Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 225 Restrictions

Chapter 225 Restrictions
That is to say, the soul power may be combined with the physical body, or it may be combined with mana power, but it will not be combined with mind power!
However, it has fusion properties with spiritual power, and its fusion product is divine consciousness!
Moreover, this fusion of theirs is relatively idealistic, not the kind of physical formula, so how much soul power and spiritual power can be invested to obtain the power of spiritual consciousness!
No, not in this mode, he is more like as long as there is participation, it will do!
To use a metaphor, under normal circumstances, it is like this to get the power of spiritual consciousness from the physical type!
After 1 point of soul power disappears, some of the spiritual power also disappears in the same proportion, and finally you can get a trace of spiritual power, and then you can directly draw it if you want to mobilize it later!

This is what exists under normal circumstances, or everyone has this pattern, but it starts with a big brain hole!

He started experimenting just after he practiced or acquired this mode and this ability!

Huangtian paid off, he really discovered a strange thing!
First of all, for the sake of research, he defined the three kinds of power as the initial unit 1!

That is, 1 unit of soul power +, 1 unit of spiritual power = two units of consciousness!
Of course, at first he wanted to set it as a unit of consciousness, but after thinking about it, he gave up!

At the beginning, I was very interested, so I played all kinds of games, this kind of pastime, but after experimenting for a long time, I found that no matter what I did, it didn't work!

It's as if the formula he set up is the truth and cannot be overthrown at all!

Until one time, he played so much that his soul power was almost exhausted!

After all, his cultivation system had some basis and was perfectly set up. That is to say, at that time, he still didn't involve the soul!
But because of his special situation, every realm is the most perfect theory, the theoretical limit, and naturally, the same is true for soul power!

Of course, at that time, he had never seen what the limit of soul power looked like, so the limit of his cognition at that time was probably the total amount of souls of two people!
And what can this little soul power do, so be it!
And that time, he was on his way and kept on exploring with his spiritual consciousness. Under normal circumstances, his soul power had long been exhausted, and he was forced to exit the observation mode!
But he forgot at that time, that is to say, in his subconscious mind, you need the power of consciousness!
After that, things were easy. After he came back to his senses, he discovered that as long as he really thought about it, even if he only had a little soul power, he could form 9999 pieces of consciousness with 1 spiritual power!

And in the same way, after seeing this, he also understood what was going on here!
At the beginning of the experiment, in some cases, he also strongly demanded it, but the reason why he didn't succeed is also very simple, because what he wanted at the time was two copies of divine consciousness!

Naturally, what makes up these two pieces of consciousness can only be a piece of spiritual power, a piece of soul power!
That's right, that's all he can do, and the reason why he can do it later is because what he needs is the divine consciousness that was consumed at that time!

This is equivalent to, when what he needs may be 100 points of consciousness, under the circumstances of normal people, the initial formula is limited, so he can only honestly use the AA system!
But subconsciously, this is no longer the case, there is no restriction, he directly came to 1:99, and in the end it was still 100 points of consciousness, and the strange things, their effects are the same!

From then on, never worry about consumption again!

Recalling the past in his heart, Shi Yu's perception also covered Kunpeng's lair!
Although the range of his perception is quite large, it is a bit far behind the entire lair!
In Shi Yu's scanning range, he couldn't even see the island where he first landed, and he couldn't even see the ghost ships, let alone the ones that appeared last!
Seeing this situation, Shi Yu didn't say anything, just took a big stride and entered Kunpeng's nest**
And when his figure disappeared into the North Sea, within the range covered by Kunpeng's lair, an invisible force covered him!

How about this kind of coverage? If a huge, water-filled balloon is in the vacuum range, then this balloon will most likely become a round ball!
And because of the elastic force on the surface of the balloon, they shrink tightly and gather the water. If this force becomes larger, it is very likely that something beyond imagination will be squeezed out!

Of course, it has nothing to do with that. When Shi Yu wanted to say, if the balloon is big enough and a person stands in the center of the balloon, all parts of his body will be squeezed inward. If his body is not strong enough, he will be deformed by this force!
The reason why I say this is because Shi Yu's current situation is somewhat similar to the previous one!

The only difference is that his tight pressure is not aimed at the body, but at the cultivation level!

Moreover, this encouragement is very powerful, not only that, but in the very center of the balloon, there is something that can absolutely resist this force!
And this is the spirit transformation and under the spirit transformation. After being compressed to this level, people can hide in the thing that can resist this encouragement, and no longer have to worry about the harm of that force to themselves!

And as long as the strength of a person does not exceed the person who arranged this formation, then no matter how strong he is, even if he is only one realm behind, his strength may be forcibly reduced!

Of course, the formation mentioned just now was what Shi Yu thought of when he came here. As for why, it is because!

The suppression of Kunpeng's Nest was not what he thought at all. It was more like a warning that he was not allowed to use the power of a higher realm!

If used, it will be destroyed!

As for why, it doesn't seem to be stated in the original work. It is because their strength is too weak. Even the strongest can't resist the scanning effect, supplemented by the reminder effect, and the limit effect, which is almost limitless!
As for how Shi Yu knew this, he hadn't experienced it himself!
In his feelings, there is a fairly powerful force that is suppressing his realm. There must be a god king around him!
Of course, that refers to the limit. Shi Yu's superficial realm is just a venerable, and the natural limiting power has not been fully utilized, probably only the realm of Shenhuo!
Then there is no more, Shi Yu didn't feel it at all, so he resisted it!
Afterwards, it was like a tug-of-war, the restrictive force was continuously strengthened, and finally reached the limit, that is, the peak of the God King Realm, and only then did Shi Yu's realm be suppressed!

And in any battle, no matter what you are fighting with, you will start to understand each other's information!

And among them, the initial, or the most concise information, is the strength of both parties, and it can be said that they contributed a few percent!

And this battle is naturally the same. Shi Yu can clearly feel the power of limitation, the upper limit that is already visible!

Possibly, if another Shinichi appears, this restrictive force can be completely exploded!
(End of this chapter)

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