Chapter 289 Hard... Really Hard

Dressed in blue clothes, she is slim and her skin is as fair as snow, but there is a small red spot on her face, which looks like a birthmark.


Li Qingfeng secretly looked at the woman across from him. The woman across from him lowered her head shyly, but she glanced at Li Qingfeng from time to time, with nostalgia, nostalgia, and panic in her eyes.

"Ahem... Well, you guys talk, this princess thinks about it, Xiao Yi should wake up, this princess is going to feed her!"

Mu Qianyu coughed a few times to ease the surrounding atmosphere.

When passing by Li Qingfeng's side, he said in Li Qingfeng's ear with a voice that only two people could hear: "Seize the opportunity well. From the current point of view, the little girl is still interested in you. Come on!"

Li Qingfeng: "..."

He was already nervous, but when this guy said it, why did he become more nervous?
God, who will save him?

"Uh... that, is it really you?" Li Qingfeng stammered a little, if his soldiers saw his faltering, they would be extremely shocked.

When did the decisive generals they kill become so cowardly!
It's like a different person!

"I..." The girl dodged a little, her face was flushed with embarrassment, and she also hesitated and couldn't speak.

"You haven't told me your name yet! You said you'd tell me as soon as my eyes got better. It's time to tell me this time!"

Li Qingfeng stared fixedly at the girl's face with his dark eyes, not wanting to miss a single trace of her expression.

"No! I said that if you wait until your eyes are healed and you don't mind making me your friend, I will tell you."

After listening to Li Qingfeng's words, the girl raised her little head, her beautiful cherry lips opened and closed, pouting slightly, like an invisible invitation, tempting him to taste it.

At this time, the girl's beautiful eyebrows were tightly knit together, as if complaining that he didn't remember what he said.

The corners of Li Qingfeng's lips curled slightly, he stepped forward, stretched out his strong arms, and brought the man into his arms.

The girl was unprepared, and her body fell into a warm embrace.

Hard...really hard!
"Hiss... it hurts like hell!"

Li Qingfeng heard the girl screaming for pain, and immediately lowered his head to ask if there was any injury.

As soon as he lowered his head, he met the girl's clear eyes. At this time, there was a trace of smoke in these beautiful and clean eyes.

Li Qingfeng was a little dumbfounded by the appearance of the little girl in his arms.

When the girl uttered the rebuttal just now, he had already determined that she was his girl.

Because this promise belongs to the two of them, and only the two of them know it.

It's just that because the first thing he saw was Yun Guifei, he was sure that Yun Guifei was that girl, so he didn't bother with this issue at all.

"Girl, answer my question!"

Li Qingfeng wrapped himself around the girl's waist and then tightened his grip a little as if he was afraid that he would run away.

"Your name?" Li Qingfeng curled his lips, as if he was extra patient with this little girl.

"Don't you think I'm ugly?" The girl dodged a little, reaching out her hand to cover a red spot on her right cheek.

Li Qingfeng shook his head, when he promised him that when he opened his eyes and saw her face, as long as he didn't dislike her, he would tell him her name.

He didn't understand why before, but now he understands.

Love is because of such a small birthmark?

In fact, this little red patch is quite beautiful, the shape of this small plaque is more like a heart shape, and it makes her more charming on her delicate and pink face.

"It's pretty, and so is Madara!"

"What! It's obviously ugly!" As soon as the girl raised her head, she met Li Qingfeng's affectionate eyes. She was a little nervous and didn't know where to put her hands.

"Name? Huh?"

"Qin...Qin Zhi! My name is Qin Zhi!" Qin Zhi didn't dare to look at Li Qingfeng's face, and even spoke in an extremely low voice, but Li Qingfeng heard it.

"Qin Zhi...Qin Zhi? Zhi'er?" Li Qingfeng softly called his name over and over again, tenderly and affectionately.

"You...really don't feel disgusted?" Qin Zhi raised her head from Li Qingfeng's arms, and looked at Li Qingfeng with some uncertainty.

"Silly girl, you are the prettiest in my heart!" Li Qingfeng stretched out his hand and rubbed Qin Zhirou's soft little Fa, with a doting look on his face.


"Master! When are we leaving?" Han Feng asked Leng Linyuan who was standing in a daze by the window.

"This time the emperor gave the death order to leave, and there is nothing I can do about it." Leng Linyuan raised his head and sighed.

He actually wanted to stay, although Leng Mingyi didn't want him to come close.At least he can be here and watch him get better day by day.

"Master, the emperor is also thinking about you! After all, Yun Cang is not here at this time, so it is easy for the third prince to take advantage of it!"

The third prince of Yuncang, Leng Moxian, is the biggest contender for the throne of their master. Although their master has already sat on the crown prince, but after all, it is not the last moment, so there is no way to guarantee that there will be no changes.

What's more, in Yuncang, everyone knows that the third prince's ambition is no less than that of the emperor.

"Of course I know, it's just..." It's just that he really can't let Xiao Yi here alone.

"Master, in fact, this place is really safer than Yuncang. After all, there are not many intrigues here, and Princess Qianyu protects him."

Leng Feng was a little puzzled, but in fact, nothing major would happen!Why is my master so sensitive?

Could it be for Princess Qianyu?

The cold wind instantly felt that he was the truth...

If it wasn't for Princess Qianyu, how could their master stay here forever?
"Put away your thoughts, you will leave this afternoon, don't rush to pack your things!"



Han Feng and Leng Feng looked at each other, and they both saw the unbelievable look in each other's eyes.

Didn't the master insist on not leaving?

What is going on now?


Mu Qianyu's dormitory side hall kitchen

"Miss Qiao, why did you come to such a messy place? Her Royal Highness is accompanying His Royal Highness King Yi in the side hall, you..."

"No, I'm just looking, and I'll go back to find Qianqian in a while, so don't be nervous!" Before the maid could finish her sentence, Qiao Luo interrupted her.

"What is this?" Qiao Luo walked to the table and saw a bowl of porridge that the maid had just filled.

"Back to Miss Qiao, Her Royal Highness the Princess made this for His Highness Yi Wang. It's just that His Highness Yi Wang just woke up and was a little crying, so I left it to the servants to do it."

"Well... let me do it! You make another one and prepare first, what if it's not enough? You must act quickly, otherwise, if Her Royal Highness asks, this lady will not be able to help you." Qiao Luo stared at the bowl Porridge's eyes flickered slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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