Chapter 252
And this skill was imitated by Shi Yu in order not to feel lonely!

For example, now, just a few seconds after entering, and before the loneliness appeared, the alarm clock set by Shi Yu rang!
As for why the alarm clock is set, the reason will not be explained!

Then, after coming out, he scanned his mind, and found that not far from his current place, there was a large group of people gathering!
And among them, he has already clearly felt the taste of the protagonist!

Looking over, he saw that in a vast hall, everyone was standing, and no young people were sitting down. The meaning was self-evident!

As he took a closer look, the anger in his heart began to surge, his eyes were handsome, he was talented, and he was graceful...!
Anyway, there are a lot of them, as long as you can describe a man as handsome, you can describe him!

"There is no such handsome person in this world, the author must have cheated on him!"

Shi Yu was really angry, how could a man be so handsome, of course he is not a braggart!
The reason why he dared to speak out was because, seeing such a handsome man, Shi Yu didn't believe it, and directly entered the real space. He wanted to see if he was so handsome, whether he was really handsome or fake in nature!

Then, as expected, that man who was so handsome just now, so handsome that he was so unhuman, tmd, his language description alone has hundreds of fucking words!
"I'm so powerful, I didn't even add drama to my face, see if it will swell your face!"

After Shi Yu said something secretly, he continued to watch the show!

"Chu Yunfei, relying on the power behind you, you actually want to marry Xin'er by force, how dare you fight me!"

After the crowd gathered to the limit, that is, when no one came again, the quasi-protagonist directly attacked the real protagonist!
On the other hand, the real protagonist is still a little confused. After all, this is a newcomer, but as the protagonist of the dark department, his mentality is very strong and it is difficult to collapse!
In just a few breaths, he sorted out everything and became familiar with this body and the power he possessed!

And similarly, the plug-in system is also launched on time!

The strongest villain system is at your service!
After some regular chats, the real protagonist also knows what his mission is, which is to slap the protagonists of this world in the face, deprive them of their luck, and finally rob them of everything!
Ding!Xiao Yan, the son of luck, was detected!

The task is now released, kill Xiao Yan!

Completing the task will reward you with the World-Destroying Magic Tome, World-Destroying Demon Physique, and World-Destroying Demon Soul!
"It's quite rich!"

After the real protagonist sighed, he began to use his computer-like boss to think about how to take care of it!
According to his memory, the guy in front of him should belong to Xiao Xingqi's luck flow, the only thing that made him think clearly, where did this guy's fiancee go!
But these are just sidelines, he just smiled when he thought about it!
What he was thinking about was the success rate of direct shots!

First of all, his current epic is level 3, and with some self-contained weapons and skills, he can probably explode at level 7!

And the son of luck in front of him, although he only has the strength of the legendary level 8, but fighting across the border is like drinking water, easily bursting out with epic-level combat power!

Coupled with some super hole cards, even the gap of level 8 may be made up!

So, time must be fast!
Finally, after making up their minds, the three protagonists also started their own performances, which is to maintain a high-quality personality!

"Challenge me, are you qualified?"

Said casually, a trace of wind blade appeared in the hands of the real protagonist, and then directly slashed at the wary protagonist!
And this seemingly ordinary blow is not ordinary. This is a semi-magic weapon directly activated by the real protagonist!

Its power is so strong that it can easily penetrate the body of an epic level 5, that is really nothing to worry about!
Moreover, this semi-divine weapon has a wonderful use, and it can also hide its own divine power fluctuations!

In other words, in the eyes of outsiders, this small wind blade is really a casual blow from the real protagonist!
On the other hand, as a protagonist who has fought since childhood, Xiao Yan's fighting instinct is not so strong!
After seeing the process of the wind blade flying, he knew that this move was not easy to take. He took out the weapon he used to use, a large steel plate with a handle, and slashed at the oncoming wind blade!
Then, quite normally, the wind blade won, the big steel plate was cut into two pieces directly, and the wind blade remained undiminished, and directly killed the class protagonist behind the steel plate!
Seeing this scene, the protagonist was stunned for a moment. After all, this was a weapon that he had been fighting with for many years, and it was destroyed just like that. It is true that he is not sad!

After all, if the old ones don't go, the new ones won't come, and now that the new ones have come, the old ones still exist, isn't that unreasonable!

The speed of the wind blade is very fast, but the protagonist is thinking about life, and has no intention of resisting at all!
Just when everyone at the scene thought that this provocative guy was about to spill blood on the spot!
A twist in conventional fiction has happened!
When the wind blade was about 10 centimeters away from the main character, it seemed to be offset by something hard and invisible!


Many people present exclaimed!
After all, with the initial foil, how powerful this wind blade is, the melon-eaters present already have a psychological threshold!
It is precisely because of this that after seeing this scene, they will be surprised, surprised, and frightened!
Not only the people who eat melons, but even the real protagonist who is still sitting upright and still not paying attention, has a slight fluctuation in his heart!
At this moment, there is an idea in my mind, I may have overlooked something!

However, this idea comes and goes quickly. Now he has only one purpose, and that is to clean up this, and use it to maintain his majesty in front of the public.

"Hey, it's okay, I thought it could be solved with one move!"

I have to say that the protagonist with brains is really a bit difficult to deal with. Apart from absolute strength, it is basically difficult to settle!
For example, now, with just one sentence, the majesty established by the protagonist just now has completely disappeared!

The meaning is very simple, I thought you were a piece of trash who couldn't catch one move, but I didn't expect to be able to catch one move!
In just one sentence, the taste changes instantly!

"Heh, you're only able to talk nonsense now, and I'll see if I don't wipe out all your teeth later!"

And in the same way, as a protagonist with the surname Xiao, even though he doesn't have a fiancée, he still has a waste of experience!

Naturally, he also understood the meaning of the words, but he didn't care much.

As long as he defeats the person in front of him, when the time comes, everything he says will be the best weapon to slap him in the face!
Just like that, the atmosphere on both sides really became tense!

Just now, it could only be regarded as a small fight, but now, it has evolved into a face-to-face dispute. No one will back down at this time!
(End of this chapter)

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