Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 107 explains.

Chapter 107 explains.

"How to break through? To become a true emperor-grade pill, the energy required is beyond imagination. Although you are weird, your strength is a little weaker. I don't think you have the ability to help me!"

"Since I've said it, I won't lie. If you're worried about me setting a trap, then it's not impossible to stay in this cave!"

Hearing Shi Yu's confident words, Dipin Chudan hesitated a bit. If it was in other places, it would certainly doubt it, but in this cave, where it has lived for thousands of years, it doesn't believe it exists. Who can be more familiar with this place than him.

And the most important point is that this cave is Doudi's cave, so there are naturally some hidden restrictions, and it just happened to figure it out a little bit. Once there is any danger, it is not impossible to use the power of these restrictions to strike a half emperor .

This is also the reason why it was the two strange flames that escaped from the ancient tomb, not it, because he was not only the main combat force, but also needed to maintain the space tunnel.

You must know that after the two different fires escaped, they both paid a painful price. This is also because the Emperor Grade Young Pill is exerting strength behind it!
If no one continued to maintain this force, let alone escaped, he would have been turned into ashes in the tunnel long ago.

This is also the reason why the three of them can reach a balance. It is impossible for Dipin Chudan to go out alone. For this reason, it must go all out to help the two different fires escape, and then expect them to promise to come back help it.

However, every strong person is extremely independent, and this kind of behavior of betting everything on others is very, very difficult, and some even would rather die than do such a thing.

However, Dipin Chudan is not a human being. Although he already has a soul and a consciousness, he has one important thing, and that is his body!

It can also be said that it has a physical body, but this physical body is extremely incomplete and limits its strength very much.

It is actually very similar to Patriarch Danta, if both of them are fatally attacked, they will both turn into pills in the end.

But once they have completely reached the level of emperor alchemy, their bodies can be completely transformed. Even if they are hammered to death in the future, as long as they don't want to, they will still maintain their physical state.

In this state, even if someone came up with the coquettish operation of eating its meat, it would not have any effect.

In other words, once the Emperor Pill takes shape, it is no longer a pill, and the most precious point will completely disappear.

"My lord, no!"

He had already made up his mind, but the Dragon Emperor intervened, which made Shi Yu a little puzzled, but it took only a moment for him to realize, what exactly does this guy want to do?
Although he doesn't need origin qi, the Dragon Emperor does!

"My lord, although there are two sources of origin qi in the cave, except for the one in front of you, the other one is simply impossible to get. Although you don't need source qi, my lord, people in this world can't!
Without origin qi, it is impossible to break through Dou Di!
My lord, if you want to subdue it, it doesn't need to be so troublesome at all. As long as I get this source of energy, I can break through Emperor Dou. At that time, who in this continent can stop me? "

"Did you hear that? Then express your opinion. Although you are difficult to deal with, we have plenty of time. You will be exhausted sooner or later. At that time, it will not be so easy to talk to!"

After Shi Yu's words fell, the Dragon Emperor's face turned bitter, it already understood Shi Yu's meaning!

Turning around and taking a few steps back, he came behind Shi Yu, and then looked at the Emperor Pill with a defensive face, the atmosphere became tense in an instant!
Dipin Chudan is not a fool either, he understands that Shi Yu is giving it the final clearance Wendie, if he refuses, it will be a thunderous blow.

"Okay, it's not impossible to surrender, as long as you help me break through the Emperor Pill, then it's not impossible to be your subordinate, I don't know if you dare or not!"

"Okay, now that you've decided, let's get started!"

In fact, Shi Yu didn't care about any requests made by Emperor Pin Chudan. He came to this world not long ago, that is, when he first subdued the little doctor fairy.

Knowing the plot, he naturally thought about how to solve the Enan poisonous body. Although the method in the original book seemed good, Shi Yu couldn't realize it.

The most basic three different fires are not very difficult, and the Fen Jue can also be obtained easily, but most importantly, it is impossible to practice at all.

His cultivation mode has denied other ways from the very beginning, which is why he was able to create it.

There are often hundreds of schools of thought in novels, but in Shi Yu's view, this is basically impossible. Everyone understands it differently. Why do you think that what you understand is a hundred schools of thought?
If this idea is true, then the so-called accommodating a hundred schools of thought is nothing more than merging 100 of your own ideas into one!

Whether the final creation is transcendent or mediocre, Shi Yu dare not be sure, but after understanding this, Shi Yu naturally began to find another way.

Of course, there is another most important reason why it was so early, the talent at that time was really rubbish!
As for the creation of the first realm, it is actually not strong, and it is a constant useless thing. In Shi Yu's view, the first realm is more effective in the later stage!

But what about him at that time?Even a person in the same realm could barely handle it, and this caused him to undergo a world-shaking change. It was the second realm, not only did he not die, but he was strengthened, and even physical exercise was easy!
Just like when he hit the Emperor Grade Young Pill, he used his original body at the beginning, so he was sent flying millions of miles with one punch. As for why the back is so rigid!
In fact, it's very simple. At the beginning, Shi Yu's state was actually very similar to playing a meteor hammer. Every blow he hit would carry all the mass. His hand was like the handle of the meteor hammer, and all its mass was like a meteor hammer. The hammer of the meteor hammer!
In this state, his attack power is extremely scary, coupled with some special properties, as long as he encounters someone weaker than himself, he can basically punch him, plus the concept of being able to hit others, which is the so-called punch must hit, This is also the reason why Shi Yu dared to wave!

And the second state is a bit strange, if you use his real body, it is impossible to use it!
At that time, he was sent flying, and he didn't even feel the pain covered up. That feeling, in a word, was great!

During the healing process, Shi Yu couldn't get enough energy, so he kept injecting his own indestructible substance into that body, but at this time he unexpectedly discovered that this body has no upper limit!

What is this state?This is very similar to those so-called four-dimensional objects that can infinitely fill three-dimensional space!
At that time, although Shi Yu's appearance didn't change, his inner essence was infinitely elevated, just like a black hole!
Of course, Shi Yu also understands that there is still a certain gap between this and the mass ratio of a black hole, but sooner or later, it will surpass it.

As for why there is no gravity, this is actually easy to explain. In the past, Shi Yu used a trick to temporarily increase his mass in order to sneak into space.

And with this background, it is actually very easy to solve. You only need to use the energy at that time to close yourself, so that there is no space for him at that time.

This statement is actually a mouthful. To put it simply, if the mass is large enough, the space will be pressed down like a rubber band.

Based on this point, Shi Yu exerted a lifting force and lifted himself up.

There is actually a paradox here that is somewhat similar. Of course Shi Yu doesn’t know his name, but he can be called the God Paradox!

(End of this chapter)

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