Chapter 236 Gossip
This is actually similar to a birthday, 360 days, it feels so scattered, but if you are among 1 people, you can make up several rounds casually!

And in Ten Thousand Realms, how many worlds are there, which is called infinite, and how many books are there, although there are many, it is also a constant!
So, when thinking of this, Shi Yu wanted to slap himself!

This is the same as finding a person surnamed Wang in Huaxia, that is really easy!
"Okay, it's my fault. It's better to be in the Xixuan world. You don't need to adjust the level too high, just choose the top few in this world!"

"Heh, you just made it clear just now, you don't need to trouble yourself again now, you really have no brains!"

Perhaps seeing Shi Yu's mistake, the system immediately began to complain about him.

"Stop talking, you tool man, hurry up and make a list, and find out all the information you can find out by the way, just what I need!"

Seeing that Pippi Tong seemed to be really skinny, Shi Yu didn't give him time to continue to develop, and directly obliterated his sense of existence from the source.

"Drink, scumbag!"

"Why am I such a scumbag, tell me clearly!"

"Call me a dog when you need it...!"

"Say it, keep talking, what did I call you a dog, and what am I calling you now!"

"There are a total of two that meet your requirements, although there are others, but some of them are not good enough!
The first world is a world where the gods hide, but the second world is just the opposite. Their divine way has reached its peak, and there are already several people who are close to the level of the so-called creator! "

The system didn't answer Shi Yu's words, and directly threw out the results of his investigation!
"Tell me in detail. Why did you choose these two? I don't believe it. It's really as simple as it seems!"

Regarding the system, Shi Yu did not give a clear answer.

"The reason why I chose them is because the 'Tao' of those two worlds are still in a state of silence!"

The words of the system made Shi Yu ponder for a few seconds, because he felt that a certain place was different from what he thought.

"You said that in the world where the gods hide, 'Tao' is in a silent state, I still believe it, but the other one, didn't you say that he has developed to its peak?

At this time, it should be said that the 'Tao' is also at its peak, right? "


"Ha ha"

What happened for a few seconds, the system suddenly laughed. Although the voice could be laughing, it was very weird, but after all, it was a person who had lived together for several years, Shi Yu could still bear it.

"Will you say it, don't say it...I'll go first!"

"What is the reason, you should have thought about it yourself, it is almost the same as what you think, since it is called the peak, then the peak is over, of course it is time to go downhill!

If the peak is still the peak, then what is the previous one? "

"You mean, they're all going to fail?"

After thinking for a few more seconds, Shi Yu asked uncertainly.

"Hehe, let me tell you this, those gods and ghosts like to engage in beliefs, because the power of belief can not only improve strength, but also has a very important hidden effect, which is to increase the speed of comprehension of laws!

The law is a really good thing, and it is a real life-saving thing for those with low cultivation bases!
But ah, the deeper the comprehension of this thing, the harder it is to change from rules to rules!

You should know the difference between the two, right? "

"The law is to use, the rule is to master, I don't know if I am right!"

In terms of the system, Shi Yu was quite surprised, after all, he saw more things.

"Right or wrong, if you are right, it is because your direction of the big question is right, if you are wrong, it is because your focus is wrong!

The rule of the rule is not the rule of the norm, but the rule of the regulation; similarly, the law of the law is not the law of mana, but the law of the law! "

"Law? Are you sure!"

I don't know why, Shi Yu didn't care about the words in front of him at all, but only noticed these two words.

"That's right, think about it, what exactly is the function of the law?"

"What else can it be, to restrain people! And it's still a small number of people, restraining the vast majority of people!"

Although I already knew that the system was digging a hole, I jumped straight down!
"It's very correct, and the law is the same, it is the law of heaven for all living beings!

And the so-called people who master the law are actually similar to lawyers. They can use some vague concepts of the law to carry out self-management!
The only difference between the two is that the laws of the Dao of Heaven are more relaxed and the span is larger. Relatively, the role of lawyers in this environment has become greater, and the cultivation has become easier. ! "

"Hehe, I understand now. People who are used to using funnels, how can they think that they can directly change the program, and even if they think about it, they can't change it!"

This is actually similar to that famous Internet stalk, since you choose to kneel and lick, don't think about kissing!

Although the appearance is different, it is actually a change of soup but not medicine.

"You're right, how do you choose which one?"

"Let's take a look first. After all, I'm not a child anymore. It's impossible to choose one. If possible, I want to go with the two!"

"Is that enough of you!"

Although the system is mocking, in fact he is really mocking. After all, both are large universe-level worlds. To put it bluntly, the simple number of people can kill everyone except Shi Yu.

However, that is a normal invasion. Many people say that immortality is the greatest scourge. This is true, but if you can limit this ability, he is the best means of war!

Because they are not afraid of death, and after realizing that they cannot die, they can do whatever it is.

On the other hand, after realizing that Shi Yu has the power to eliminate them, they will not resist Shi Yu's order in order to survive.

Immortality is not a blasphemy against death. He is the greatest continuation of death. A person with a firm will may not be afraid of death, but after he has tried many times in a row, he is afraid of death even if he is not afraid of death!

And as I said before, Shi Yu's side has been cleaned several times, and it is precisely for this reason that they are honest.

If the two worlds are really at war, after understanding that the other party cannot kill him, but his boss has the means to deal with him, all goals will be unified, and there will be a second voice besides this.

It is also because of this that Shi Yu dared to use people from one world to invade the universe!

"It's not enough, don't you know it very well? Okay, give me the details!"

"Talk while you walk!"

After the system said this, Shi Yu felt again that he had left this world and was heading towards an unknown place!
(End of this chapter)

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