Chapter 129

Looking at this woman who greeted him respectfully, Shi Yu felt no joy in his heart.

Calling her away casually, Shi Yu started a new thought.

The plan to make blank paper was a success, and all personalities were fused, but that kind of merging was different from Shi Yu's imagination.

How to say it?Treating a character as a piece of paper, Shi Yu's original plan was to use the white paper as the root, and then fight the rest on the white paper.

But the situation was beyond his expectation. It was indeed based on a hundred papers, but they were directly superimposed without encountering each other at all.

This question really confuses him. After all, according to his understanding, consciousness has the property of devouring.

After all, this is the only way to pursue perfection, just like in the novel, the self that merges all time and space has the same nature.

Moreover, this nature is one of his great roots and the foundation of the future.

"System, come out!"

I couldn't figure it out, so I asked the system, after all, it was the protagonist's official cheat, although he was a bit rubbish and useless, but he still had some knowledge!
"Fuck away!"

"Then you take it!"


"Tell me, what's the matter?"

Seeing that the system returned to normal, Shi Yu also asked his own doubts, of course it was a big turn!

"What is the difference between Da Luo and Da Luo?
Don't use those inexplicable things to perfuse me, I don't like that! "

"Hmm! Host, I have to say, you are really hard on me!"

"In a word, do you know?"


Hearing the system's answer, Shi Yu breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that the system would answer that he didn't know.

"Then say it! Don't dawdle!"

"I've said it all, you've stumped me, I don't know how to tell you!"

Hearing the system's helpless words, Shi Yu knew that idealism is idealism!

"Then can you explain it from the side? Or tell me why I can't say it!"

After a moment of silence, Shi Yu heard again, the system said in a tone that he didn't know how to describe.

"In the world before you, did the words in ancient times often have several meanings for one word?"

"Yeah, but what does that have to do with this?"

"Isn't your brain spinning very fast? I reminded you so much, but you still don't know!"

At this moment, Shi Yu has made up his mind that he must beat up the system in the future, and he has reported today's shame!
"Be more clear!"

"Then let me make it clearer. You have read so many novels of the wilderness, so you should know who created the characters!"

Hearing the problem with the system, Shi Yu thought for a while and said uncertainly.

"Kunpeng, Cangjie!"

"It's the two of them, so do you want to know the secret?"

"Isn't that nonsense?"

Seeing that Shi Yu was impatient, the system didn't delay and gave the answer directly.

"If you want to elaborate, Kunpeng didn't create characters, he just inscribed the Taoism into the blood of the demon clan, so he is a demon master!
Because of his actions, it can greatly increase the possibility of those creatures with spiritual intelligence becoming real monsters! "

"As for Cangjie's words, he indeed created the characters, but he also added his own understanding into them!
It may also be because of this, this kind of word can only be circulated in the human race, and cannot really become high-end! "

"You mean that our human language is impure, and the meaning of many words deviates from the original meaning!"

Originally, Shi Yu didn't think of this, but he has read a lot of novels. As long as high-end power is involved, there will often be some divine words, Tao words and the like.

"That's right, Daowen only has three thousand, but it represents everything in the heavens and myriad worlds. Do you understand why?"

"do not know!"

Shi Yu really doesn't know this, in his opinion, this kind of thing is basically impossible, unless...

"Because Dao Wen is 'Dao' Wen!
It is the manifestation of Dao, using your current words or your knowledge, although there is only one word in Dao's text 'fire', any word that is related to fire can be represented by one word, and the same is true for others! "

"Then just hand over Daowen to me. Is there a need to talk so much?"

As soon as the system's words fell, Shi Yu thought of such a question.

"Brother, I really convinced you. As I said before, Kunpeng engraved the Taoism in the blood of the monster clan and the entire race. Don't you understand this sentence?"

"You mean, this needs to be realized by myself, right?

I*your sister, can you just say no?Do you need to tell me so much? "

"Hehe, just kidding, just kidding!"

The system made fun of it!
But at this moment, Shi Yu felt that the system seemed to be more and more humane!
You know, the previous system was really, hard to say, now that there are people's hearts, it's a little better, although being choked is a bit uncomfortable, but Shi Yu thinks this is a good thing!
In fact, Shi Yu has some guesses about the situation of the system, and it is somewhat similar to Liushen's situation, but it is also very different!

If it is said that Liu Shen has lost most of his memory and retained a few obsessions, but at the same time he also retained a few backhands!

Then the system is just the opposite, it has not lost any memory, but its power has almost disappeared!
As for the so-called crossing, it doesn't consume much power!
The world and the world, the universe and the universe, are actually connected, and these connections, for some high-level people, this is a ready-made highway, you can get off your car and go back and forth quickly with a little gasoline consumption!
As for Shi Yu's way of traversing, it's actually a bit like that in Jigong, that kind of transporting wood depends entirely on the power of nature!

After chatting with the system for a while, Shi Yu began to think about his own problems again!
In fact, the real meaning of what the system says is not what it said, it just wants to express one thing, and some things can only be done by yourself!

This is because it doesn't understand Shi Yu's real situation. From its point of view, although Shi Yu has gone his own way now, it is only based on some film and television materials from his previous life, and then messed it up.

In other words, from the perspective of the system, Shi Yu is immature. After all, a real practitioner would not ask these questions!

After all, there is a saying that goes, the master leads the door, and the practice is up to the individual!

For cultivators, this is the truth. Everyone is unique, so his ideas are naturally unique. The modern force-feeding method will do more harm than good to cultivators!
Of course, it is not absolute, this kind of teaching still has a use, that is to increase the worst value!
That is to say, with these thoughts, although Shi Yu understood the system's words, he didn't care!
After all, it's still the same sentence, if you understand it, you understand it, no matter how it changes, you can't escape!
(End of this chapter)

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