speak, just watched quietly, because he found that the fool was not stupid anymore.

"There must be someone, right? Xiao Yi knows there must be someone!" Leng Mingyi sat beside the bed, quietly looking at the roof, still talking to himself.


His answer was still the cold air and the quiet room.

"Who are you? Who the hell are you? Can you hear me? Can you see me? Why are you in my body!"


The broken soul in his body silently watched the people outside asking various questions, and his doubts deepened.

In her previous life, she went to the crazy old man to heal her mind. At that time, he had endured many kinds of acupuncture, various bitter potions, and medicated baths.

It took three full months before his consciousness gradually became clear.

It took another month for Jun Jingyu to teach him the ways of the world and how to be a truly normal person.

But why did this guy get better so quickly?
His thinking seems to be more agile than before, and he can catch up with him now.

"You are not allowed to hurt the baby, I will protect her, you are not allowed to hurt her! I will give you whatever you want, as long as I have it, I can't hurt her. Xiaoyi likes him very much!"

Leng Mingyi clutched his sleeves tightly with both hands, his voice trembling slightly.

He was afraid, he didn't know if there was really someone inside him, and he didn't know if that person could hear him.


The broken soul in her body was still silent, she fell into deep thought quietly, and only heard the people outside continue to say: "I know I'm a fool, everyone says so, everyone has bullied me since I was a child, because I It's a fool."

"When I was young, in Yuncang's place, the only one who loved me was my nanny. He treated Xiao Yi very well, and treated Xiao Yi as his own son!"

"But then she died and was killed by that bad woman. For the so-called rights and for his son to win a place in the palace, the nanny became a victim of interests.

And the son of that bad woman was called brother by Xiao Yi, and he was also one of Xiao Yi's most trusted people, but he hurt Xiao Yi severely. "

"Xiao Yi doesn't dare to trust anyone, but the only two people in this world who believe in him are Brother Yu and the other is Baby."

"So please, please don't hurt her!"

"Who told you that I was going to hurt her?" Just when Leng Mingyi felt a little lost, a strange voice sounded from his body.

Leng Mingyi was startled by the sudden sound, and he screamed nervously.

"shut up!"

"..." The corner of Leng Mingyi's mouth twitched, and tears fell like beads falling off a thread.

"Don't cry, let me see you cry again, be careful I will beat you!"

(End of this chapter)

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