Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 202 The Reason

Chapter 202 The Reason
Following the young man's explanation, Shi Hao also understood the reason.

It's still the same sentence that never changes. It's complicated and complicated, and it's simple and simple. It depends on the person!

The study of practice in this world is actually very deep, and their performance is more complicated than that described in the original book!

To put it bluntly, Shi Hao's path in the original book, although perfect, is more and more monotonous!

A realm is a world. Going up is improving your cultivation, and going forward is raising your upper limit!
Maybe it can’t be described as walking, it’s more like building a tall building. Walking forward is laying the foundation. The bigger and stronger you build, the stronger your realm will be, and the greater the possibility of breaking through the next chance!

And this is Shi Hao in the original book, the path he took is also a perfect path!
But in fact, if you think about it carefully, are there really only two points?
In fact, it is not the case. As I said before, everyone’s talent is limited and different. He may also be able to play like Shi Hao, but his speed of repairing walls may be 1/10000 of these peerless geniuses, but not 1/10000, that is also 1‰!
Therefore, in the practice world where ordinary people are the mainstream, it is normal for Ah ** to mess around!

The bigger and wider the foundation, the taller the building is in theory, but they have so many ideas!
Since I can't make a foundation that big, let's harden the walls!
This is equivalent to the fact that others use planks to make walls and bricks to make walls, and I directly use steel to make a one-piece structure. In this way, although the mana is a little less, the combat power is still very strong!

The reason why I say this is that the situation of the young man is similar!

As I said at the beginning, the combat power of this world, runes or treasures are very powerful!

However, learning treasure skills will definitely consume talents, or the requirements for talents are still very high!

After all, people are people, and beasts are beasts. The first thing you learn about treasures is to imitate beasts!
If the talent is not high, it must be difficult to accomplish this feat, isn't it!
Then the show operation comes, since I don't know how to look alike, then I will go back to instinct!
That is to say, when I am a human, I will never abandon your tricks, I will become you, and find my own tricks, this is fine!
It's a bit complicated. To put it simply, it's not a bloodline, and it can't be regarded as a bloodline. This kind of blood is not popular!
What is really more popular is the kind of fine-tuning the younger generation with the help of the older generation!
It can be seen that this person looks like a human on the outside, but the essence or inside is the prototype of the treasure technique he practiced!
And this kind of practice of treasure technique is called a fast one, after all, this is completely to retrieve the tricks that should belong to him, although because he is in human form now, he will be a little uncomfortable!

But if you practice more, you will get used to it. This speed is much faster than normal people's cultivation, and it can even match the cultivation speed of some top talents!

Of course, it's just this one treasure technique. If it's other techniques, then the speed of cultivation will be three words, absolutely slow!
This kind of slowness, the practice of normal people is much slower!

Moreover, if you want to use the previous method, it will be very troublesome, because after remodeling the body, the previous treasure technique that I just adapted to disappears again, which means it has been refreshed in the legend!
But even so, the pros and cons of it still make people crazy!

As for this feminine young man, he practiced a kind of snake-like treasure technique, which is quite strong. According to Shi Yu's calculations, he should be regarded as a pseudo-celestial rank!

It can probably increase the combat power by 3, and with his original cultivation base, he can even barely match the Son of the Venerable!
"But it's a pity that I met the current me!"

After listening to the young man's explanation, Shi Hao also had to sigh, because his background still limited his knowledge after all!
Although he also knew that most of the information in it was of no use to him, but some of the ideas in it made him suddenly enlightened!

In the past, he had too little knowledge after all, and he also realized that the two big guys he knew might be really powerful, and he didn't care about these saucy operations at all!
However, he thought of another thing, that is, what happened to him now!
Time back to a few days ago!
Shi Hao excitedly practiced for a while, and then he suddenly thought of something, his current strength seems to be a bit weaker, maybe, maybe he can't meet his big brother's request!
Finally, after much deliberation, he had no solution, so he had to ask Shi Yu to see him!
After meeting, Shi Hao revealed his difficulties!
And hearing Shi Hao's words, Shi Yu also felt that his plan seemed a bit unreliable, the most important thing is that he was misled by some plots in the original work!

For example, Shi Hao, in every realm, the real enemies he meets will be in the same realm!

Of course, chasing and killing doesn't count, so he, who is used to thinking about it, naturally thinks that the most genius of all forces should also be in the cave realm!

But soon, he thought of Xia Youyu, and after thinking of her, Shi Yu already knew what the most genius at this stage should be, the limit of spiritual transformation!

It was also at this time, under his observation, that he discovered the abnormality of this realm, which was actually somewhat different from the description in the original book. For example, the three-step spirit transformation was not the only one here, and there was actually a so-called one-step ascending to the sky!
Then, he discovered the things he said before, and after understanding the key points, he compared his transformation spirit with the transformation spirit of this world!

Shi Yu thought of the solution, and then he was very angry, touched Shi Yu's head, and said.

"Don't worry, this little situation, your elder brother and I, there are plenty of ways to solve it!"

"Then what to do!"

Maybe it's because Shi Hao is a bit upright in front of his relatives, which makes Shi Yu feel no sense of accomplishment in pretending!
But he didn't dawdle, and directly stated his solution!
In fact, this method also requires the participation of indestructible matter!
After seeing Hualing's situation, Shi Yu figured out something that he hadn't figured out before!
Just before, when he met the monkey, it was his real body, he was chased by the monkey everywhere, he gathered a fighting body casually, and knocked the monkey down with a few punches!
Even, from the current point of view, Shi Yu felt that with his own strength and control power at that time, it was a matter of one move to solve that monkey!
What's going on here, why is the gap between the two so big!
This is actually a matter of knowledge!
I actually said it at the beginning, Shi Yu's realm, the moment he breaks through, is the limit of that realm, but this limit is not the limit you know, but the limit that Shi Yu knows!
It's a bit of a mouthful to say this, in a realm, the limit is 100, so theoretically, Shi Yu is 100!

But he didn't know it himself, maybe in his opinion at the time, you might only be 30 or 40!

Then, his limit is only 30 40, that's how cheating it is!

And the reason why creating a physical body becomes awesome is because Shi Yu got rid of his own knowledge, that is to say, as strong as it is in theory, then this round of physical body is as strong as it is!

And how strong the theory was at that time, it was probably equivalent to Shi Hao's combat power in the last battle in Kunpeng's lair!

And with that combat power, it's easy to kill a transformation spirit casually, isn't it!
(End of this chapter)

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