Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 132 Chatting

Chapter 132 Chatting
Shi Yu looked at this with a dazed expression, and suddenly appeared in this consciousness space, a chat similar to a chat box.

"Can you see this thing in the system?"

Asked if he didn't understand, Shi Yu immediately checked the system.

"Boy, what are you talking about?"

Obviously the system didn't understand Shi Yu's inexplicable words.

"This is the chat! Can you see it?"

"to chat with?"

"Lying grass, how do you see this thing?"

As if seeing something impossible, the system said in disbelief.

Naturally, Shi Yu is not a fool, he immediately realized that this chat box should not be simple.

In fact, this is far from simple. You must know that the heavens and myriad worlds are different and infinite.

Only those who can detach themselves from it can see this chat box, or be qualified to enter here.

And this is not a chat box, because people are different, they all go their own way.

So the essence of this chat box is actually because Shi Yu is familiar with the chat box, so it presents the state of the chat box.

Just like a system, what is presented to it is one point after another similar to a map.

And this is what the unknown person said before, the world is so big, once there is something wrong, it will be clear at a glance.

This is actually equivalent to a fishnet. Every big Luo or detached person is actually a node, and the line of sight of every big Luo or detached person is endless.

Naturally, the entire net can be seen clearly at a glance, and the gap can only be said haha.

The system also told the origin of this thing. After hearing Shi Yu's ears, he now has only one thought in his mind.

Cultivation, as expected, cultivates the will, and everything else serves this purpose.

He also temporarily understood the relationship between will and consciousness.

Consciousness is energy, and will is a tool. If you compete for will, whoever has the closest tool will have the upper hand.

Consciousness is more like a tool to restore will, just as it is impossible for a collision to be harmless.

And injuries naturally need to be repaired.

After thinking about this, Shi Yu also began to think about how to get some new news from this group of bigwigs.

Shi Yu: "Dear friends, don't talk about those people who disappear or not, anyway, it is impossible for us in this realm to know!

I finally got out of the state of not being born or dying, I don't want to talk about these things, I don't understand things at all! "

It may be that Shi Yu's nonsense words just touched the weakness of some people. As soon as his voice was transmitted, someone answered it immediately (included in the chat box).

"Hearing what fellow Daoists mean, I don't know if it's a fall into the Dao of Transformation, or a Dao struggle!"

"Hua Dao? Dao struggle!"

Shi Yu murmured a few words softly. Having witnessed novels all the year round, he naturally understood the meaning of these two sentences, but he was a little uncertain, was it that consciousness?
Transforming the Tao is to integrate the body into the Dao, hoping to break free, but found that there is no such power, and all the energy of the body, the flesh, the soul, are integrated into the Dao.

However, if the consciousness of the detached person is immortal, he will naturally not die, and then he will fall into a state of immortality!
Dao disputes are also a bit similar, but this is usually only the disadvantaged people will fall into it.

Shi Yu: "Hehe, that's not it, it's just that I discovered a magical world, and all the heavens and myriad worlds have his shadow, even if it is a world at the level of Daluo, I suspect that this may be the main body of Taiyi Honghuang, and Likely three!
I originally wanted to plunder it in order to take a step forward, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful that I couldn't even walk away now.

If it wasn't launched again, I don't know how long it will take to come out.

Oh, bad luck! "

"Damn it, super boss!"

"What do these three mean? Why can't I understand?"

"When did you become Taoist, and you don't even know?"

"I don't know, I seem to have something wrong, my Tao seems to have been robbed!"


"It's really pitiful. This fellow Taoist should be targeted by some reincarnated boss?"


"You mentally retarded people, why is Crooked Building so powerful?"

Shi Yu felt a little helpless when he saw this topic that got off track for no reason.

He thought for a long time, and came up with such a compelling sentence, but the news went wrong before he could find out clearly.

But he also understood one thing, the three that he was imagining seemed to really exist, and he thought he needed to make it up himself.

In his vision, or in his understanding, chaos is zero, and prehistoric is one!

Of course this is their nature, Shi Yu has another understanding.

That is, chaos is one, prehistoric, and chaos is born, so prehistoric is two, and chaos plus prehistoric is also two!
Then according to the principle that Tao produces one, one produces two, two produces three, and three produces all things.

There should be another period after the Great Desolation, which corresponds to the Three, and is also the predecessor of the Ten Thousand Realms, the real root of the Ten Thousand Realms.

Of course, the above is pure speculation, and Shi Yu is not really that sure, so he said such a specious thing.

Unexpectedly, the results were good.

"Speaking of detachment, I don't know if the setting about Hunyuan is true!
When I checked the world, I found that many people were bragging like this. Although they are just a group of ants, mortals, who can't even see the reality of the world, I found a strange thing in their thoughts.

Did we influence them, or did they influence us? "

"According to what you said, I also feel that it is really true! Could this be the power of Hunyuan? The past, future and present are three-dimensional one!"

"It's useless to think about these things. It's better to honestly increase the number of rotations and try to reach 3000 rotations. Just learn from Pangu Heavenly King and forcefully break through this chaos. At that time, it doesn't matter whether he has reached the next level!"

"Just think about it, how is such a thing possible? Let alone when we improve our strength, the Dao also increases at the same time!

You must know that Pangu Heavenly King, if there is a way to help, he will stop at 99, let alone us people! "

"Okay, don't say any more, the exchange between the super bosses is almost over, and it's time for us to prepare to take back our power!"

"Hey! I don't know how long it will take before I can break through this turn, reach fifty, and step into the ranks of super bosses!"

In such a lifetime, I don't know whose exclamation, this time Wanjie's brief chat stopped completely.


A voice from who knows where the limit is, and Shi Yu's consciousness flashed, and then the next time unit, all the detached people withdrew their power.

In an instant, the light that was shining on the world just now disappeared completely, and Shi Yu also stopped peeping at the screen.

It wasn't that he didn't want to chat, but he found that this group of people was really different from what he had imagined, and the crooked building was really too powerful.

He corrected it several times, but before he got much information, it was crooked.

However, after chatting with the system, he also understood that time has really lost its meaning to those who have escaped!
The only thing that can record time is one history after another that covers and radiates all worlds!
And others, as long as they want, they can take themselves out of time temporarily, and then reach the next historical node, which is actually just a nap!
(End of this chapter)

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