Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 116 Xiao Mei

Chapter 116 Xiao Mei
With nothing to do, Shi Yu began to observe the city carefully.

Aside from some circumstances, although he is a time traveler, he will become a super boss in the future, but now he is actually just a layman with empty theories but no real knowledge.

To put it bluntly, putting aside some blessings in his heart, even this Wutan city is a miracle of civilization in his opinion.

Because this kind of scenery was too spectacular for him who was just an ordinary person in his previous life.

Not to mention the city walls more than ten meters high, just the kind of houses stretching for hundreds of meters made him fascinated.

In this way, with the feelings of ordinary people and the perspective of ordinary travelers, Shi Yu visited Wutan City again.

Although this trip, he didn't get any spiritual sublimation, spiritual baptism, etc., but it gave him a strange feeling.

An indescribable feeling!

Guided by this feeling, Shi Yu came to the gate of a mansion that spanned several miles.

And directly above the gate, there is a plaque hanging on it, with two big characters written in dragons and phoenixes, Xiao Mansion.

That's right, Shi Yu came to Xiao's house again, but this time, he was no longer the gentleman on Liang.

Seeing two imposing guards standing outside the gate, Shi Yu knew that under normal circumstances, he would not be able to enter.

But for Shi Yu, he didn't care about being normal at all, he only cared about whether he thought about it or not.

But now, he just wanted to go in, and the space directly made waves, and finally a space tunnel appeared directly.

Of course, Shi Yu covered all of this, otherwise it would be very troublesome if he was surrounded by crowds.

This space tunnel is actually similar to the principle of a wormhole, but it does not distort space, but squeezes space more simply and crudely.

Just like a one-meter-long rope, it can be directly squeezed into a pile. At this time, its length is no longer one meter.

On the spatial level, this is true.

It's just that if you want to achieve it, you need a huge amount of energy, and this kind of world level is not too high.

Shi Yu happened to fulfill these two conditions perfectly.

After stepping out of the space tunnel, a sixteen or seventeen-year-old beautiful girl came into view, petite and beautiful.

This beautiful girl, with a pure appearance, gives people the feeling of seeing first love, but her body exudes a charm that leads people into the abyss all the time.

It is this combination of purity and charm that gives people a strong visual sense. He is like the protagonist in a novel and the center of everyone's attention.

To put it simply, her sense of presence is too strong.

In just a few seconds, Shi Yu knew who she was, Xiao Mei!
The top three beauties of the Xiao family, but they can only be the top three!

After just observing for a few seconds, Shi Yu discovered a shortcoming of this beautiful girl.

Because of her contradictory aura, her sense of presence is greatly increased, which is the so-called eye-catching.

But this is both an advantage and a disadvantage. Once you meet a woman with a stronger sense of existence than her, then everything about her will become a foil.

That's why, once she was on the same stage with Xiao Xun'er, she would be overwhelmed in an instant and lose her advantages, and she would become level in an instant.

Xiao Xun'er is a real daughter of a rich family. Compared with Xiao Xun, the daughter of a rich man in the mountains, she is not a bit stronger.

But these are meaningless to him. What he is more curious about now is, didn't it mean that all the geniuses of the Xiao family went to Jia Nan Academy?

"You... who are you?"

Shi Yu wanted to think about that question at first, but when he heard the slightly stammering words, he came back to his senses, isn't the real master here?Still need to think of a ghost!

"I heard that the geniuses of the Xiao family all went to Canaan Academy, why are you still here?"

"Bastard, how dare you laugh at me!"

Regarding what he said, Shi Yu felt that there was nothing wrong with it, but judging by this woman's performance, he knew that something must have happened.

"Don't be angry, I just came to this city, is there something hidden here?"

"Hmph, no!"

Seeing Shi Yu's playful and smiling face, Xiao Mei was so angry that she didn't give Shi Yu a good look at all.

As a womanizer, Shi Yu has a lot of patience for beautiful women.

Looking at Xiao Mei, a little beauty, although she is a bit arrogant, her temperament is not bad, and Shi Yu didn't want to continue to embarrass her, so he directly changed the subject.

"Okay, don't be angry, it will be bad if you get angry!"

"Oh, I want you to care, what are you doing in my room?"

Seeing that the little beauty didn't learn her lesson like this, Shi Yu was very helpless, so he had to beat her with tears in his eyes!
"I originally wanted to find Xiao Xun'er, the beautiful woman, but unfortunately, I heard that she went to Jia Nan Academy.

I was still quite curious as to what kind of place could breed beauties of that level. With this in mind, I sneaked into Xiao's house.

But what I didn't expect was that I actually met a little beauty in Xiao's house. Do you think this is a gift from heaven? "

What Shi Yu said seemed to be nothing, but he left a few seeds in it, seeds that only those who have been suppressed all year round can understand.

As for Xiao Mei, it happened to be exactly the same. As expected, after hearing Shi Yu's explanation, the light rain turned cloudy just now, and it turned into a thunderstorm in an instant.

"Go away, you bastard, you... woohoo, you bully!"

Maybe it was because she felt that she was too wronged, Xiao Mei had only spoken half of her words, and she couldn't help crying.

As for this kind of change, although Shi Yu had been mentally prepared, what he didn't expect was whether the change was too big?

"Okay, don't cry, let me tell you a joke, okay?
Once upon a time there was a mountain...! "

In the end, it took a lot of effort, Shi Yu lifted the water that burst the embankment to block it.

And during this time, he also figured out why the girl who was so arrogant in the original book is so fragile now?
The reason is also very simple, and even has a little connection with him.

Because of his butterfly effect, Xiao Yan left home early, which is nothing.

However, Xiao Yan had to leave early, which changed a plot.

In the original book, when Xiao Mei learned the exercises, she relied on Xiao Yan's help to succeed.

But now that Xiao Yan has left, naturally no one will sympathize with her, and of course those who sympathize with her do not have that strength.

That's right, after a trip, she didn't get anything at all.

This is nothing to ordinary people, but he is a genius in the top 5 of the Xiao family, and this kind of thing has dealt him a big blow.

What's more, because of this incident, she was ridiculed, probably because of this, it reminded her of Xiao Yan's experience.

From what she sees now, the whole city of Utan must be laughing.

But what he didn't know was, how could family ugliness be publicized?

Although Xiao Mei's lineage is not the strongest, it is not very weak either. Naturally, her stain will not be spread!
As for the other old members of the Xiao family, there is no conflict of interest with her lineage, so naturally they will not risk offending her lineage to reveal the news.

As for Xiao Yan's special situation, first of all, his incident is extremely special. His talent is too strong for this three-acre land, and his cultivation base disappears, which cannot be hidden.

Coupled with the confrontation between the patriarch's line and the elder's line, the news naturally caused a lot of trouble in the city.

(End of this chapter)

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