Chapter 291 I Can't Wait
The maid's voice trembled slightly, and her heart was even more terrified.

"Take the porridge away?" The more Mu Qianyu thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. Qiao Luo was not that kind of person.

Is it difficult?
Mu Qianyu already had a guess in her heart, but she didn't dare to think about it.

"Okay, I got it, cook the porridge and send it to the room." Mu Qianyu frowned, gave the maid a meaningful look, then turned and left.

Sure enough, when he walked out of the gate of the palace, he saw Ya'er, the maid beside Qiao Luo.

"Ya'er, why are you here? Where's your master?"

Seeing Mu Qianyu walking towards her, Ya'er panicked and knelt down on the ground.

"His Royal Highness, master, master..."

"Stop hemming and hawing, if something happens to your master, I will ask for you!"

Mu Qianyu's serious and cold tone made Ya'er panic, and immediately told everything.

"You guys are really brave. If something really happened, I'm afraid this princess won't be able to keep your young lady!" Mu Qianyu took one last look at Ya'er who was kneeling on the ground and trembling, turned and left, heading for Leng Linyuan residence.

"Qianqian, where are you going?" Mu Qianyu walked halfway because he was in a hurry and didn't look at the road, so he bumped into the meat wall.

Looking up, he saw Mu Qiancheng's handsome face.

"Don't ask so many questions, just follow me!"

Mu Qianyu didn't explain too much, grabbed Mu Qiancheng's sleeve, and hurried towards Leng Linyuan's palace.

"What's going on here?" Mu Qiancheng looked at it with a puzzled face, and Mu Qianyu, who was full of anxiety, was very puzzled.

"Don't ask, just follow me."

"Joe Luo..."


When they arrived, Qiao Luo had already dragged Leng Linyuan to the bed.Half of his shirt exposed his wheat-colored chest.

But when Qiao Luo heard someone calling her name, she froze as she stretched out her hand to untie her clothes.

"You're crazy, why are you humiliating yourself like this for a man!" Mu Qianyu rushed forward to fasten Qiao Luo's clothes again.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see what she was going to do, that's why Mu Qianyu was angry.

The most important thing for a woman is her reputation. If tomorrow is gone, nothing will be left.

"Are you crazy, are you stupid? Qiao Luo, look at your current appearance. You don't have the demeanor of a lady, let alone the innocence of the past. What are you doing?" Mu Qiancheng also stood up to Qiao Luo at some point. Falling in front of.

For some reason, Qiao Luo met Mu Qiancheng's eyes full of anger and was at a loss.

She didn't understand, they were just friends, why did he get so angry?
"I like him! But he is leaving, I want to keep him, I want to be with him. Am I wrong?" Qiao Luo thought of every rejection, every hurt of Leng Linyuan, her My heart hurts like a knife.

She is a woman, and she shows her affection to a man repeatedly with a woman, and humbly begs that man to turn around and look at her more. She has long since known where her dignity has been thrown by herself.

"You like her, you like him, do you know that I like you!" The anger in Mu Qiancheng's eyes was magnified to the extreme, and the flames of madness burned in his eyes, gradually engulfing his reason.

As soon as his words came out, Mu Qianyu and Qiao Luo were stunned on the spot.



Mu Qianyu never thought that his imperial brother would utter a confession under such a situation.

And Qiao Luo was even more surprised, she looked at the opposite person in shock and disbelief.

like her?how is this possible?

He is a high-ranking prince who will inherit the throne in the future and will be the monarch of all souls in the future.

They are just friends, aren't they?

"I think you should have a good chat! Brother Huang is sincere to you, and his sincerity is not false. I can guarantee this."




Qiao Luo followed Mu Qiancheng out and found an empty place to stop.

The two of them were a little concerned about what happened just now.

"You speak first!"

"Speak first!"

The two people spoke at the same time again, and the surrounding atmosphere became even more awkward.

"Then let me tell you first. Qiao Luo, I'm serious. My heart hasn't changed since I was a child! I know you like Leng Linyuan, so I can wait. But please don't belittle yourself, okay?"

"Being mean? Since I met him, I have been humiliating myself! But so what, I am willing!"

"I like him, I really like him, I don't want to let him go. So Mu Qiancheng, take back what you just said."

Mu Qiancheng smiled bitterly and shook his head.

There is no reason to take back the sincerity of giving!Besides, he wanted to take it back, but he couldn't help it.

"Mu Qiancheng, I don't love you. Although the person I like doesn't like me, we are just friends!"

"I've said it before, I'm willing to wait! It doesn't matter how long it takes. People from the Mu family are the most infatuated, I can afford to wait!" Mu Qiancheng's dark eyes were filled with firmness.

This made Qiao Luo feel more guilty.

She never knew that Mu Qiancheng had such thoughts for her before, but she was afraid that she would not be able to respond to him.

"Mu Qiancheng, why bother, I'm not worth it! You deserve something better!"

"You hate me so much that you don't even want to give me a place by your side?"

"I do not have!"

"You have it! Since you don't have it, then let me stay by your side. As long as you are good, I will not disturb your life! But, even if you don't like me, Leng Linyuan is not your lover"

After hearing what he said, Qiao Luo didn't refute, because he knew that what he said was true and he was not a beloved person.

Yes, she is not good enough for that man.

Besides, she knew in her heart that there was no place for her in that man's heart.

"Luoluo, can you give me a chance?" Mu Qiancheng and Zhang Qiaoluo turned around and put his hands on her shoulders.

"I will spend my whole life to prove that I love you!" Qiao Luo looked up at Mu Qiancheng.

Qiao Luo knew that he was a person who valued love and loyalty, and he would do what he said.


Is she really worthy of this firm and persistent love?
What's more, there is another person in her heart.

"I have someone else in my heart, don't you mind?"

"Do you mind! How could you not mind? The person I love has someone else in his heart, and I wish I could kill him! But so what? I have confidence in myself, and I believe that one day you will have a place for me in your heart."

Mu Qiancheng said to him firmly, since he said it, he will definitely do it.


"Wake up! Wake up!" in the muddy water.Leng Linyuan felt someone slapping his face, and he gradually opened his eyes.

At a glance, he saw Mu Qianyu sitting on the edge of the bed staring at him with his chin propped up.

He sat up quickly from the bed and checked his clothes.

 I'm sorry, I have class tonight, I didn't return to the dormitory until after [-] o'clock, and I remembered that I forgot to update it when I came back!There's another chapter to come!

(End of this chapter)

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