Chapter 112 Bugs.
Resurrection Square, this is the place where players are reborn after going out on an adventure and accidentally dying.

At that time, Shi Yu pulled people, but he was actually very hasty. On the third day of the player's adventure, Shi Yu discovered that the players died too fast, and he couldn't stand it by hand.

So the idea of ​​resurrecting the point popped up in his mind, and the principle was still the same.

That is to say, in the way of administrator authority, unlimited purchase of elixir, the direct streamlined production line, but one needs to actively set the quantity, and the other is passive.

It is precisely because of the resurrection square that Shi Yu's busy hands were freed.

The resurrection square is also different for players.

When the Resurrection Square appeared, Shi Yu sent a notice that it could be destroyed.

Therefore, this place is very, very important to the players, and because of this, this place has become the most prosperous place in the city of players, and also the place with the most experts.

And in the past few days, players have returned here one after another, not like before, and continued to stay away after rebirth. What are they waiting for?
And Shi Yu also returned here, looking at this bustling place, although some places are still relatively dark, but overall it is still bright.

He is still very satisfied with this, but what makes him want to laugh is that a month ago, those 1 internal beta players are now one by one, wearing leather armor and carrying big knives. Reckless man, not at all, just coming here is that kind of weakness from the inside out!
After scanning with his spiritual sense, he noticed an acquaintance, and he couldn't say he was an acquaintance, but he only had a few glances, so it must be considered familiar!

A strong man with a height of 1 meters and solid muscles is striding towards the square, followed by seven or eight younger brothers. He looks like a big boss coming, very majestic.

He has a little memory of this person, and he is considered a very outstanding person among the 1 internal test places.

Among all the players at that time, he was the first to ask questions, and also the first to start forming a team. That's right, this strong man was the fat man from before.

To be honest, he was still very surprised to see this change, because from here, he found a loophole in his own resurrection.

Anyone who has read novels knows that some opportunities may kill people, because the will of ordinary people is really too weak, and many transformational opportunities are very painful.

And Shi Yu thought of a possibility from Fatty's change, if someone gets a shocking opportunity, it is his will that cannot bear it.

Then after his death, the resurrected him, the opportunity is not available.

Not only that, but he thought of another thing. His resurrected physical fitness is not his peak, but the beginning of his current stage.

Just like there is a distance between one-star fighters and two-star fighters, and Shi Yu's resurrection means that no matter how many one-star fighters you are, as long as you don't reach two-star fighters, you will start with one star after resurrection.

In fact, the so-called resurrection is the archive in the game level.

But thinking about it carefully now, Shi Yu discovered one thing. It's not impossible for him to refresh the player's data all the time, it's just that he didn't think of it before.

But the principle is also very simple, in fact, it is the simple usage of the monitoring device that Shi Yu thought of.

The monitoring device is to check all the information, but the keywords that appear will be put there for observation wholeheartedly.

For players, it doesn't need to be so intensive, and several keywords need to be set, such as becoming stronger, becoming stronger and so on.

But with these few key words that appeared in his thoughts, he could turn his attention, focus on observation, and then refresh the data of the other party's body synchronously, so that the loss would be reduced by an unknown amount.

With an idea in his mind, Shi Yu didn't want to continue observing the players, turned around and disappeared in the square, returning to his lair, where Yafei and the others lived.

Seeing Shi Yu appearing suddenly, the girls were really startled, but after seeing the figure, a [-]D touching youth drama came in an instant.

Just when Shi Yu was about to show an awkward yet polite smile, he felt something extra in his arms, and subconsciously embraced it with both hands.

In an instant, a fragrance spread, and Shi Yu immediately knew what it was?
Looking down, the petite and cute flat-chested big lolita doctor has buried her head in his chest, while her body is still twitching, like a cat afraid of losing its owner.

To be honest, the current Shi Yu, apart from being moved, is also very honest and impulsive.

As if sensing something, the little fairy doctor immediately raised his head, gave Shi Yu a blank look, then turned around and ran away!
Seeing this change, the other women were a little confused. They understood this development and looked at Shi Yu with doubts. Then they focused on Shi Yu's half height.

Then they left the scene one after another, leaving Shi Yu alone, messed up in the wind.

A few seconds later, Shi Yu touched the back of his head in embarrassment, then smiled, and came to the retreat place he built like a normal person.

This time, in addition to making adjustments and fixing the bug that is not a bug, the most important point is that he has to collect the indestructible materials here!
As I said at the very beginning, although immortal matter is a concept, it is also a real matter.

The reason why they are invisible is because Shi Yu separated them, not gathered them together.

I also said before that without the soul to balance, the body is actually very easy to collapse, and the reason why the players did not encounter this situation is because there is Shi Yu's will here.

With Shi Yu's will to suppress, these bodies are still very durable, but to suppress them, it will actually consume Shi Yu's indestructible material storage.

As I said before, Shi Yu can replace the original material composition of the world with his own indestructible matter, but at this time, in this environment, Shi Yu is equivalent to the way of heaven.

And as long as he is a strong person, he will have his own coercion, and Shi Yu has transformed this coercion, turning it into a force that can suppress the collapse of the body.

Then use the power of heaven to distribute this coercion evenly within the area under his jurisdiction.

And this kind of coercion can be superimposed. For the players, they only live on land, while Shi Yu's coercion spreads throughout the space.

With the superimposed effect, for players living above the ground, the effect can be maximized.

In fact, to put it simply, this is an alternative atmospheric pressure, but it has a special effect.

It was also because he thought of this coquettish operation, otherwise, just suppressing the body would consume more than half of Shi Yu's energy.

At that time, don't talk about going out for a while, if you don't pay attention, the players' bodies will collapse collectively!
But this also has a price. Shi Yu almost consumed more than half of the indestructible matter to maintain this balance.

You know, this kind of aggression that is almost multiples is super fast. If it weren't for this reason, Shi Yu might have covered the entire overweight empire.

Of course, I also want to say here that there are not many substances on the surface of the entire Jiajia Empire, but as I said before, there are countless planes on a main plane.

Shi Yu's erosion is not just superficial, but everything!
When Shi Yu erodes the entire continent, it will cover even existence, and there is no possibility of any fish slipping through the net.

(End of this chapter)

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