Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 250 Specific situation

Chapter 250 Specific situation
Sunset Holy Land!

After understanding the essence of this world, Shi Yu also knew who his enemy is in this world!
To be honest, even if it is clear, I still find it difficult!

To put it simply, the author has great control over the novel, even if Shi Yu devours the novel, it will be difficult to resist this control!

In other words, his previous tricks are useless for this kind of thing, even if he got it, it is only in name!
This is similar to getting married. The relationship between the novel world and the author is a real marriage, a real husband and wife!
And he, at most, is a third party, and it is the kind of third party who forcibly penetrates, that is, the kind of little yellow hair who does something to the woman!

Although, he has already got the actual one, but the original partner of the author, when speaking together, the executive power is even higher!
And this is the problem he is facing now!
Although, it's not impossible to solve it, but, as a person who doesn't like to use his brain, he likes to be straightforward!
After all, no matter how you think about it, you can't see clearly what other people are like. If that's the case, why bother!
As long as he is strong enough, he can always be subdued, no matter what he is thinking, there is no way to resist!
And this is Shi Yu's current course of action!
It can also be said to be a habit, but now he has to do something he doesn't like, which makes him very upset!

Unhappy, naturally want to vent!
For example, to engage in the author's own son or something, maybe under his pressure, the author will become a eunuch!

At that time, taking advantage of this period, wouldn't it be beautiful to cut off the connection between the two!
But now, just follow the lucky son of the Xiao family who is similar to the protagonist, and there is a high probability that he can find the real lucky son in this world!
Moreover, according to all kinds of things in this world, Shi Yu has already figured out that this should be a villain genre, but he is not sure what kind of villain genre it is!
Dark novels were once all the rage. Naturally, there are many follow-up works, and everyone is different, so the inner reality, the protagonist of the novel is also different!

Some are bright on the outside but dark on the inside;

And among them, there are a series of subdivisions, each of which has its own origin, and the situation in the middle, and the final result!

Only by determining which one is it, can Shi Yu prescribe the right medicine!

After all, in this world, although he can use a lot of power, those villains not only have an online IQ, but they also have their own system!

And the system is the specific authority of this world, that is to say, to a certain extent, the system can fight against him!
But it can't be said to be a confrontation, it can only be said to be at the same level, people at the same level!
However, how to say a level, fish and dragons are mixed, just like in the real world, everything can be regarded as the same level in theory!
Among them, there are stars, black holes, and white holes, as well as ants and cockroaches. Do you think the difference is big!

From this point of view, the system does not have any resistance to him, but the existence of the system itself does not need any resistance, it is just a restriction and an alarm!
Limit the highest power that can exist in this world, and if it exceeds it, immediately call the police!
And as the author of this world, after receiving this kind of information, he himself does not know that he has received it, which is a kind of concealment!

Then, the author will open his mind and come up with all kinds of awesome things!
Then, of course, it is useless, it can invade the universe, how can it be so simple!
But the question is, when these things are created, what is consumed!
The world is about balance after all!
After getting rid of those brain-opening things, what is left is a tattered universe!

This kind of world is so troublesome, but Wanjie has a consensus that once you encounter this kind of thing, you must get it, and get it with as little loss as possible!
Because, once you successfully get this kind of world, then you will take a big step on the road to Daluo!

The reason is actually very simple. If you want to defeat him normally, you must move within the scope of other people's rules. This kind of restriction is very large. Naturally, according to the law of balance, the gains must be comparable to the sacrifices!
And those who can enter the arena are generally of any size, at least Da Luo, because only Da Luo can play a little bit of his own rules under other people's rules!

The same is true, only the rules can match the rules!

This is really unsolvable, let me give you the simplest example!

In a world with only water, getting fire is the condition for customs clearance!
But Da Luo can do it, just turn water into fire, and it's done!

But this statement is relatively simple, the reality is far more complicated than examples!

For example, in a world that has everything, let you find one thing that is not there!

It's more stupid than the last one, because even if you create such a one, it's something that doesn't exist in this world.

He can also directly copy one at this moment, because his setting for the world is to have everything, and yours naturally fits!
They are all shameless, and this is a confrontation of rules, and the comparison is who is shameless!
Everyone has their limits. Of course, it's not that they have morality, but that they don't have the ability to continue to be shameless!

And in the world, the most shameless thing in the heavens and myriad worlds is 'Tao'!
From the result of everything in theory, everything in thought, tmd can be it!
Absolutely invincible rascal master, master of rascal dog!
Although he is very upset with this group of rambunctious guys, of course, Shi Yu himself doesn't know how much he envies them!
What made him heave a sigh of relief was that the sloppiness of this group of guys couldn't be relied on by him, because their sloppy rules had little effect on him!

After all, he didn't start his career by being reckless, he just became reckless after starting a family!

This is an essential difference!

Following cause and effect, Shi Yu found the similar protagonist, and I have to say that they are really similar, even the names are very similar, Xiao Yan?
As for appearance, there is finally an essential difference. Xiao Yan is only 1 meters, this strong man starts at 7 meters, you are almost 1!

After some observation, I knew that the plot could almost begin!

"Holy Master, that old bastard, actually gave away his daughter in order to please that guy!

Xue'er, don't worry, I will definitely rescue you tomorrow! "

Sure enough, before Shi Yu stayed for a few seconds, this guy started to say inexplicable, inexplicable words!

Although the words were short, Shi Yu understood some of the contents!
It seems that the situation is almost as he guessed, this should be the kind of protagonist who steps on the protagonist!
To put it simply, the fool in front of me is giving away his head tomorrow!

And not only that, the woman he likes is very big, and may become the protagonist, but he doesn't know whether to kill or play with her!
(End of this chapter)

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