Chapter 287 You Are Not Her

What more can she say?
It was hard to find a man who was unbelievably handsome, with a first-class figure, and the most important thing was a powerful man, besides, she came here under the order of Emperor Yunli.

"Of course! I didn't expect the emperor to have such a preference. It's really... different!"

The smile at the corner of his mouth was stiff on his face, and his face was extremely ugly.

"Then what is the beauty waiting for? I can't wait to hear it!"

"Your Majesty, my concubine doesn't know much about Wan Ling, so can we..." Do it directly...

Concubine Yun Gui hadn't finished her sentence when Mu Yan took it over.

"Didn't the beauty say that she admired me for a long time? She didn't even know about my deeds? Could it be that Emperor Yunli sent you to seduce me and then blame me?"

Mu Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, a pair of jet-black eyes exuded a sharp light, and Concubine Yun's heart trembled fiercely when she met such gaze.

Does he know?
Concubine Yun Gui kept telling herself secretly in her heart, definitely not!
Only she and Emperor Yunli knew about this matter, it was impossible for Emperor Yunli to say it, let alone her!

So it must be a trap, it must be!

"Your majesty! How can you say that? The concubine is sincere to you! Although the concubine does not know your great achievements, the concubine was already attracted by the majesty of the emperor when she saw you for the first time. !"

She stretched out her hand to hug Mu Yan, but the light side of Mu Yan's body avoided Yun Guifei's embrace.

"Beauty, don't you know that girls should be reserved? Or... your Emperor Yunli is just so absurd?"

At this moment, Mu Yan's face was already so dark that it was unbelievable, as if he could kill the person in front of him in the next second.

"Your majesty, why do you say that about my concubine? The concubine is sad!" Concubine Yun felt flustered when she saw Mu Yan's recalcitrance.

If he didn't make a mistake in his calculation, Emperor Yunli would have brought people here sometime...

"Your Majesty, my concubine advises you to be obedient, otherwise, I don't know what I will do!" Concubine Yun's face faded from weakness, and was replaced by ruthlessness.

"Oh? I really want to see what a cute little beauty will do? I really want to see!" Mu Yan still had a slight smile on his lips.

"How dare I be a concubine? I have to serve the emperor well all day long!"

Taking advantage of Concubine Yun's pounce, Mu Yan stretched out his hand and pinched Concubine Yun's chin.

"Emperor Yunli really took great pains for his own ambition!"

"Come out!" Mu Yan saved his relatives and spat out two words.

These two words directly made Yun Guifei stunned on the spot.

Who will come out?Is there anyone else?

Soon the whole room was lit up, and many people came out from behind the curtain.

"Ah!" Concubine Yun Gui glanced lightly at her surroundings.These people are basically from the four countries, and most importantly, she saw Li Qingfeng and Emperor Yunli.

She subconsciously covered her body with her hands, trying to keep her body submerged in the water.

"Emperor Yunli, how is it? Is this play good?"

Emperor Yun Li's arms were restrained, unable to move, he could only watch helplessly as Mu Yan walked in front of him step by step.

"Brother Mu, I don't know what you're talking about!" A flash of panic flashed in Emperor Yunli's eyes, and it disappeared in an instant.

He pretended to refute firmly.

Mu Yan chuckled, "Really think I'm just like you, yearning for flowers? You still underestimate me!"

"Brother Mu, this woman was really not ordered by my younger brother, it must be her..." Emperor Yun Li pointed to Concubine Yun Gui who was curled up in the hot spring water, and explained to Mu Yan.

"It must be this vicious woman who has evil intentions and wants to seduce the old man! This woman has no shame at all, I really misjudged her!"

Concubine Yun Gui raised her head when she heard Emperor Yunli's words, and looked at him in disbelief.

How can he say that?how can?

"How can the emperor say that? It's obviously you..."

"To shut up!"

Concubine Yun Gui hadn't finished speaking when she was interrupted by Emperor Yun Li.

"Brother really has nothing to do with this? Are you really kept in the dark and don't know?" Li Qingfeng, who was standing watching the play, glanced at Mu Qianyu, who raised his eyebrows, and quickly turned his head away .

"Since that's the case, I don't know how my brother will deal with this woman?"

"It's time to kill! Kill!"

Emperor Yunli's cruel and merciless tone pierced Concubine Yun's heart like a sharp knife.

"Your majesty, how can you treat your concubine like this?"

Concubine Yun Gui looked at Emperor Yun Li with a sad face.

This was clearly instigated by him, and when the matter was revealed, he picked it all up.

"Very good, today I will sell my brother to save face, and someone will drag him out and chop him up!"

Mu Yan's cruel and ruthless words drove Concubine Yun Gui into the bottom of the valley.

She fell into the hot spring pool with some exhaustion.

Soon several eunuchs dragged her out.

"Your Majesty, this general has something to say." When Concubine Yun Gui was still coming out, Li Qingfeng suddenly stood up.

"Oh, I don't know what General Li has to say? Could it be that he wants to intercede for this woman?" Mu Yan asked with a puzzled expression on his chin with one hand.

He had heard that Concubine Yun Gui was Li Qingfeng's lover.

Unexpected but infatuated.

"Back to the emperor, this general is not stupid enough to intercede for a woman who betrayed and deceived himself, but there are some things that need to be clarified."

Thinking that she had seen hope, Concubine Yun Gui, who just showed a smile, heard Li Qingfeng's words, and the smile froze on her face for an instant.

If it is said that she just lost hope just now, after listening to Li Qingfeng's words, she is completely desperate.

Li Qingfeng's words were nothing more than the straw that broke the camel's back.


"What do you want to ask? Quickly ask!" Concubine Yun looked at Li Qingfeng who was indifferent, and gave a cold snort.

Men, no one can be trusted!

"What's the rush? This general has a lot of doubts in his heart. I don't know if Empress Yun Gui would like to explain it to my minister?"

When Concubine Yun Gui heard the sound of "Concubine Yun Gui", her body was severely startled.

This title was the first thing she said to him when they met in the Imperial Garden on the second day after she was favored by Emperor Yunli.

At that time, he looked at her foolishly and obsessively, as if he was remorseful, but also seemed to be resentful.

"Is General Li here to mock me? That's right, I was the one who was sorry for you at the beginning, and I can understand why you are making trouble."

A trace of bright red blood overflowed from the corner of Concubine Yun's mouth, her lips became charming and attractive, but at this moment, no one had the leisure to care about these things.

"You weren't the woman who took care of me when I was hurt, were you? Where is she?"

Li Qingfeng looked at Concubine Yun's indifferent expression, frowned slightly, and changed the subject.

(End of this chapter)

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