Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 110 pick out

Chapter 110 pick out
If it was a normal catastrophe, Shi Yu would not stop the confrontation between the two at all.

But the Dragon Emperor's guess, Shi Yu thinks it is correct, the Emperor Grade Young Pill has already accepted the test of the world, but it is not complete.

Now that it is about to become a pill completely, the previous shortcoming will naturally be made up for, but in fact, there is not much interest.

What's more, isn't it common sense to help pills survive the catastrophe in this world?

But if it was just these things, Shi Yu would not make a move at all, what he really cared about was the Nine Profound Golden Thunder.

In this world, as long as the level of alchemy is high enough, it will be attacked by thunder.

In other words, there is actually a property here, as long as it meets certain requirements, it can attract thunder out of nothing.

Then change this temperament, isn't this a super thug!

After this world is devoured in the future, it is impossible for Shi Yu to observe all the time, but as I said before, Shi Yu is a bit extreme.

Therefore, in this world, set a set of laws, and once there is a violation of law and discipline, Jiuxuan Jinlei will directly teach you how to behave.

With this kind of clear guidance, that kind of darkness, will definitely be reduced a lot.

It was with this kind of intention that Shi Yu decided to keep the thunder and add the god-grade young pill, so there is no need for the baptism of thunder and lightning.

This kind of two parties has nothing to do with each other, and it can be regarded as something for nothing, Shi Yu will not let it go.

Although Shi Yu thought a little far, but he did not move slowly, he directly mobilized the power of the world to stabilize it for the time being, because the power of heaven and earth dissipated, there was some illusory Nine Profound Golden Thunder.

That's right, this Nine Mysterious Thunderbolt is actually a defective product temporarily condensed by the power of the world!

There is no big difference between him and the original Nine Profound Gold Thunder, the only difference is that the normal Nine Profound Gold Thunder can be maintained forever.

And this kind of thing condensed by the power of the world is actually similar to the strange fire weapon in the Jialan Academy in the original book!
It only temporarily absorbed the energy of the Nine Profound Golden Thunder, and then when it released this energy, it was similar to the Nine Profound Gold Thunder.

Of course, this kind of shell is real, but it has no energy inside and needs to be filled!
In fact, this is similar to those strange fires in the strange fire square, they have no origin!

On the other side, when Shi Yu nourished the Jiuxuan Jinlei with energy, the Emperor Grade Young Pill also began its final transformation.

And this is what Shi Yu is most concerned about. Now he has diverted all his attention, and even the energy transmission in his hands has been directly set as instinct.

The Dipin Young Pill seemed to be attacked by something, its body was like a light bulb, it flickered for a few times, and finally, it disappeared directly, leaving behind a round and uniform pill.

At the same time, a wonderful smell of medicine came out, and within a few seconds, it spread throughout the cave, and various visions flashed in it.

Of course, Shi Yu didn't even take a look at these external performances, and after glancing at them from the corner of his eye, he lost his ambition.

Under Shi Yu's gaze, the pure white pill seemed to be transparent!
He could clearly see that there were silver awns like thin snakes twisting in the internal medicine.

At the same time, when the Yinmang twisted, the elixir of Hunyuanruyi continued to distort and grow, as if taking hormones.

Seeing this, Shi Yu seemed to have thought of something, and quickly yelled.

"Remember to become a woman and be more beautiful, otherwise you will be as good-looking as me!"

That's right, Shi Yu suddenly remembered that with the pissing properties of the Emperor Grade Young Pill, if you don't forcefully regulate it, maybe it will take shape later, and it will be the old man Tuoshe Gudi!
As for why you can think of this, then you have to go back to Liu Shen!

Willow God is a tree, that is to say, there is no distinction between men and women. When Shi Yu decided to have a good relationship with Willow God, he suddenly thought of such a question.

If the relationship with Liushen is getting better now, then with Liushen Immortal King's dominance, it's hard to say who will have the upper hand at that time!

This is not a big deal. With the dominance of the Immortal King, there is no so-called reasoning to restrain him. When the time comes, Bao will directly transform into a shockingly handsome man. Wouldn't that be embarrassing?
Is this also the reason for Shi Yu's bet with Liu Shen?
Although it is still possible to be crushed below, at least the chrysanthemum is kept, isn't it?
Some funny things I was thinking in my heart, the changes on the side of Emperor Pin Young Pill were almost over.

Then, after a burst of holy light, Shi Yu saw a white ketone body, but after seeing the appearance clearly, Shi Yu suddenly didn't know what to say!
On the other side, after seeing it clearly, the Dragon Emperor choked for a moment, then pondered for a few seconds, as if he was trying to organize his words, and finally he spoke speechlessly.

"Why are you becoming me like this?"

Hearing this, Emperor Pin Xiaodan was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and instantly exploded. However, the long-term peaceful life suppressed the impulse in his heart in an instant, and finally he only listened to its faint words.

"Besides me, I have only seen five beings in my life. Two are not human and two are men. Who do you think I should ask for comparison?"

"You can compare and compare, but there is no need to move them all!"



Seeing the two men who were obviously old and cunning, but had exactly the same appearance, and both of them were beauties were arguing there, Shi Yu thought about it, and decided to make it clear, otherwise it would be really difficult to deal with betrayal in the future.

After all, Shi Yu couldn't figure out what they were thinking about the two old cunts. Only when they understood their own situation, they would not take the risk!
"You two old bastards, stop pretending, now I can see your inner thoughts clearly!"

As soon as Shi Yu's words fell, there were two beautiful girls with vitality system just now, and their faces changed instantly, and the two cold eyes like sharp swords swept over in an instant, only piercing Shi Yu's heart.

And this kind of gaze caused Shi Yu to directly fight a cold war. At this moment, he only had one thought in his mind, damn it, he really lied to me!
"Although the communication between the two of you is very secretive, but I have been in the dark before, and I can see your conversation and even your thoughts clearly. What else is there to say now!"

Perhaps it was Shigure's words that reminded them, the two icebergs just now melted instantly and turned into bright smiles.

"My lord is joking, how can we have two hearts?"

Seeing this scene, Shi Yu really admired these old bastards, the speed of changing their faces was really incredible, Shi Yu felt that he would never be able to learn this trick in his life!
"Since I've said it, I won't blame you, I'll say it clearly today!

I have recreated a personality in your body. Once you betray me, that personality will forcibly occupy your body. What will happen to your current personality after that?I don't know! "


Although they didn't understand what personality was, they understood what it meant!
In an instant, some small impulses in their hearts disappeared completely. They understood one thing. Shi Yu can check what they are thinking all the time, that is to say, they no longer have so-called privacy!

The two looked at each other and sighed, they finally understood now, what is the reason for dropping 10 times with one force.

No matter how much you think, I will directly recruit you for the lore, and you will have to sigh in the end!
(End of this chapter)

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