Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 146 The battle is initially over.

Chapter 146 The battle is initially over.

"You are a two-star fighting saint, and you want to break my seal, don't you think highly of you?"

Before the old man exuding ordinary temperament was surprised, he heard Shi Yu's undisguised ridicule and his hidden real strength.

"It has been rumored that there is a fighting saint in the Tiange, it seems that this rumor is true!

But what makes the old man curious is, why are you in control of Tiange, not the Dou Sheng? "

"You people don't have any sense, just fight if you fight, it seems like you have brains."

After Shi Yu said something, he said to Huang Quanyu and his party hidden in the space.

"You have been hiding for so long, come out now to get some fresh air!
By the way, pull out this force that blocks our progress! "

After Shi Yu finished speaking, seven or eight old men walked out of the space behind him, as well as his current strongest thug and servant, Huang Quanyu!
This is a real, this person is the existence of a harem, a woman that Shi Yu doesn't want to touch now.

Although the number of semi-sages on Shi Yu's side was only half of that on the other side, they didn't have any fear.

As the real top of Tiange, the closest to the core management, do they know how strong this woman is standing in front of them?

Not to mention, she can be split into several women with the strength of fighting saints, and the fusion is the real horror.

Seven Star Fighting Saints, a realm that they dare not even imagine!
And even such a powerful existence is just a servant of the pavilion master. No matter how the pavilion master does it, one can understand how powerful his hidden methods are.

"Old Monster Lin, today we're going to make gestures! Take a look, have you lost your strength in the Pill Tower over the past few decades?"


The half-saint is already considered the top combat power in this world, so naturally an unfamiliar half-saint will not suddenly appear, so soon they each found their old friends and started a pleasant chat.

Seeing all of them go to work to catch fish, Shi Yu decided to deal with them after this matter is over!
But see, even if all the half saints on your side are dispatched, there are still several people who can watch the show!
Shi Yu felt that they couldn't be left idle, so he said to Huang Quanyu.

"Yu'er, you split up a few semi-saints and a fighting saint, those people are holding you back.

I'm going to deal with that two star, you are ready, once Patriarch Danta is born, you will immediately withdraw all your power, and you must not let him run away. "

After explaining, Shi Yu began to improve his strength, and then shot at the leader, the Dou Sheng who exuded the air of an ordinary person.

This time, Shi Yu used his real body. Although the amount of indestructible matter that can be mobilized has not changed, the amount it can hold has decreased a lot.

In other words, the attack power and defense power have dropped a lot, but the life-saving ability is still so awesome.

"A guy who is not even a half saint dares to attack me. Do you really think that you are awesome after calling you a few times the pavilion master?"

Seeing Shi Yu attacking him, the thought of Elder Danta had just flashed, when he was pushed several steps by Shi Yu's powerful fist.

Taking away the arm blocking the front, seeing that it was already dripping with blood, Great Elder Danta had to admit that he wanted to see the person in front of him.

Putting away the arrogance in his heart, the Great Elder Danta showed all his strength.

In an instant, Shi Yu was suppressed to such an extent that he couldn't even attack.

It's because his speed and strength are not weaker than Elder Danta's, but his reflexes are slow after all.

The reason why the protagonists in the novel can leapfrog the battle is because both of them are fighting against each other.

Otherwise, if you are weaker by one or two big steps, you won't be able to react at all!
If you think that your speed and strength are enough, if you can't keep up with your reaction, everything is useless.

And the so-called reaction is actually the tolerance of your brain to consciousness!
Polynomials and the theory proposed at the beginning, the so-called development of the boss is actually the proportion of your consciousness.

Consciousness is two points, but they are disconnected, they are connected below, and the stronger the company, the more meaning it bears.So, the more conscious you are, the faster you react.

It's a cerebral domain, and it's connected to the brain, but not the main connection.

All in all, Shi Yu can't beat this person at all!

Even if it is his must-hit, he has to see that person and still be able to activate it, but his reaction can't keep up, and what he sees is always just an afterimage!
But even though Shi Yu couldn't hit him, ah, that kind of attack was just a drizzle for Shi Yu.

And with the indestructible substance as backup, Shi Yu basically recovered from the wound he wounded in the last second.

Maybe it was because he was tired from playing, or maybe because he saw that he couldn't do anything about Shi Yu, the Great Elder Danta decided to stop and start talking.

At the moment when his body stopped, Shi Yu also saw his reality clearly. In an instant, Shi Yu directly punched his concept first, causing cause and effect to be hit.

Then Shi Yu took a look, and the old man who was about to speak, ignored everything, and threw a straight punch directly in front of him.

And the Great Elder Danta didn't seem to pay attention, and didn't seem to react, so he just stood there and took Shi Yu's punch forcefully.

Actually, I want to say something here. After using effect first and then cause for so long, Shi Yu understood that this so-called conceptual punch is the true principle of first effect and later cause.

As I said before, the concept is the embodiment of infinity, that is to say, it itself represents infinity.

And infinity is infinite possibility, and concept packs a punch, which is one possibility among infinite possibilities.

There must be another concept that has taken a punch, which is also one of infinite possibilities.

Once two concepts are connected, these two lines of infinite possibility merge into one.

That is to say, it has changed from possibility to necessity. This state is very similar to the so-called first effect and later cause.

That's why Shi Yu called this trick, effect first, cause later!
This is just a name, the real principle of Shi Yu's move is to make wireless unique.

It is to turn this possibility into necessity out of infinite possibilities.

And this kind of mysterious and mysterious trick, in the eyes of those who don't know the principle, is truly unsolvable!

For example, a certain old guy with a big bag that was beaten by Shi Yu!
"What the hell kind of trick is this? I can't avoid it."

"Don't fight now, don't fight now."

"It hurts, it hurts! Stop it, stop it!"


"Huh! Cool!"

After looking at it, Shi Yu let out a sigh of relief for the old guy who had completely fallen to the ground.

The battle ended very quickly. After Shi Yu had just cleaned up the elders, the 100 people he led, except for the semi-sage level, were still persisting, and the Dou Zun powerhouse had already suffered a crushing defeat.

In the entire battlefield, only a few Dou Zun who were in the state of nine-turn sanctification were still persisting, and the others had either surrendered or lay down.

At this moment, Shi Yu suddenly felt a strange force peeping at him.

Shi Yu felt that this power was somewhat familiar, thought for a while, and immediately realized, isn't this the soul power?

The moment he reacted, he also knew who was peeping at him. At the same time, he also knew that the ninth-rank Xuandan was obtained, and there will be endless ninth-rank Xuandans in the future.

After directly communicating with Huang Quanyu and telling her the location, Shi Yu began to prepare.

(End of this chapter)

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