Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 219 Human Nature

Chapter 219 Human Nature

And when it comes to the way of heaven, I have to talk about Honghuang again. There is actually a scene in Fengshen Yanyi, which is very interesting. Nuwa wanted to kill King Zhou, but was blocked because Dashang still had 28 years of luck !
It looks normal, but the ending of Fengshen Yanyi is the biggest mockery here, Tongtian shouted directly, at worst, open another day!

What do you mean, if the world is destroyed, it will be destroyed, and I will just create a new one!
Then, as the parasites of the world, people or creatures, when the world is destroyed, can they survive? The answer is no!
Ridiculous or not, he is also a saint, why can he come up with such two absolutely opposite pieces of information!

The reason is very simple. As I said before, no one can go against the sky, but Tongtian yelled that, which proves that he is capable, but he failed!
Because he walks against the sky, so what is against the sky? If it does not conform to the development of the world, it is against the sky, or if it goes against the operation of the world, it is against the sky!

And in the same way, within the operating range of the Dao of Heaven, you can do anything, as long as you don't go against the Dao of Heaven, then you can do anything!

Theoretically speaking, everyone is equal, even a saint, in some cases, will be restricted, which is the situation mentioned at the beginning, Nuwa can't even kill an enemy!

However, as a saint with authority, it can be said that as long as the core logic is not moved, the world can change with her thoughts!
Directly attacking and obliterating the Killing Emperor, that is, going against the core logic, so she cannot succeed!

And here came the horror, on the surface she failed, but with a simple change of concept, she basically accomplished what she wanted, that is, the death of King Zhou!

In this way, it may still not be very obvious, so change it to something simpler!
Today, there was a man who made me unhappy, so I wanted to kill him. At first, I wanted to punch him to death, but at this time, the judicial officer told me, this can’t work, you will violate the law!
I thought about it and felt that what he said made sense, so I took out 5 yuan, recruited two younger brothers casually, and then told them.

"You two, help me kill that guy, remember, it has nothing to do with me!"

Then in less than three days, the person who had an enmity with me received news of his death. The cause of death was very simple. He died on the belly of a woman. Before he died, he still had a smile on his face. Be happy to die!
In Fengshen, what Nu Wa did was similar to this, even more outrageous, and she didn't even have to pay the initial 5 yuan!

Do you think the so-called 28-year luck really refers to luck?
No, no, that's just the minimum time to avoid the cost of killing the Emperor!
It is so realistic, so invincible!
It can be said that as long as you are shrouded by the prehistoric way of heaven, then you will never be able to play against the prehistoric sage!

Let me talk about a horrible guess, this is a possibility that Shi Yu hadn't figured out before, but after practicing.

As I said before, Daluo is the only one in the heavens, and Honghuang Tongren, in the real existence of the world, the so-called Tongren is the derived world!

And as the core of this speculation, it is also the most critical theory and evidence, that is, there are those 6 saints and Hongjun in every world, and the series below!

This is nothing, the real horror is coming!
A protagonist who traveled to the prehistoric world, anyway, is all kinds of awesome and powerful, and the higher standard equipment is to punch the chaos and kick the prehistoric world!

And even the weakest one can punch the second sage of the West. As for Sanqing, the weaker ones directly apprentice, and it is impossible to devour the master!

The stories can be said to be similar, and the protagonists can also be said to be mass-produced. Anyway, there are only so many plots, and there is only so much room for development!
Anyone who is not a fool knows that deduction is actually to find the most likely result from the infinite possibilities!
It's all so clear, I should have thought of it!
People at that level are unique and infinite in all the heavens and myriad worlds. They have only one consciousness!
In other words, the biggest truth in the world of prehistoric derivatives is that the world of Truman is more real than the world of Truman, the world of Truman!

Truman is played by a city, and the protagonists in the derivative world, or the protagonists who think they are the protagonists, the whole world is playing him!
After all, in the prehistoric derivation world, as long as they can appear on the stage, they are all with names and surnames, so relatively, even if they are not Da Luo or the only one in the world, but the memories of several worlds are connected, there should be no problem!

You can imagine that your relatives, friends, women, brothers, benefactors, enemies, those who don’t like you, those who don’t like you, all the people who appear in your destiny are all playing you, what is this? concept!

You think you understand his character, you think you understand his situation, you think you are superior to others, maybe you look at others with the eyes of an idiot!
Others resisted slapping you to death, and complained to their fellow Taoists, how trash you are, and how much worse you are than the protagonist of a certain derivative world!
This is desperate enough!
But if this is the case, it's nothing, because those who play you are still human beings, or someone else!

The reason why Shi Yu called this kind of behavior horrible is because Shi Yu once thought of something!

A person, or a creature, a creature, anyway, all life, the thing he knows best in this life is himself!

This is a bit absolute, but what Shi Yu wants to express is that people can only understand themselves 100%, but it will never be possible for others!
It can even be said that the gap between the man you know, the man she knows, and the man he knows may exceed the length of the universe!

There is such a genre in the novel, the villain protagonist looks at the world from the perspective of the villain!
From the perspective of a normal protagonist, what we do is nothing, then from the perspective of a villain protagonist, this protagonist is so cheap, hateful, and hateful!

For these two situations, someone gave an answer, the ass decides to think, that is, which side to sit on, and which side to think on!
This seems to explain the problem, but in fact it proves one thing from the side, they themselves do not firmly believe that the answer they got is correct!
It is precisely because of this that they said that sentence, because they themselves also felt that perhaps they could see new things from a different angle!

So what does this explain, looking at a person, you can get different results from different angles!

It is still the answer that has already been obtained, and there is nothing wonderful about it, and once we further deduce this answer, we will get the real horror!
The sentence just now can be put in another way. When we see others, they are actually the others we think we are. Based on what we know and our own situation, we deduce a falsehood, what we think is true!
(End of this chapter)

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