Chapter 212
"If you don't make a move, then I will leave!"

It's not that the sky-swallowing bird is making a fuss, but the attack he is suffering now is really beyond his imagination.

In his original plan, he should be able to delay for a few days if he occupies the air supremacy!

But the reality slapped him hard. Under the full attack of the gourd vine, he felt like a lonely boat in a storm, ready to fall at any time!
And although others really want to kill this guy, they also understand that they can't do it so obviously.

The melee started again, and the 6 creatures fought again, of course it was still the same as before, just one word, delay!

The only difference from before was that the Sky-Swallowing Sparrow was still attacked by most of the gourd vines.

He really hit him, he didn't even want to say his favorite dirty words, he kept dodging, he was obviously an assassin, but he played like a tank abruptly, it's not ironic!

This is the body without a tank, the mouth with the most tanks, and the ability to ridicule is directly full!
"Hey, what is this Butian Pavilion thinking? Don't you want to destroy it in advance?"

Looking at the gourd vine, which was 1 on 5 and still had the upper hand, Shi Huang hated it for indisputable.

"Maybe I want to have another look at the last moment!"

It was the old dean of Zhulu Academy who spoke. Although he said it in a joking tone, it was not difficult to hear the sarcasm inside.

"Okay, let's keep watching! This sacrificial spirit can't hold on any longer, and it's time for a follower to appear!"

With the appearance of the peacemaker, there was no one else, and they all focused on observing, wanting to see what is Butian Pavilion's hole card, which can make them have such courage!

Sure enough, following his words, the audience kept showing their mighty power, crushing the 5 peerless ominous spirits, and the gourd vine, which couldn't lift its head, froze for a moment, as if it didn't lift up in one breath, and stopped for a while!
But soon, that feeling disappeared, and his output was still very strong, not less than before!
But the moment of hesitation just now was noticed by the people present, as if thinking of something, the swallowing bird who was being attacked by the calabash vine burst out laughing!

"Haha, you can't hold on anymore, you will go back soon, don't worry, I won't even give you the time to transform!"


Maybe he was really too happy. After sending out the ridicule, he didn't forget to continue to haha ​​twice to show his happiness.

However, the other creatures were on the contrary. None of them spoke, and they seemed a little silent. However, from their eyes, which were fixed on the green leather gourd hanging on the gourd vine, it could be seen that their ambitions were not small!
But cleverness is misunderstood by cleverness. They think that as long as they don't talk, they can finally take advantage of others to relax and win the fruits of victory!

As a result, the four of them all thought this way, and the battlefield suddenly became silent. You must know that between them, a taunt from time to time was used to interfere with other people's thoughts!

But now, apart from Swallowing Skyqueen's loud laughter, there is no other sound. This natural anomaly also attracted Swallowing Skysparrow's attention.

After glancing at a few people, he immediately understood what these guys were thinking. After all, he used to do these things a lot, so he was naturally familiar with them, and he quickly found the trick!
But with a new plan, he didn't decide to say it out, but pretended, as if he still didn't know, and continued to taunt like a fool!

"Haha, don't worry, when you die, I will kill those guys immediately, and the people in their bodies, don't worry, I will clean them up one by one. Of course, the good things will belong to me! "

At this moment, the Swallowing Bird decided to pretend to be stupid, so he naturally wanted to create a wave of hatred, and this kind of hatred is very difficult to pull off, but he was lucky, he flew high and saw far, and happened to notice Shi Hao and his party. I also noticed the villains in their bodies!

Then, almost without thinking, he knew who this group of people was, or what their identities were!

Then what greeted him was countless spear attacks, and he also felt that the attack power was further enhanced.

He didn't need to think about it, he knew that those four guys had pulled back again, and they wanted to transfer all the pressure on him, so that he would lose the possibility of participating when they seized the God Seed.

But he, who had already planned it, naturally didn't care, instead he was very happy that you were similar to his plan.

And he also felt that the divine power of the gourd vine seemed to be insufficient, and it would pause from time to time!
It's like pumping water with a water pump. When the divine power is exhausted, if you want to mobilize him, it's almost like when you pump water, the water is not enough. After a while, there will be a bubble.

In this case, pumping water is nothing, but the amount of divine power directly affects the attack and attack speed. Suddenly, your divine power output is a little less. If you are weak, the building may directly collapse!
And in the same way, those with strong control over divine power will not be so serious, but it will be delayed for a while, and the same attack strength will also drop a little!
Naturally, Calabash Vine belongs to the latter, although due to the reasons just mentioned, his combat power has declined to a certain extent!

However, the attack power has not changed much, and it can still be killed, the little boy who swallowed the sky!
After a few more tricks, and seeing that he was helpless, the gourd vine also retracted its vines, turning into a harmless little pity.

"Why, knowing that I can't recover, do you want to ask for mercy?"

The Sky Swallowing Sparrow is very powerful, knowing this time, it's time to mock him!

There was silence for a while, as if thinking about what to say, and finally said calmly.

"Your ideas are very good, but it's a pity that there is only one thing missing!"

"what's up?"

This time, the one who spoke was the creature from the mountain whose vertical eyes could release thunder.

He thinks that he is exhaustive, otherwise, in the original work, he would not have troubled Ji Ling.

Although the final result is similar to what he calculated, it just changed from someone else's death to his death!

But this also shows one thing from the side, he is a guy who dares to do and fight, if he is lucky, he may really become a talent!

"Now the Butian Pavilion, a big man has come!"

"Oh, big shot? How big is it!"

The moment the calabash vine spoke, Shi Yu knew that it was time for him to appear on stage!

In order to pretend to be aggressive, he thought for a long time and thought of a trick to pretend to be aggressive, but he didn't expect that this guy would dare to laugh at him in advance.

"he died!"

Following Shi Yu's soft words, he flicked the invisible airflow in his hand, and then a horrible thing happened!
When it was first shot, it was only an inch long and the width of the little finger, but as it flew, the airflow like a sharp sword became bigger and bigger!

Two inches, 4 inches, and 8 inches are similar to fission reactions. When the inch-long airflow sword came to the scene, the width had already exceeded a thousand feet, and that was the reason why Shi Yu restricted it.

Otherwise, it is very likely that it has surpassed thousands of miles, but even so, it is still terrifying.

The creature from the holy mountain who spoke was split into two halves from the waist by the air current before he had time to react.

That was a real pain to the marrow, and when it made him feel horrified, his upper half couldn't connect with the lower half at all!
(End of this chapter)

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