Chapter 210

There was no time for everyone to prepare, a big crack suddenly appeared and began to spread, and it seemed to collapse in an instant, the whole Butian Pavilion was torn apart, the scene was shocking!

Looking down from the sky, you can see black gaps on the ground one after another, intertwined like cobwebs, and there is a black abyss in one area.

"Quick, act!"

Seeing this change, Butian Pavilion Master became anxious and removed the protective cover with a roar.

And the other elders were not vegetarians either, they all used their unique skills to absorb those Butian Pavilion elites who hadn't reacted yet, into their bodies.

And in the same way, the reaction of those watching the theater was also very fast. After all, if they didn't react quickly, they were not watching the theater, but courting death!
Just like that, the group of people who were crowded just now was reduced by nearly half in an instant. As for the other people, they were casual cultivators, and no big boss would protect him.

However, they are also very smart. Seeing this change and the reaction of the big bosses, they turned around and ran away without thinking, as if there was a scourge behind them.

And what they don't know is that there are no flood beasts behind, but there are fierce beasts and raptors that surpass the flood beasts tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of times!

But at this time, Butian Pavilion Master looked at the remaining kings and said in a deep voice.

"Let's leave as soon as possible, Lord Jiling has already fought the invading enemy. A battle of that level is beyond our imagination."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for their reaction, he brought his younger brothers and started to approach the depths of Butian Pavilion.

Here I want to say that the Butian Pavilion is really big, and the length of the pure power coverage starts from a few million miles. Although it is not as terrifying as the Human Emperor's hundreds of millions of miles, it is still very terrifying!

As for the headquarters of Butian Pavilion, the length of the purely occupied area is no less than a hundred miles, which is very terrifying. Even the Forbidden City and Yuanmingyuan are not much worse than this.

In addition, in Butian Pavilion, there are towering towers, Lingshan floating, and all kinds of magic emerge. Normally, this is nothing, but their perception of this world has a great influence.

Naturally, all the kings present couldn't see what happened in Butian Pavilion at all!
The curiosity in their hearts drove them, and they wanted them to take a look, but the words of Butian Pavilion Master, like a basin of ice water, instantly cooled their excited bodies and woke them up!
"Since Lord Jiling is attacking foreign enemies, it will be useless for me to wait here, so I will leave!"

I don't care who I said to, anyway, after I said it, I ran away in the blink of an eye!
Of course, there are also some smart people among them. Seeing the direction of Butian Pavilion, they wanted to chase after it, but in the end his reason suppressed their impulse!

After staying for a few seconds, I saw that the fluctuations were getting bigger and bigger, and I even vaguely saw a few sun-like creatures.

In an instant, without any hesitation, turn around and leave!

But the above are all in the realm of kings, and the emperors above, that is, the venerable, the invincible, and the strongest, they are still chatting in their own small circle one by one!

"What the hell are you talking about in Butian Pavilion? You invited me to come and said that I would let me watch a good show, but the show is almost over, and I still haven't seen any good show!"

Following the Fire Emperor's words, in an instant, the emperors who were usually extremely tall and arrogant also started to speak one after another!

"How do we know this, I can't figure it out now, what is this Butian Pavilion doing!
That vine is almost unable to hold on, even if there is no war, it will not exceed 10 years, and it will definitely collapse!

But judging from the current fighting situation, it may take less than a day for him to consume all his strength and die in the siege of those four guys! "

"Let's wait and see what happens, and see what their plan is. If they count on us to deter those 4 guys, then his plan will come to naught!"

It was an old man who said this, and his identity was...

"Hey, who doesn't know about you, you cheapskate, but what I didn't expect is that you didn't make trouble at this time!"

"Hmph, Fire Emperor, what kind of person do you think this seat is? Although our Zhulu Academy and Butian Pavilion have a lot of competition, it's just competition, not hatred. Naturally, this homework doesn't have the leisure to add insult to injury. Elegant!"

That's right, this old man is the old dean of Zhulu Academy, a venerable, plus the academy's sacrificial spirit, a total of two venerables!
However, the Ji Ling at Butian Pavilion is too buggy, and its combat power is not weaker than a Shenhuo at all. Fighting these venerables is completely like an adult beating a child. One wants to fight, and the other can't resist!
It's just that he is going to die, so its function has changed from war to deterrence, and it's the same. The disputes between these two major forces come from the younger generation, and it's a relationship of competition, not hatred!

And in this way, even if they grow into real power figures, their relationship is also an enemy and friend relationship, which will not allow the two forces to start the most peak war, but will only transfer the competition to the next generation, and this is the balance!

"Okay, don't talk about this, go to the theater!"

There are 4 people in this small group. Apart from the two emperors and one dean, the last one is a casual cultivator with very strong strength. It can be said that in the field, his strength can be ranked in the top 4, and he is even qualified to compete for the third place. One can imagine how strong it is!
"Since Brother Zhan has spoken, I have to save face!" ×3
After saying a word, the presence became quiet again, but no one cared, the attention of all of them had already begun to shift, and they came to the place of battle!

The gourd vine at this moment is not like the first one, crawling on a pile of stones, the whole body is dull, only withered and yellow.

It has completely changed now, its roots have become trees, towering into the sky, and its leaves are huge.Crashing, radiant and colorful, spraying chaotic clouds and mist, it is extremely miraculous.

Judging from this appearance alone, as long as you are not a fool, you will think that it can live for countless years, and live to the end of the world!

But those are only what mortals can see, and there is no weak person present, especially those who are fighting it.


A sharp claw tore apart a section of vines coiled in the sky.

"Hahaha, you with such decay, what qualifications do you have to fight us!"

A ferocious bird covered the sky and covered the sun, with a huge body, I don't know how many thousands of miles, or tens of thousands of miles, the black mist surged, and a pair of eyes were as big as a lake!
And at this moment, it is hovering and flying in the infinite sky, and swooping down from time to time, tearing or pecking, anyway, after each take-off, it will leave behind a piece of dead vine that has lost its vitality!
(End of this chapter)

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