Chapter 260

"Let this matter end for the time being!"

After confirming the situation, Shi Yu also had to give them a call from the sidelines first, otherwise his game would be violent and broken, and it would not be very fun!
The moment Shi Yu's idea was confirmed, it was like touching the first piece of dominoes, and the whole world changed!

Driven by an unknown and mysterious force, a fifth realm in a foreign land thousands of miles away suddenly felt something, approaching the original site of the Holy Land of the Setting Sun!

No matter how fast this kind of strong man is, you are only one step away. If he feels it in his heart, his body has already arrived!
Then, with a sweep of his gaze, he instantly fixed on Chu Yunfei!
"Hahaha, the direct descendant of the Chu family, God bless me, Chu madman!"

With the sound of this domineering and unfamiliar voice, the two parties fighting at the scene stopped their hands in an instant. If you don't stop honestly, you're afraid you'll be slapped to death later!

"I don't know who the senior is?"

Chu Yunfei felt like he had eaten shit at the moment, he felt that the whole world was against him!

Although I understand that in this world, it must be difficult for him as a villain to compete with the protagonist, but it doesn't have to be so difficult!

It was really inexplicable, another rescuer came, and for some reason, he still felt that this person was not simple, but from the words on the stage, he felt that this person seemed to be a little unhappy with their Chu family!

"Chu family junior, you ask who I am. Didn't your elders tell you when you went out that when they met me, Chu Zhongtian and Chu madman, they immediately turned around and ran away!"

Madman Chu didn't care about Chu Yunfei's respectful words, because he knew very well that the Chu family was a cold place with only interests in mind.

Especially when his grandson left completely, he had already decided to leave that cold cellar, and secretly made an oath that if he saw a Chu family member, he would kill one, and if he saw two, he would kill both of them!
"So it's you. You dare to be in this area. I really don't know if it's because you are brave or have little knowledge!"

On the other side, after hearing the words of Chu Kuangren, Chu Yunfei thought for a while, and then remembered a person deep in his memory, Chu Zhongtian, the traitor of the Chu family!

In an instant, the bad feeling just now became stronger. He never expected that the protagonist's luck in the early stage would be so bad that he would actually attract the big guy's attention!

This person's strength, even in their Chu family, can still be ranked in the top [-]. His strength is unimaginable, and it is not something that he can handle now!

After thinking about it for a while, he still used his young master token, and specifically stated that it was a 5th mirror!

He felt that if he didn't do this, he might be shot to death by this boss!

And at the moment he used the token, Madman Chu seemed to sense something, and then said indifferently.

"You're quite clever, you used your life-saving things so quickly, but don't you know that if you play tricks in front of someone who is stronger than you, you will be hammered!"

As the words fell, the space above Chu Yunfei's head shattered like a mirror, and a strange giant pillar appeared from the space!

Then, with an unstoppable momentum, he pressed towards Chu Yunfei!

Everyone observed carefully for a moment, then they were shocked instantly, what kind of giant pillar is this fucking love, this is an arm!
Then, everyone looked at Chu Yunfei again. At this moment, he was like Monkey King at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain. The only difference was that what Monkey King received was a slap, while he received a fist!
And in the same way, Sun Wukong is sealed, and he, I'm afraid he will be hammered into sauce!
Moreover, no one present could stop this situation, and they couldn't even get close to it!
The only thing they can do now is to be a melon-eating crowd honestly, and then wait for the big boss to clean up this guy, and then let the big boss decide their lives and deaths!

But now, Chu Yunfei, who was in a suppressed state, was upset. This guy would do it, but he had never seen such a hateful thing!
His speed was very slow, so slow that Chu Yunfei had time to think, but the restriction was so strong that in Chu Yunfei's feeling, he couldn't even blow himself up!

It can be said that this encounter almost drove him crazy, not to mention losing face, even losing face!

What's even worse is that the old guy's speed has slowed down again, but the suppression has become stronger again. If he didn't have the pride of a time traveler, he might have knelt down honestly!
"Boy, it's not bad. You can persist like this. It seems that the old man needs to work harder!"

It's a pity that Chu Yunfei's persistence was not greeted with applause, but the teasing of Chu's madman and a new round of torture!

Bleeding gums, what kind of pressure is it? Chu Yunfei's spine is broken at this moment, and he is paralyzed on the ground, how embarrassing, how embarrassing!

And this one is so different from the previous scenery, which made some people in the room sigh!

But soon, the people who watched the theater realized that this is the young master of the Chu family, and as a servant of the Chu family, watching this happen, it might be the end of it!
Although they wanted to run away to survive, Deadpool was Deadpool, and they were also trained by the Chu family!
And if you want to cultivate to this level, is it possible to say that you are not loyal to the Chu family?

They didn't make a move just now, that's because they saw a more powerful power, which made them enter a state of no god and no self, that is, a daze!
But now that they realized it, they were all crazy, and at the cost of their lives, they launched a desperate attack on Madman Chu!

Then, it's normal, come one, kill one, come for a pair, then shoot one, kill one in the backhand!
As for those who play long-distance, they will be crushed into a puddle of meat if they directly press down on them!
You must know that most of this group of people are from the first level or even legends. The gap between this and the Chu madman of the fifth level cannot be expressed by the gap!
This is equivalent to a group of trumpets at level 100 or [-] trying to challenge a tuba at level [-]!

This is not a game, there are so-called divine costumes, maybe there are, but they are not something that these servants can have!
In the face of such a gap of dozens of levels, to be honest, people can't even move their hands, just need to cooperate with a little mental fluctuation, and they can stare at you to death with a single glance!
However, the death-death activities of this group of people had some effect after all, at least it delayed Chu Zhongtian by 1 minute!

Of course, it's not that they really delayed for a minute, but that they controlled the speed of death, not rushing up in a swarm, but rushing up to die every few seconds, relying on this kind of delay, they persisted Precious 1 minute!

(End of this chapter)

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