Chapter 204 Fangs
In the end, as expected, except for the Shenshan faction that hadn't appeared yet, those who conspired with Butian Pavilion sent all their strongest juniors there!


One after another, figures landed one after another. The last 7 people to appear on the stage included the remaining three from the four major families and three king-level forces, but they were independent forces and did not depend on anyone!
There is another one, the Rain Clan, moreover, it came from the side of Butian Pavilion!


On the side of Butian Pavilion, everyone looked at him with hatred in their eyes, even the elders, their eyes were full of anger!

They didn't expect that on their side, there would be a white-eyed wolf, a traitor!
If Shi Yu was here, he would definitely sigh, as expected, a white-eyed wolf is not familiar with it!

The only thing that surprised Butian Pavilion was that Zhulu Academy never showed any malice towards its old opponent from the beginning to the end!

"Maybe, this is the real enemy!"

Even those elders who lived for a long time didn't think clearly about the reason for this. In the end, they could only attribute it to their respect for the enemy!

But soon, they put their attention on it, on Shi Hao, because he is facing some difficulties now!

Everyone present, who watched the previous game, also understood the requirements, or routines!

Naturally, these people are armed to the teeth, wearing armor, not to mention holding special rune treasures, and I don't know who is so savage, these equipments are actually vaguely related!
To put it simply, this is a suit. Of course, this is a game term. If it is a fantasy world, these equipment can form a magic circle!
And these magic circles, these magic circles placed on armor or equipment, generally have a special effect, that is, control, maybe slow down, maybe pause, anyway, that's all the effect!
And with the divine power of several people, the armor showed their true appearance, not a conventional control type, but a blessing!

The armor on his body increases his defense, and the special treasure in his hand can transform into a weapon, that is, increase his attack!
As the status of the few people was getting better, they all looked at the little guy surrounded by them with malicious eyes, the brat!
Maybe, if a man has money, he will really turn bad!With their strength soaring, they decided to have a cat and mouse game!

"Boy, you weren't crazy just now, why aren't you crazy!"

It was Yu Feng who spoke, and his face was distorted at this moment, just like a human being walking an evil spirit, making people frightened!
Of course, none of the people present were ordinary people. Although Yufeng's ugly appearance affected by jealousy was terrifying, but to them, it was just like that, and it was a pleasure to watch!
"Today I will tell you that all the brilliance on your body is all luck!"

After finishing speaking, Yu Feng didn't wait for Shi Hao to say anything, and quickly approached Shi Hao, the precious bone in his hand turned into a long whip, and directly hit Shi Hao who was standing still!

As something in the fantasy world, it is definitely not as ordinary as reality. This whip is obviously only one meter long, but when it is attacked, it turns into a lightning bolt!
Not only that, this lightning is actually not affected by the length of the establishment, that is to say!
Shi Hao stretched out his hand inexplicably, and then, as if waiting for a rabbit, the lightning that seemed to be struck by Shi Yu directly hit his arm!

Then there was no more, the lightning disappeared directly, or shattered!

Your lightning disappeared, and the long whip returned to its original appearance, but the front end seems to be missing a piece!
Although it was a successful start, Yufeng's attack did not end. After the return of the whip, there was no hesitation!


Following a voice in the air, the whip attacked Shi Hao again!

Looking at this familiar thing, Shi Hao has never read any pretentious novels, and has no intention of standing still, waiting for the attack!

Because of the second strike, Yu Feng's approaching figure stopped, but before, he was already very close to Shi Hao, only a few steps away!

With a sound explosion, the ground where Shi Hao was originally standing exploded, and his figure also quickly disappeared!

With the sound of force entering the flesh, Shi Hao's figure appeared where Yufeng was originally standing, and the person who originally existed in this space was kicked away!
If the scene wasn't big enough, and there was an air wall around the edge, Yufeng would have fallen down long ago!
However, as long as everyone knows that this kind of being hit by an object and then hit by an object, as long as this force is not absorbed, then this person will be injured again!

As I said before, they are now governed by the laws of physics, and their bodies cannot be reborn with broken arms, and their internal organs are still very fragile!
Just like what I said at the beginning, if a person suffers a blow of 1000 jin, he will be seriously injured even if he does not die!

And here, it is the same reason, as Shi Hao's force completely disappeared, the body that was forcibly stuck to the air wall also slid down slowly, and then directly paralyzed!

Everyone present, just took a look, and knew that this guy might be useless!

And in the same way, the Yu Clan was also furious when they saw this scene, but they did nothing. As I said before, these injuries are actually very easy to heal!
In fact, when they sent him on the stage, they were already mentally prepared. After all, the strength of the universe has just transformed into a spirit, and it is not a perfect cave to transform a spirit, but a seven-hole heaven!

However, the next scene made them furious, and even some clan elders directly showed their strength, wanting to break through that defensive shield!
All I saw was that Shi Hao, who had clearly beaten that young man into a serious injury, had no intention of showing mercy at all, and rushed over directly while the other people on the field hadn't recovered from the accident!
After coming to Yufeng's side, Shi Hao didn't say anything harsh, and directly faced Yufeng, who was only breathing, and hit a few critical blows!

And it's the kind that uses ruthless every move, that kind of professional blow, that is, the head and the heart!
It was also this scene that stimulated the members of the Yu Clan. After all, although Shi Yi had connections with them, even deep connections, he still preferred the Wu Palace!
Just like that, Yu Feng and his younger sister are two of the most talented people in the Yu Clan, geniuses who can inherit the position of patriarch!

But now, he is dead!

Although they still have a genius, but that is a woman, who will be married off after all!

In other words, from now on, the Rain Clan is very likely to decline!

And it was precisely because they understood this that the Yu Clan people present were a little crazy!

But it's a pity that the king of their Rain Clan didn't come, and the strongest one is just a prince!
But this kind of strength, against the Butian Pavilion, which is not restrained by anyone, can't be described like an egg hitting a rock!
But they knew it would kill them, and it didn't help much, but they still did it!

But the ending was tragic, and they were greeted with a big slap!

And as the big slap fell, none of the members of the Yu Clan stood up.

However, Butian Pavilion was still a bit scrupulous after all, and naturally it didn't kill any living beings, but it was also abolished!

As for this, the people present did not say anything, even those evil gatherings, no one cared, but smiled on their faces!
(End of this chapter)

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