Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 184 The Holy Maiden

Chapter 184 The Holy Maiden
"Your Highness, do you really want to go alone!
Although the old slave knows that with the talent of a saint, there is absolutely no enemy in the lower realm!

But the spiritual body of the saint is still too weak, and the old slave is worried that some old immortals in the lower realm who don't know the identity of the saint will bump into His Highness! "

In a mountain range filled with vitality, in a continuous core building, on an empty and majestic hall, an old lady with white hair and wrinkled face was bending down respectfully, facing a fox with a fox on her back. The girl at the tail persuaded her with a worried face.

After the old lady finished speaking, the empty hall was silent for a while, and then there was a clear and pleasant sound, with a trace of imperceptible charm.

"Mr. Lin, don't worry, although the lower realm is mysterious, but after all, the world is incomplete, and no true genius can be born!

When I explode with all my strength, maybe someone can defeat me, but they can't really hurt me!
What's more, it's just a spirit body, but it's a strange thing in the lower world, so it's useful, even if it's destroyed, it's destroyed! "

Hearing the words of this beautiful girl, the old lady knew that her persuasion was useless. Although she really wanted to sigh at this time, but after thinking about it, she still held back!
Maybe there was nothing to do, the empty hall was silent again, neither of the two made a sound, the hall seemed to be deserted, and it became more and more empty!

"Jetian Sect is generally in charge of the Venerable Master for a period of time in turn, while the remaining Supreme Elders will retreat and practice hard, and basically manage things!"

On the other side, Shi Yu was also asking for news from his subordinates!
"That is to say, the Jietian Sect in the lower realm has no leader!"

Hearing this news, Shi Yu asked in surprise.

"Boss is right, but that's all in the past, and now the entire Great Cult is in charge of a saintly highness who suddenly appeared!"

"It seems that there are rumors that this saint is from the legendary upper realm, and is the true arrogance of the Jietian sect in the upper realm, and her real strength is not weaker than that of the Venerable Lord!"


Listening to a series of information that did not appear in the novels, Shi Yu also slowly constructed, this great teaching spanning 9 days and 10 places!

From the lower realm to 9 days and 10 lands, every world should have a Jietian Sect, whether strong or weak, and the gathering of all the elites is the Jietian Dao!
They are the speakers of the entire Jietian Sect, and the Taoist who leads these people is a true supreme, invincible in 9 days and 10 days on earth!
And this kind of model should be 9 days and 10 places, the standard model of the great teaching, and also the benchmark of the real top power!

Of course, when it comes to Dajiao, we have to mention another invincible force, the Longevity Family!

If it is said that great education is like scouring the sands of the sea, looking for elites to continue the great teaching, then the Longevity Family should first manage their own one-acre three-point land, and then slowly expand outward step by step!
These two methods cannot be said to be superior to each other. They each have their own advantages. The former develops rapidly and may become a truly invincible force in a short period of time. It was gone!

Although the longevity family is developing slowly, as long as there are no accidents, they can become infinitely stronger. After all, innate genes are good, and they only cultivate, and only focus on cultivating a few extremely talented people. With that kind of resources, a pig can Fei, not to mention Tianjiao!

And thinking of this, Shi Yu compared these two kinds again. He imagined his own power!

There is no comparison at all, these two kinds of instants become scum!
It's funny in my heart, I don't think so, a smile appeared on my face, Shi Yu walked behind, but his subordinates were very aggressive, although they led the way in front, they didn't forget to observe the situation of their boss all the time!
Seeing Shi Yu's sudden smile, under normal circumstances, they might come to flatter him!
But those who have a clue, do they know that what they hate the most is pretending to understand, that is, cheating!
Naturally, although they knew this was a good opportunity, none of them moved!

Although they didn't use the power of space to rush on the road, but the strength of the few people is still very strong, and the distance is not far away, and soon, the joy in Shi Yu's heart has not subsided, and they reached their goal land!

As I said before, under normal circumstances, the Jietian Sect is ruled by a venerable, but it is only to issue orders. The one who really leads them is a famous king!
As for Shi Yu's subordinates, this is a high-end combat force among the kings, and one is the young master of the family with his own servant of the king. Although this servant is now on the same level as him, his superficial identity is like that!
Although Jietianjiao has investigated their underpants clearly, they still can't figure out why they want to join, but although they can't be the core, they can't be completely trusted, but their status is still very high!

Moreover, in the fantasy world, the strong are respected. In fact, another way of saying this sentence is that whoever has the biggest fist is the boss!

And in this situation, it is very difficult for the boss to be weaker than the younger brother. Naturally, there are not many things to eat the master, after all, it is difficult to complete!
In contrast, the monitoring and management in this area are actually not strict at all!

Very easily, Shi Yu followed his little brother to the empty hall where he had just talked!
Although they already knew each other and the existence of each other as early as in the spiritual perception, but many things will not start to develop until they have seen them with their own eyes!
After looking at each other, the positions of the two sides also began to show obvious differences. The old lady appeared directly behind the foxtail girl, and with a simple movement, she instantly distinguished who the boss was!

And Shi Yu's subordinates, who have a lot of power, are also very spiritual, and they came behind Shi Yu!

After the competition of positions, the bosses of the two sides began to look at each other again!

Although to be precise, the fox-tailed girl looked at the person who suddenly appeared in front of her with curious eyes, and she was used to it, but it was even more annoying to her than the kind of eyes she was used to. Look at yourself!

That's right, since the meeting, Shi Yu's eyes, except for glancing around, all fell on the foxtail girl!
In addition to the fact that the girl is really beautiful, with the fox tail and ears, it looks even more attractive, the more important reason is that Shi Yu is very curious about the reason for this so-called spiritual body and the one soul and two bodies that appeared in the original work. , or what is the situation!
Although he didn't show up, he would feel like he would soar into the sky when he got this information, but he felt that it would definitely be useful to him!
And naturally, Shi Yu's vision stimulated this celestial girl from the upper realm!

"Who is your Excellency, what's the matter if you come to my Heaven Sect!"

Hearing these cold and unemotional words, Shi Yu also stopped, with that presumptuous scrutinizing gaze!

Of course it wasn't something like his conscience finding out, but the information he wanted had already been obtained!
(End of this chapter)

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