Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 186 Some Information

Chapter 186 Some Information

As I said before, the cultivation base of this realm can already feel the emotional changes of others!

Naturally, Shi Yu could clearly see the obvious change in the witch's tone!

As I said before, Shi Yu has read a lot of novels before, maybe not many complete ones, but there are really many of various types. Naturally, I think of my current changes, a genre that has risen not long ago Appeared in his mind!

Brain filling flow, of course, is a branch of this, it is a genre that pretends to be a mysterious strong man, and then relies on this kind of dress to pretend to be aggressive!
As I said before, the divine power in the perfect world is the energy and blood in martial arts. It's just a name change, and it's a little more high-end!
Even in the later period, the so-called divine power has not faded, and it still appears extremely strong. There is also the so-called immortal king body, and the so-called indestructible scriptures. Even if you die, your body will not be destroyed. A new consciousness is born!

It is conceivable how important the body is in this world. To put it bluntly, you go down to the little doll in the blood-moving realm, go up to the fairy king level, and look down on the time-honored boss, you all need a body!
The reason why I say this is because no matter what kind of immortal energy, immortal ancient methods, etc. appear in the later period, the body has never been abandoned!

Naturally, the perception of cultivation in this world depends entirely on the body, or in other words, the fluctuations, quality, and turbulence of divine power in the physical body!
As for Shi Yu's current situation, the body is an indestructible substance, and the indestructible substance is the smallest substance!

In other words, his body is completely composed of indestructible matter, please pay attention to this composition, it is the real composition!

If at the very beginning, his body was a mold, he could forcefully fill it with sand and then press it tightly, which would increase the strength of his body, and he could expand the mold, which is another way to increase his body strength!

No matter how convenient these two are, there is an inevitability in them, and that is the mold. Without this, the sand will not be able to gather at all, that is, it will not be able to take shape!

But Shi Yu can do it now, he doesn't need this mold anymore, he can change his appearance, he can change whatever he wants, it all depends on his will!
And the main reason is that other people's sand is pure sand, he has no contact!

As for Shi Yu's sand, because each of them is affected by Shi Yu's consciousness, they will naturally stick tightly and will not fall off!
This is pretty much the same as a magnet in real life, and it's the kind of magnet beads!

Of course, the round shape is easy to deform, so it’s fine to make it not round!

To sum up, Shi Yu is just used to being in human form now, so he is in human form now, and even all the organs of his body are just because he habitually thinks that he is like this!

And this habit is what he developed in the ordinary world. As for why, he has mana and is not used to having mana in his body!

This involves another point, mana is not really connected with the body, if there are meridians in the body, then the aura is oxygen, and the internal organs are the dantian!

Therefore, neither meridians nor mana are actually possessed by the body, but something that floats on the body and overlaps with the blood vessels of the body!

Just like the one mentioned before, the fusion of consciousness is a bit similar. The one of Huang Quanyu, this is a superposition on the spatial level, not even a purely spatial level, it may be latitude!

After all, in theory, they are in the same space, so the only thing that can accomplish this is the dimension!
And let's talk about the last point, Shi Yu still doesn't have a mana that belongs to him alone!

Whether it is the so-called fighting spirit before or the divine power abounding in this world, they are all products of that cultivation system!

And he, in fact, does not have the magic power that belongs to this system alone. Even the power of consciousness he created, let alone whether he can use it, even if he can use it, in his current view, it is actually the same as the indestructible matter. There is no essential difference!
It is even said that the reality and the concept itself are in two unknown spaces of existence, even if the power of consciousness is really active, in fact, I don't know how to use it!
After all, as far as is known, the only thing that can connect concepts and reality is the mind!

It is real, the junction point of concept and reality, the most real concept, and the most false reality!
So, without Shi Yu using his strength, his body is no different from ordinary people under the control of instinct!

On the contrary, when he has an idea, whether it is the divine power he wants, or the grudge of the previous world, he can copy it at will, or use it, not copy it!


The conversation after that was meaningless, Shi Yu completely grasped the initiative, although the little witch tried to take the initiative back again and again, but Shi Yu's face changed, and she was pickled in an instant!

And the witch's nature will allow her to quickly recover her combat power, and then continue the cycle!

Shi Yu has already got what he wanted, and now he has joined the Jietian Sect, or joined the real Jietian Sect!
With such a layer of background, things in the future will be much easier to handle, especially at Diguan. Although it is the place where the real righteous people gather in this world, the darkness and disgust hidden there are not weaker than any place!

And the identity of Jietianjiao can resist a lot of rubbish for him, like moths to a flame!
Still the same sentence, no fear, but trouble!

And as long as Shi Hao enters the foreign land, it will be time for Shi Yu to cleanse. Of course, he is not sure whether this will happen!

After all, he was still a little worried, whether because of his appearance, some of Shi Hao's life-and-death battles would be deviated!
Of course, it's not just defeat, but that with the support of Shi Yu's genius and treasure, maybe his own strength has not completed the evolution!

In other words, it would be embarrassing if each realm did not exceed the limit!
Having read so many novels, he will naturally not be absent from fanfiction, and among them, perfect, he has also read a lot!

Among them, he was very happy to see those who helped Shi Hao, but for some, it really felt a bit too much!

That is to say, it is too ideal, and people with IQ know one thing, like playing games, the difference between more rushing and less rushing in the early stage can widen the gap, but it cannot be absolute, but after a while, it cannot be made up!

In other words, although those people gave a lot of resources, it is impossible for the top forces of 9 days and 10 places to be far behind. The two or three realms in the early stage can still be done to the limit!
Even in the mid-term, it's not impossible, so since this is the case, they didn't exceed the limit, or surpassed the limit, but only once or twice, why the protagonist Shi Hao can surpass again and again!

Because he has an enemy, an enemy of life and death, and a belief beyond life and death, which is the basis for supporting him to win again and again!

And even so, after going through one death battle after another, surpassing the limit again and again!

In 9 days and 10 days, he was only a little stronger than the emperors, and he was even with the invincibles in the same realm as the emperors!
This is because the limit of the world is there, and it is also because the limit of the strong in this world is there. Without someone stronger to make him fall into a hard fight, he will naturally not be able to break through!

Just like the famous saying, shallow water cannot raise real dragons!

(End of this chapter)

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