Chapter 296

"Please give me a chance, okay? When I come back again, I will definitely come to marry you with a dowry in a fair manner, and bring you home in a splendid manner. Before I come back, I have to be nice to other men! If I know you're with another man, I'll break that man's leg and cripple him."

"Can you stop being so violent! This is not a request, but a threat." Yu Zhu raised his head from Leng Feng's arms and glared at Leng Feng angrily.

Why is this person so overbearing?

But I don't know why something different seems to grow in my heart.

Now she doesn't know what it is.

"I'm domineering, so whether you agree or... No matter whether you agree or not, I will not let you fall in love with other men. After I go back, I will buy land, build our home, and then have a good time Marry you in the door.

From now on, you take care of money, I take care of making money, let's live a happy life together, okay?These years I have been living a life of licking blood, if it wasn't for the master, I would have given up. "

"I've been tired of that kind of life for a long time. It's like having my own home, a bright light, and someone waiting for me to go home... Yuzhu, promise me, okay? You are the first person I like in my life Woman, I don't want to give up..."


"You are not allowed to lie to me." Leng Feng did not let go of his hand, and continued to rest his chin on Yu Zhu's shoulder.

Time passed bit by bit, she thought that the woman in her arms would not speak anymore, a sense of loss flashed in her heart, and she gradually let go of her hand.

At this moment, Yu Zhu suddenly raised her head.

"No lie, no lie! Are you agreeing?" Leng Feng looked at Yu Zhu in surprise.She didn't really hold out much hope.

With such a result now, he can't express his mood at this time in simple words.

"Thank you, Yuzhu! Thank you!"

"Ah... put me down! Ah!"

Leng Feng hugged Yu Zhu round and round, and Yu Zhu was startled by the sudden movement.

"Yuzhu, I'm happy! I'm so happy!"

Yuzhu: "..."

You can see it, with a silly smile on his face!
A shadow fell, and before Yu Zhu could react, she felt something soft and wet on her forehead.

When she really realized what it was, her mind exploded with a "boom".


A warm palm suddenly appeared in front of the person hiding in the dark, blocking her view.

Yulan reached out and lowered the palm in front of her to move away, but before her hand touched the palm, she heard a low and hoarse voice above her head.

"Hey, don't look."

Hearing the familiar voice, Yu Lan panicked for no reason, and he stretched out his hand to tear off the hand in front of his eyes.

"why you?"

"It's not me, who else do you think?" Han Feng's face suddenly became extremely gloomy when he heard this.

not him?Will there be any other man making such an intimate gesture to her?
Just the thought of that possibility made him sick.

"Follow me!" The cold wind gripped Yulan's hand tightly, not allowing Yulan to break free easily, but not causing her to feel pain.

"What are you doing? Let go!" Yulan frowned tightly, trying to break free from the shackles of the wide and warm palms, but her strength was limited, and the gap between men and women was huge, so she couldn't break free at all.

"Yulan, how did you think about what I said?" The cold wind brought him to a secluded place and stopped, then turned around and hugged Yulan in his arms.

Feeling that she was tightly surrounded by warm embraces, Yulan's face turned red all of a sudden.

"Let go!" She beat the man's solid chest desperately, but no matter how she struggled, the man's hands were tightly around her, without any intention of relaxing.

"Don't let go!" He wouldn't be so stupid, if he let go, his wife would definitely run away!

Then he will cry!

If Yulan only wanted to think about something in his mind, she would definitely spit on him.

What is his daughter-in-law? There is no shadow!

"Yulan, I'm serious! Believe me, okay? I know what you've been through, and I know you have a defense in your heart. But it's okay..."

The cold wind's words made Yulan's body shake violently.

how come?How could he know this?
"Silly girl, I like you and I am willing to know everything about you. I just found out about these things. I know that you have a grudge in your heart, and I know that you can't let go of the past quickly. I am willing to wait, just ask Don't deny my heart to you."

Facts have proved that no matter how cold a man is, when he talks about love in front of the person he loves, he is absolutely unambiguous.

" let go of me first!" Yulan's originally fair face turned crimson, her eyes dodged a little.

"Don't let go! I've already talked to Princess Qianyu, and she said she has no objection to us. As long as you are willing, and..."

When Han Feng thought of what Mu Qianyu said, his eyes flashed, and he stopped talking.

"What else?" Yulan glared at the cold wind angrily, her small face became swollen with anger, just like a cute little bun.

This kind of Yulan is less calm than before, and more lively and lively.

Undoubtedly, this kind of Yulan made Hanfeng's heart move even more.

"Also, I've already made an agreement with Leng Feng, the two of us will hand over things after we go back, and then come to Wanling."

"Didn't you just leave? What are you doing back?" Yulan glared at Hanfeng sullenly, Hanfeng smiled, and reached out to rub Yulan's head.

Maybe Yulan didn't realize that she always behaved differently in front of the cold wind.

"Of course I came to marry you! Our brothers will not go back in the future. We just live here. Find something here to earn money to support our family."

Yu Lan raised her head and stared blankly at Han Feng. He wanted to see a trace of the same emotion in Han Feng's eyes, but there was no...

She could only see sincerity and firmness in those eyes.

"Why not Hui Yuncang?" Yulan lowered her head, not daring to look at Han Feng.

The warm palm fell on the top of her head again, and she dreamed of feeling the gentle touch of the palm on top of her head.

"You will be homesick! This is the place where you have lived for more than ten years, and you must be reluctant to part with it. In the future, you won't worry about not seeing Princess Qianyu, and you don't have to worry about getting used to eating and living in a foreign country."

"And I'm the only one in my family. Don't worry about the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and don't worry about being bullied by me and no one will support you, although I will never bully you!"

Yulan was deeply shocked by these words, she never thought that Han Feng would say such words, she was very moved, but...

"Don't worry, I will only marry you in my life, and I will only love you! I will not let you be a concubine, let alone have a concubine."

(End of this chapter)

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