Chapter 195 Combat
The two sides confront each other, one side looks like a fairy in fluttering white clothes, and the other side looks nothing at all, just an ordinary person!

Quiet as a virgin, moving like a rabbit, this is to describe ordinary people, but for a cultivator, it is as quiet as nothing, moving like a sky!
One second it was sunny and sunny, and the next second it became dark and cloudy!

At this time, a disciple of Butian Pavilion exclaimed: "Senior Xia's thunder method can already use the power of heaven and earth, this is impossible!"

After all, human power is limited, only heaven and earth can last forever, and treasure arts are the same, they evolve from the precious bones condensed in the body of fierce beasts, and the precious bones of fierce beasts are conceived by heaven and earth.

This actually explains one thing from the side. Most of the so-called precious arts can find their prototypes from the world. Except for a few blessing types, few of them have jumped out of this rule.

The Thunder Treasure Art is no exception, they are evolved by imitating the thunder in nature.

Perhaps evolution is a bit absolute, it should be said that evolution is, because the world pays attention to balance, so it is difficult to dominate!
But the treasure itself is only one thing, thunder is thunder, and fire is fire. Naturally, if you want to improve, it is much faster than the world's balanced situation.

Under the dark clouds, not only does it have an extraordinary appearance, but the divine power in its body also fluctuates like a stormy sea. Even under such circumstances, it gives people a feeling that the two sides are confronting each other.

A white silver dragon spotted Tuoba Xunlong, and ran towards him impartially. In the sky, behind the silver dragon, there was a twisted band of light!

As if he had opened his eyes, Tuoba Xunlong took a step to the right, and the silver dragon passed by, only about an inch away from him.

When the silver dragon landed, a crackling sound came from the junction. Everyone saw that there was already a big hole where Tuoba Xunlong was standing!

"How is this possible? This is an environment that has been strengthened with space crystals, yet it was destroyed so easily!"

Perhaps in the outside world, this kind of small hole is very common, everyone present, there is more than one hit at random!
But that was in the arena, the arena was reinforced, and the difficulty in it was geometrically multiple.

And exclaimed below, the war above has also begun in full swing!

Following Xia Youyu's first attack, Tuoba Xunlong also showed his strength!
I saw red light emitting from his body, and at the same time rumbling sounds continued to come out!
"Yes, Not Bad!"

There were big names present, and comments were made about it.

The occurrence of this incident has aroused the curiosity of most of the people present. They really want to know what is going on here.

And soon, the red light flourished, and after reaching the peak, the light began to fade away, and this is, people finally saw clearly, what kind of light is this, it is just the projection of other people's divine power, it can also be said to be a manifestation !
Divine power has color, everyone present knows this, but the color is so deep that it gives people a glowing feeling, one can imagine how deep it is!

Although the depth of this color cannot clearly represent the strength of strength, it does represent the quality and quality of divine power!
It is common sense that high quality is definitely better than low quality!

Therefore, although it cannot clearly represent strength or weakness, this is already a hidden unspoken rule!

Three silver dragons, surrounded in the shape of Pin, attacked Tuoba Xunlong, completely denying him any space or possibility to escape!

In this regard, Tuoba Xunlong did not run away either. When the silver dragon bombarded him at super fast speed, he was already prepared. At the moment of contact, his fist came first, and a red package His fist directly blasted through the three silver dragons.

Then, like a normal person, he bent his legs slightly downwards, and then with the help of a powerful reverse thrust, he directly attacked Xia Youyu floating in mid-air!
With the complete explosion of the reverse thrust, the place where he stepped on his feet burst instantly, leaving pieces of debris!

But at this time, he had already left the place!
Seeing the figure approaching, Xia Youyu knew that the power of heaven and earth was useless!
But for this, she didn't show any funny expressions like sadness!

He pulled out a soft sword from an unknown place on his body, and flung it at the person who came!
Tuoba Xunlong was still very fierce for this blow, and directly greeted with fists!

A sound of steel knocking spread throughout the battlefield.

With this blow, the two sides fell into a state of determination, and no one could do anything to the other!
But soon, Xia Youyu couldn't hold on any longer. After all, as long as Tuoba Xunlong was not a fool, he would know that he was a body trainer.

On the contrary, Xia Youyu looked like a sorcerer at first glance. Have you ever seen any sorcerer who is strong in melee combat?

What's more, even if it is very strong, one is direct force and the other is indirect force. As long as you are not a fool, you will know who has the upper hand.

Without stopping, when Xia Youyu couldn't hold on anymore, Tuoba Xunlong had no gentleman's demeanor, and another fist directly blasted at Xia Youyu who was close at hand!


Xia Youyu was directly blown away, and a stream of blood flowed out of her mouth. It was obvious at a glance that she had suffered an internal injury!
Just when everyone thought that the next rhythm would fall into the hands of Tuoba Xunlong, the next scene almost blinded them.

Once again, Xia Youyu took out a green grass from an unknown place, before the person who bumped into him could see clearly, the grass directly turned into a green energy and merged into Xia Youyu's body !
In an instant, Xia Youyu, who seemed to be seriously injured and was about to fall into a dying state just now, recovered nine levels!
"This this……!"

Everyone present was speechless, is there still such a game?

If the others are just speechless, then the Tuoba family is really angry!

And among them, the old family of the previous generation, that is, the old man, is even more so!
In this match, due to the large number of spectators and too many powerful forces, for the sake of face, he withdrew all the healing items from Tuoba Xunlong's body!
He was just worried that if they really lost and this happened in the end, then they would really lose face!

But he never expected that this time, he finally got some face, but the opponent turned out to be shameless!

At this moment, he really wanted to stop this unfair contempt, but unfortunately, he knew it was useless.

Let's not talk about whether Butian Pavilion will agree or not, even if they agree, his current good teammates and allies will not agree!

In the world, there are no eternal friends, but there are eternal interests. The reason why their alliance can gather together is because they have a common goal!
If this goal has been achieved, then the role of this alliance should also be eliminated!

Naturally, when the time comes, everyone will be hostile to each other again, and for the future, to deal with a difficult opponent, everyone present will support it with both hands and feet!
(End of this chapter)

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