Chapter 247 Weird
And only if he takes the initiative to contact, Shi Yu can swallow it in one gulp, after all, he himself is naturally complete!
This is the principle of coverage, but there is actually another problem here, and that is death!
What I said just now only mentioned active contact, that is, the prayer that Shi Yu used before to build a stone statue of him and let people kneel in front of the stone statue to pray to him!

Because the material of the stone statue is indestructible matter, and indestructible matter can be regarded as a part of him!

Therefore, although their prayers were kneeling in front of the stone statue, there was no essential difference from kneeling in front of him!
Therefore, it is possible to establish contact, and it is also their initiative to contact, that is, direct contact!

But because of the current situation, it's a bit inaccurate to say direct contact, so it's an active contact!
According to the statement just now, this is established, so why is death also established!
It's actually easier than you might imagine!

As I said before, because of the principle of independent consciousness, Shi Yu cannot directly erode those things that cover the will of others!

But what if you die!

The body has died, and the consciousness has returned to space. In theory, there is nothing left!
But in fact, everything created by Shi Yu is corrosive, as I said at the beginning, it is also the source of experience or points!
After his body died, he would be instantly covered by Shi Yu's indestructible substance, which naturally included that channel!

The channel with the mind as the middle line!

And after getting this passage, it will be even easier, just force the invasion directly!
Taking the initiative to contact, like making friends, definitely can't fully observe, but I f*ck steal your house, so I can see everything about you clearly!
In addition, there is no death in the world. The so-called death is the decay of the body, leaving the body and reaching the state of the soul. Then the death of this state is the soul, the soul is scattered!
As for death in a higher state, it should be connected with the rules of the world. The world will not die, and he will not die!

The core of all this is actually very simple, the landing point of consciousness, the first landing point is the body, then the soul, and then the higher rules!
So, in essence, there is no such thing as death in the world, and the so-called death is just the loss of the landing point of consciousness!

And the awesome character can open up the second and third, as long as there is a little connection, he can open up a new landing point of consciousness!

This is the so-called resurrection of information and concept!
Since the landing point can land, it can also increase the dimension. As I said just now, it is Shi Yu's so-called sneak attack!

Of course it is said so, but at the conceptual level, there is no such thing, only coverage and tolerance!
At the moment when he got the landing point, Shi Yu had already dominated his consciousness space on a conceptual level!

This is the principle of death!
There are some others, but none of them have been unified into systematic data, so Shi Yu just scanned a few pages and didn't think about them at all!
Thinking back, reflecting from previous memories, Shi Yu started his new game!
The problems of this world have been solved. Although it went smoothly beyond his imagination, he still has no interest in staying any longer!

Although he really wants to test his current strongest combat power, but he can't do it now, he can't take back all the materials, he is incomplete!

So, I just have to find something fun to pass this boring time!


The natural world, this world is very strange, but no matter how Shi Yu looks and thinks, he doesn't find anything strange!

In the end, there was no result. Although he was very concerned about this feeling, he also clearly understood that he couldn't figure it out now.

But if he can't figure it out, he has to find a way to figure it out. He who was a little boring at first, suddenly felt it!
It may be that the world is not simple!Shi Yu didn't force it directly like in the previous world!

Instead, hide it and start browsing the timeline of this world!
Of course, it was still his tricky method!
And, considering the time-alteration crisis, he just pinched a puppet and threw it to the earliest timeline he could find now, which is 5 million years ago!
Then just wait, wait for this puppet to drift, drifting through the world for 5 million years, to the moment when he is only one time unit away from now!
Then you can rely on your special nature to forcefully cross this time unit directly!

In this way, although there will still be some cause and effect, but its size, even an ordinary person can bear it, let alone him now!
Theoretically speaking, if you throw something before the timeline, no matter what, it is impossible for you to get it back. No matter what, there will be a time gap between him and you!
And this period of time, the smallest is a unit of time, how small it is, how short this time interval is, cannot be calculated!

Even if Shi Yu forced the two time periods to merge into one, the cause and effect, karma, would be almost nothing!

The operation is so coquettish, it can be said that after several of his abilities are superimposed, it is really a bug version of a bug!

Absolutely strong and invincible!
At the time when Shi Yu forced the two time periods to merge, many people in this world felt that the world had changed for some reason!
But when they looked for the original head, they didn't find anything, no matter whether it was the power of the body or the power of the soul, they couldn't perceive what had changed!

If it wasn't for that moment, they felt something in their hearts, maybe, all this would not have happened!
With the return of sight, as Shi Yu forcibly merged, the two timelines merged into one, and the thing thrown by him returned to his hands again!

And in the next moment, this thing drifting on the timeline transmitted all the memories he observed to Shi Yu, or in other words, it was his memory in the first place!
"What's going on, this memory is still the same, there is nothing that makes me feel strange at all!

Feelings can’t be wrong. People in the world who don’t believe in feelings have paid a price for making them suffer!
I am a time traveler, an invincible person, if I don't believe my own feelings, why should I believe in it! "

"So, there is nothing wrong with my feelings, the world is wrong, so the only problem is my memory!"

It's not that Shi Yu was thinking about it, the main reason is that he has seen too many people who don't believe his feelings!

For example, in a novel he once read, the protagonist is a time traveler, a capable and powerful time traveler!
One day, when he went out, he suddenly felt that if he went out like this, something painful might happen to him!

Then, then he didn't care about anything and left!
In the end his girlfriend died, and before his girlfriend died, he asked him to take care of his sister!
Then, he didn't care about it, he went black and started to take revenge on the society!

And here, Shi Yu had to complain a few words, revenge is revenge, tmd has no strength in his heart, and he was almost hammered to death!
And that's what happens when you don't believe your feelings

(End of this chapter)

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