Chapter 231
To be honest, he himself was dumbfounded. If he had known a little bit of hiding, everything would not have developed like that. He should never have said that what he got was permission!

Because, someone discovered that the authority can be transferred, as long as both parties are voluntary, then this authority can be transferred!
He just needs to hide a little bit and say that what he got is skills, then everything will not develop in that direction.

However, in his current opinion, this is pretty good. At least, it gives him a goal to fight for. At the same time, he knows that every choice is a gamble. One point must be left as the basis for a comeback!

Just like himself, he forgot to keep the book, wasted so much time, and barely recovered his level, but he clearly knows that the cultivation base, or strength, of this world can be synchronized to the outside world!

Of course, this is not something that can be done now, it requires certain permissions, and there are restrictions!

Although this is very troublesome, people who know this information will always want to improve their strength and synchronize to reality!
And he is naturally no exception, but it is a pity that this world is too simple now, as far as he knows, this is a novice village, or it is a trial, and only those who have completed this trial, Only then can we go to a place where people can really live!
As for how to know this information, he can only say that high authority is so stupid!
This is one of the core rules of Ten Thousand Realms set by Shi Yu, and authority is the embodiment of all the rules of Ten Thousand Realms.

This may seem like nothing, but in fact, the whole county occupies the world with a percentage. That is to say, the person who gets the permission will calculate his percentage in the world at the moment of getting it, and keep it constant!

As I said before, the heavens and myriad worlds can be said to be infinitely shrinking, and Shi Yu naturally follows the trend!

However, people living in his world don't need to lose material things, but Shi Yu has his own needs for this, and he doesn't like the existence of such a group of guys!
A group of people do not need to work hard to achieve the realm that others dream of and dare not even imagine!
Therefore, he cut off the privileges of the people living in this world, but after all, he left a glimmer of hope, and this hope is authority!

Although you get it, your material is still being lost, but as compensation, Shi Yu will return the material you lost, and return it to you in another way, and that is talent!

You know, because of Shi Yu's messing around, the so-called players in this world actually don't have any special talents, because their bodies are all directly made by Shi Yu, so naturally, he won't mess around with cheats!

However, there are no rules. He cannot open cheats. As a fake creator god, it is not easy to open some cheats for others!
Of course, this authority has almost zero connection with the player authority set by Shi Yu!

If the glimmer of life left behind is real or real, then player permissions are more like information browsing!

As Shi Yu is the master of all information in the world, he can naturally allow other people to observe this information too!
And the player's permissions are these thresholds. Every time they are higher, the more information he can see!

"Forget it, don't want those!"

As if remembering the past, Xu Fu's expression couldn't hold back anymore!

And at this time, seeing the people still laughing at them, he thought for a while, although he was the one who released the message, and even though he was not happy with himself at that time, it was himself after all!
"So, you can be my sacrifices!"

Although he had already made a decision, he didn't make any new moves, just like him before, he continued to laugh and laugh!

Two hours later, around the fire, four burly men fell asleep in a mess, and beside the fire, the sissy, Xu Fu, was on fire every now and then, if nothing happened!
Not far away, on a tall tree crown, there is a figure standing, it is the kind of real standing on the tree crown, stepping on the dense but extremely soft leaves!

There is no fluctuation in the figure, although there is a breeze blowing from time to time at night, blowing the leaves rustling, even from time to time, some big or small trees directly tilt their heads!
It seems that you still haven't made any moves, and the leaves have already left him. At this moment, he is not so much stepping on the canopy, as he is stepping on the space above the canopy!
"come yet?"

Xu Fu at this moment is really like the legendary outsider, the kind who is obviously extremely skilled in martial arts and is willing to be an old farmer!

It's a pity that in the next second, this kind of extraterrestrial style will be crooked in an instant!
"Grass, what are you doing standing so high, if you don't come down!"

Then, what is surprising is that just now, it was a lone figure pretending to be arrogant. After hearing Xu Fu's words, he stretched out his hand and scratched the back of his head, as if he didn't understand what was wrong with him.

In an instant, the person who was classified as high-cold just now became a huh!
"Brother, you came to me, it seems that your problem has been solved!
Let me just say, with the strength of Wanjie, how could those guys affect it! "

In a flash, a real flash, the figure standing on the canopy appeared directly in front of the fire, and under the light of the fire, he could finally see his appearance clearly, a dwarf with a height of only 1 meters!

Of course, if you only care about his height and ignore other things, then death is your only end!

And this point, Xu Fu can testify that when they met for the first time, they fought directly, the reason is very simple, it is the problem of height!
Of course, it ended with Xu Fu's overall victory. As for the victory, it's a bit shameless!
Anyway, at that time, the lower body of the little man suffered a total of three fatal blows from Xu Fu!
Every time he falls, the little dwarf has to slow down for a long time. After he slows down, he will be very dishonest again, continue to attack, and then continue to be KO. Moreover, Xu Fu's strength is getting stronger and stronger. The dwarf's resistance completely failed, and then, as in conventional novels, we don't know each other without fighting!

"Okay, it doesn't make sense to say that, the reason why I really came to you is that my problem has been solved, and I can continue to improve my strength!

The most important thing is, you help me get rid of these people, of course, you have to be natural, after all, for my current status, I have wasted a lot of means, if I ruin it because of carelessness, it would be too bad! "

"Brother, don't you worry about my work!
However, my methods are a bit ruthless, you have to hold on! "

"You won't just kill others until they collapse like that time again!"

Xu Fu seemed to have thought of something, and asked with some uncertainty!

"Brother still understands me!"

After speaking, the little dwarf smiled embarrassedly, and showed a mouthful of white teeth. Under the reflection of the firelight, the tmd actually reflected light, which hurt people's eyes!

 It's not that I think water, although the writing is really a bit watery, but it involves another main line, it's still useful!

(End of this chapter)

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