Chapter 256
Time went back to a few minutes ago, at the moment when the transaction was over, seeing the woman he liked running towards him, the protagonist also relaxed!
However, the development of the situation was beyond his imagination. It was clear that the two were about to be together, and what greeted him was the upper body of the person he really liked!

Seeing the person he likes, his consciousness began to dissipate. Xiao Yan went crazy at this moment. He really wanted to go there and kill the person he hated!

But rationally tell him, this is not possible, not because she is not strong enough, but because she is not dead yet, he must find a way to keep her vitality from draining!
Although his master is not a regular good master, he still knows how to make alchemy and medicine. Naturally, he also has some good things in him!

From the interspatial ring, he took out the precious elixir that he was reluctant to use when he was injured before, and then used it on the person in his arms as if he didn't want money!
Although it was effective, the real lethal point of his blow was not the conventional cut in half. After all, although Mu Xueer's strength was not strong, she was still a legend!
Not to mention exaggerated operations such as rebirth with a broken arm, rebirth from a drop of blood, but it is not simple, you can kill it with one slash!

What really made her face death was the law!
There are two types of ultra-high damage in the divine realm and under the divine realm, the real damage, one is the soul, directly attacking your soul, and the other is the law!
Both of these can be regarded as dimensionality reduction blows, and among them, the law is a little higher than the soul!
After all, the soul, in essence, is the same as the body, which belongs to the basic power, while the law only belongs to the high-end power, but the high-end is not there!
As for Mr. Lin's attack, because it was ordered by Chu Yunfei, he used the law directly!

Otherwise, if it was just an ordinary slash, how could the damage be so great!

In essence, the power of law, its attack is similar to Shi Yu's use of indestructible matter!

It's just that it's not like Shi Yu's. After cutting it off, it cuts off from the root, so awesome!
He just prevents you from repairing, and since it cannot be repaired, your state is the same as that of a normal person in this state!

In other words, your head was cut off, normally speaking, you are very strong, even with just a drop of blood, you can be resurrected!

But under this kind of attack, your resurrection ability will be directly offset, and the final competition is who is strong enough and the essence of power is strong enough!
It depends on who consumes whose strength first, but generally speaking, the person who was cut will suffer a little bit!
After all, before the energy in his body was exhausted, he was in a state of being injured, that is, dying!

Of course, the later in the game, the lesser the effect, the cow B point, even if there is only a drop of blood left, he can remain immortal!
Then you can consume it slowly. This kind of recombination is fundamentally different from the kind of blood resurrection mentioned at the beginning!

One is similar to talent, and the other is strength!

And now, Mu Xueer is in this situation. First of all, the gap between the two is too big. Even if the leader only left a little strength, a little law on her wound, it is not something that her energy can offset!
And the panacea for the protagonist is to use the third party to intervene in the war between the two!

But as I said before, the difference in their essence is too great, they are not in the same dimension at all, even if the main character consumes all the good things on his body, the effect he receives is equal to death!
In other words, if she keeps doing this, this woman can maintain her current state without dying!
However, the things on the body are limited after all, seeing the bottles and cans all over the floor, the protagonist is desperate!
It's not just him, but the other old guys who have been distracted to pay attention to the situation here also have some obvious changes in their demeanor!
And the next moment, several old immortals here shot at the same time, and Mu Qiushan also took advantage of this moment to throw his ring towards the similar protagonist!
At the same time, at this moment, he suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood, and his power weakened by more than a notch!

Mu Qiushan didn't care about his own situation, and after saying a word, he joined the battlefield again, fighting with Elder Lin, they didn't dare to be distracted in the slightest!
After all, if they fight alone, even if they are the two strongest in their group, those who are at the peak of the first realm, it will only be a matter of a few slaps if they meet Mr. Lin!

The reason why it has been delayed for so long now is that apart from burning vitality, the most important point is that it depends on the number of people. Once Mr. Lin wants to kill someone, he will face the death blow of everyone else!
He can't allow this, once he is injured, even if the strongest one is hammered to death, the victory will be close to the Holy Land of the setting sun!
After all, he is not one of those protagonists, someone with great luck, almost invincible in the same realm, he is not even an ordinary villain boss, so naturally he doesn't have so much drama!

Here, I have to say something about the battle situation. Due to the strong shots of a few of them, the battlefield is no longer the hall it used to be!
It was in the sky, the Holy Land of the Setting Sun, above the sky, and at the same time, Chu Yunfei was not standing there, he was very close to Elder Lin!
After all, no one is an idiot, and he is the one who wants to kill him in the Holy Land of the Setting Sun. If Mr. Lin dares to leave his side, then the final outcome is likely to be that a few people launch a fatal blow to hold Mr. Lin for a moment, while others Ren directly blew himself up. Anyway, in a word, let him go on the road even if he dies!

Because he is the fuse of everything, if he is not killed, the destruction of Sunset Holy Land is meaningless!

And in the same way, except for those who fought, the rest of the people, except for the main character, actually all ran away, and no one stayed here to watch the show!

As I said before, no one is a fool. Although they feel confused about today's developments, they know that if they don't run away at this time, they will definitely not be able to run away!
And in the same way, there are those who run away, and there are naturally those who are loyal to the sect, but as I said before, the bosses of the sect already understand that it is impossible for the sect to survive!

And for these people who treat the sect sincerely, it is actually impossible for them to let them stay here, because if they really do this, they are completely idiots!
The real high-level people like them must die, but those little shrimps are not necessarily!
Among them, truly identifying with their sect is likely to be the foundation for the rise of the sect in the future!
Therefore, the moment the battle broke out, the Holy Land of Sunset was empty!
And moving, naturally you have to bring your family property with you, so not only is the Holy Land of Sunset empty, but even more than half of those resources have been taken away!

Don't say funny jokes about how long it will take to waste time, the sect is indeed big, but there are also many people in the sect!
The reason why I think it takes a long time to bring things is because it is orderly and disorderly, and the time is really fast!

Don't say anything about greed, there may be greedy people who can join top forces like Zongmen, but the greatest greed of people is life!
In order to survive, even the most money-loving people will give up their wealth in order to survive!
(End of this chapter)

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