Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 144 Attack.

Chapter 144 Attack.

As Shi Yu expected, the champion of the Dan Club was won by his people, and even five of the top ten were his people.

In fact, in this world, the gap between the talents and achievements of pharmacists is not as big as imagined.

Some people are very talented, but they are difficult to achieve high, but some people are not talented, but their achievements are not bad.

No matter how the world changes, the gap between rich and poor does not change, and it is very, very difficult for the weak to stand out!

But the son of the strong man is very simple. Besides vision, the most important thing here is resources.

The wireless elixir provided by Shi Yu is really too cheating.

Academy City, such a high-tech world, actually believed Accelerator, as long as he killed as many as he could, the V2-level Misaka clone would reach level six.

What do you think is the reason? It's not the accumulation of experience, and the directional split, or directional conversion!

Although this theory may be useless, it is wrong, and it cannot break through to a higher level, but it is possible to reach the highest level of the same level.

That is to say, if you practice a lot at the eighth rank, not to mention, if you reach the ninth rank, you will definitely be able to reach the peak of the eighth rank.

However, Shi Yu's Tiange is a bit too short after all. In just two years, even if he practiced all the time, it was actually only a few dozen times.

But compared to other people, it takes you several months, dozens of months to prepare the medicinal materials, which is much faster.

Moreover, the old man who is the leader in refining medicine is not low in talent, otherwise it is impossible to become the leader.

When Shi Yu first recruited him, he was only at the peak of the seventh rank, and he might not be able to reach the eighth rank in his entire life!

But this is not his own reason, the main reason is that there is no force to support him, as for his wasted talent.

But talent doesn't disappear, it just accumulates, and when it explodes, it soars into the sky.

When he met Shi Yu and joined Tiange, it was his explosive period, and he rushed to the five-color pill thunder, and he was also the strongest alchemist among Shi Yu's forces.

You know, there are actually only a few of the eight ranks in the original book, and this time the pre-convention is actually a bit higher in quality.

As for what they brought, they were all above the eighth rank, but they were still squeezed out a few to be in the top ten, but in fact, that's all.


"After the evaluation, this time the champion of the alchemy competition is the soaring old man from Tiange!"

At the scene of Dan Hui, after Xuan Kongzi announced the winner of this championship, the scene instantly became lively, as if cheering for the birth of the champion!
Just when the atmosphere of the audience reached its peak, wisps of black air spread out.

"What the hell is that?"

Many of the people present didn't know this, but there were no weak people. The moment they saw this black energy appear, their premonition frantically reminded them that they were going to die, they were going to die!
Still the same sentence, without the weak, nature would not exist, that kind of idiot who doesn't believe in intuition.

Therefore, the venue, the bustling venue, was in chaos in an instant.

But these people can fly, and there is no trampling phenomenon, but even so, the place still looks dirty.

And soon, people discovered that this black air formed a protective shield.

Someone was curious and tried using fighting skills, but soon found that the fighting skills didn't seem to have any effect, and even leaving a little wave on the protective cover couldn't do it.

Still the same sentence, there is no weak person, the reaction of the strong person is extremely fast, the Danta giant is discovering that in this protective cover, even after the space is frozen.

Immediately began to organize the people on the scene to work together to break the turtle shell.

The Danta giant quickly stabilized everyone present with his power, which had already begun to transform into a nine-turn sanctification.

But just when everyone thought they were about to escape, Shi Yu appeared.

"One by one, stay inside honestly!"

With Shi Yu's appearance, one strong man after another appeared behind him. There are no less than a hundred Dou Zun alone, and there are more than ten of them, who have already entered the rank nine sanctification.

At this moment, Shi Yu didn't suppress it. At that moment, the coercion of fighting spirit covered the entire Shengdan City, making the residents in the city as difficult as if they were attached to a mountain.

Moreover, the protective cover did not block this force. When the group of people trapped in the protective cover were attacked by such a great coercion, they were instantly pickled.

Except for Danta's forces, everyone has fallen to the ground, the meaning is self-evident, but it has nothing to do with us.

However, seeing this change, although the people in Danta were a little restless, Xuan Kongzi, the leader, did not change much.

"Pavilion Master Tiange, do you think we don't know that your Tiange will do it at this time?

I'm not afraid to tell you that there are many people from our Danta hidden in your Tiange, and we knew it the moment you planned to attack our Danta. "

After Xuankongzi finished speaking, several people behind Shi Yu suddenly started to attack the people around him.

But still the same sentence, the background of Tiange is still too little, one or two years, it is not easy for people to follow with all their hearts.

Few of those who become strong are idiots. The value of life is the guarantee for them to survive and become strong!

So the plot of being betrayed and directly stabbed to death in the novel did not appear!
As soon as that group of people made a move, they were immediately noticed by others, and then they ran away in an instant!

The scene became clear in an instant. The few people who thought their attack was effective were looking at the other people who were not far away from them but firmly surrounded them.

Neither of the two sides made a move. Shi Yu, who had a lot of people, didn't call for a move, so naturally he didn't dare to make a sound.

Shi Yu turned his head unhurriedly, glanced at the few people who were being surrounded, and then laughed at Xuan Kongzi.

"Your people are really extraordinary, you can't even sneak attack, you are really good people!"

Xuankongzi thought that after he finished speaking, he could kill at least two, and even if he didn't succeed, he could exchange ideas!

As a result, the reality slapped him hard in the face. Seeing that the spy he arranged was found out in an instant, he didn't know if it was an illusion, but he felt his old face blushing.

Forcibly throwing away this weird thought in his heart, he raised his head and looked at Shi Yu with undiminished complacency.

"Lord of the Heavenly Pavilion, although your Heavenly Pavilion is powerful, it has no cohesion at all.

Just look at those who protect themselves, they don't even believe in their comrades, let alone loyal! "

It has to be said that Xuankongzi is really scheming, and he can see the shortcomings of Tiange at a glance!

But for this point, Shi Yu also knows that he can't solve it for the time being. After all, no one is a fool. This sentence is the truth, and it is not the ancient law blindness. A little bit of fooling around, follow you and risk beheading to rebel .

The people Shi Yu recruited were already mature, and they had their own values, which made it difficult to generate loyalty.

Does Shi Woo need loyalty though?

He doesn't need to be loyal, he will publish his own ideas and understandings, and anything that violates his ideas and understandings is the target of his cleanup.

He is aiming at the Lord of Myriad Worlds, and he will not believe in the nature of others because of the so-called kindness.

He always believes in the law, the law of the law, and he wants to weave the most perfect law in the world to regulate the most people in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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