Chapter 207

"Haven't you figured it out yet? What does it have to do with you that they die for what they love!"

Regarding Shi Hao's emotions, Shi Yu said that he could see clearly, seeing this guy was still a little hesitant, Shi Yu was directly a powerful medicine!
And the strong medicine is strong, it froze Shi Hao in an instant!
"Yeah, what does it have to do with me!"

This is Shi Hao's heartfelt voice, but the tone in his tone is not a happy or joyful positive aspect, but rather dark and depressing, just like the final stage of a volcanic eruption, like a spring, extremely compressed!
If you don't interrupt him at this time, then there will be an absolute explosion!

"Damn, I did something bad with good intentions! Sure enough, I'm not expected to be a good person, so let's do less of this in the future!"

No one can know the thoughts in Shi Yu's heart, but he can clearly see the thoughts of others!
"You bastard, why are you so stubborn? You are Shi Hao, and you are you. Since you are you, then your thoughts are all your business, and have nothing to do with others!"

"Ah, but brother, didn't you say..."

For some reason, Shi Hao's words became smaller and smaller, and finally became completely silent!
However, Shi Yu knew exactly what he wanted to say, but he didn't want to say it, it was meaningless after all!
"That's my plan, it's my idea, what does it have to do with you, why do you have to impose my idea on yourself!

It is impossible for people to be the same, everyone is unique!
Similarly, they also have their own ideas. There may be people who are close to each other in the world, but there will never be people who are exactly the same! "

After being silent for a while, seeing that Shi Hao hadn't moved, Shi Yu didn't care too much, and continued to finish what he hadn't finished.

"I've been wandering outside for a long time, and I'm used to the warmth and coldness of people, but you just left the village, our personalities must be different, and the way we do things is also different!
Just like this plan, in addition to helping you, it is also a training for you!

You have experienced the pains of physical training since you were a child, so you have developed your skills, but this is the flesh after all, your heart is still in the stone village, and your actions are incompatible with this wilderness!

Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, I will not comment on it, but I have already started this trial, no matter whether you are willing or not, you have to go on by yourself!

Well, having said so much, I don't know if you listened or not, but this is all your business, and for the rest of the time, you just watch from above, there are my methods in it, even those people In the end, the dog jumped over the wall in a hurry, and he couldn't get on you at all!
After the last few fish are hooked, I can collect the net. Waiting for the follow-up to solve this matter, let's go back to Shicun! "

After confirming that he really had nothing to say, Shi Yu hung up the contact. He didn't plan to say so much, but he didn't expect the situation to change, and he also said it smoothly, so it happened to be resolved as soon as it came.

As for why you say this, or why you want to change Shi Hao.

After all, what Shi Yu said offended people a little, and there was another meaning in it, an indescribable meaning, that is, the feeling of persuading the dog to stop licking, and it was said by the person who was licked. of.

It's a bit vulgar, but that's what it means!
The plan is actually a temporary plan, and naturally it is not as long-planned as it is said. Even, if Shi Hao himself had not experienced strong emotional fluctuations, this version of this matter would not have appeared at all!

This was actually Shi Yu's last thought, and it can even be said that he thought of it a little bit. If he could not speed up his thinking, with his previous thinking mode, ideas, and strength, it is very likely that he would really collapse!
But if he has that ability, naturally there will be no so-called collapse!
And to be honest, he is quite thankful for today's incident, after all, he in the past still liked the protagonist Shi Hao very much.

But now he is still a little immature, just as he said, he is out of tune with this Great Wilderness world, or in other words, he has changed the painting style of Great Wilderness with his own ability!
But as a price, he was chased by everyone. After all, killing an alien is what anyone would do!

And knowing this, after Shi Yu discovered that Shi Hao might lose himself, when he helped him regain his three views, he also incidentally said that this person who almost made the painting style of the wild world go wrong, be honest, don't It is so prominent, otherwise it will be bad if you have lumbar spondylosis!

But just when he turned his attention back, he wanted to see if his persuasion was useful.

But Shi Hao's actions, don't startle him.

I saw this guy, standing on the edge of the ring, take a leap of faith, and then forcefully land directly from an altitude of [-] meters.

And following his actions, a word was also passed on to Shi Yu's ear.

"Brother, you are right! I should have my own ideas, although I really want to stand on the top and watch the show as my brother said!

But in the following battle, there are people I care about. Brother, although you don't want to intervene, I can!
And protect the people you care about yourself, I think this is the truth! "

Hearing this, Shi Yu didn't know what to say, he really wanted to refute, and always felt that something was wrong, but thinking about it, it seemed to be like this!
But soon, he suddenly realized, is this the time to think about this?

The war between Butian Pavilion and those people, although the Venerable has not participated yet, has not yet been fought earth-shatteringly!

But the highest combat power inside has also reached the king, and what is the concept of a king, palms can lift mountains, feet can break rivers, those are all easy and simple things!

The aftermath of any battle can destroy a mountain range. If this is not the core of Butian Pavilion's sphere of influence, it would have been broken into pieces by the king's war long ago!
But even so, some of the lofty mountains near Butian Pavilion have been shaved evenly without any blemishes!

And Shi Hao actually dared to participate in such a terrifying war, isn't this lighting a lamp in the toilet?

You know, he can be said to be the beginning of this war, in other words, he can also be said to be the core point of this war!
If he is alive, even if the Butian Pavilion group is destroyed, it will be considered a victory. Similarly, if he is dead, even if the Butian Pavilion group destroys the opponent, it will be considered a failure, not even a miserable victory!
Shi Yu is not the only one who understands this, but all those present who were not confused by the war, at the moment they saw Shi Hao, the last remaining rationality disappeared one after another, and then they were like a group of lunatics, Going to Shi Hao, of course these are all enemies, and naturally there are also those belonging to Butian Pavilion.

Seeing this group of lunatics constantly biting and clawing at Shi Hao, Shi Yu was ready to make a move at this moment.

After all, those who should be enmity will end up enmity. This is cause and effect, and connection. For these, Shi Yu can only cut off those who are directly related to himself.
But it is very difficult to find this one from the endless connections, Shi Yu has no confidence.

Although this is a negative to a certain extent, it is still fun to kill the attracted enemies.

(End of this chapter)

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