Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 272 New Theory

Chapter 272 New Theory

The upper limit of water in wooden barrels is the highest state allowed to exist in this world, this is the most superficial truth!
And the world will degenerate, that is, it will slowly approach the gap!
For example, a large wooden barrel with a height of 10 meters, somewhere, there is a gap at 9 meters!
From now on, the water limit of this big wooden barrel will be 9 meters!

And this is a wooden barrel. If it is the world, it will always maintain this state, and then slowly degrade, that is, the upper limit of the other edges of this barrel will also degenerate to 9 meters!
This is the so-called degeneration of the world, and it is a truth of the common respect of all worlds!
But in some worlds, there are some strange worlds. They have always maintained a height of 10 meters. Although their upper limit may drop to four or five meters, the amazing thing is that some positions can be maintained to 10 meters. Meter!
And Shi Yu's purpose is to find this kind of power. These things seem to be useless to him. After all, it is very likely that he will never need this kind of power in his life!
But ah, these powers are very magical, and Shi Yu is a person who likes to study, and he has great brains!
This kind of power may be useless, but after understanding its essence, there may be new uses for it!

As he searched, as he inspected, after a week around this large secret realm, Shi Yu figured out the general situation of this world!

Of course, with his existence, what he understands is rule classification, not personnel classification or resource classification!

Then he randomly found a place where no one was around, took out the big bed he was most familiar with, and after setting some restrictions, he lay on the bed, thinking about what he had seen and heard!

Here, I have to say that after Shi Yu retreated several times, he found that he felt and inspired the most when he was lying on the bed!
And others, who practiced the world-standard seat, had been abandoned by him long ago when he was capable!
After all, he doesn't need that little spiritual power. It can even be said that he still doesn't have his own magic power!

Now, it's really similar to eating a hundred meals, whichever world you go to, the practice system will become that world!
And in the same way, the matching mana automatically appears in the body, and it is the kind with extremely strong recovery ability, basically how many seconds it takes to recover!

If you don't fight him, you usually copy several realms of him. Maybe just this little bit, the special recovery ability of mana, can become a famous genius far and wide!
As his mind relaxed, what he had seen and heard in the past few days began to be quickly decomposed and combined in Shi Yu's mind!
This is a relatively boring thing. After all, this is a question with only an answer. Without the initial foundation, no one knows which way to go!

It's like in the real world, an ordinary person wants to rub a nuclear bomb with his bare hands!
Although I know the general principle, and even a little more careful, I still know some key situations!
However, if you end up in person, then the biggest possibility is that your eyes are confused and you don't know what to do!
And problems of this level can be found everywhere in the practice world, and a little bit of things that need to be done by themselves are similar to this nature!
But fortunately, Shi Yu can be said to be an expert in this field. Although these things are really difficult, but with his strong comprehension ability, he is still very fast, and he has hit the invisible connection here. And in the end, spell it into something you can understand!

In fact, the things involved here are difficult to say, really very, very difficult. Even people with big brains like Shi Yu think that it doesn't exist before they get in touch with it!

To understand this, we need to mention what the original concept means!
This concept refers to a simple concept, which is the original meaning of the concept, the root of the existence of the concept!
Still taking flowers as an example, in the world, an object appeared, an object that could grow!

A being, an unimaginable being, saw it and called it a flower!

Then, because he is so powerful, all the things in the heavens and myriad worlds have names, that is, flowers!
Similarly, in the world of concepts, the existence of this thing is called a flower. It can also be said that the flower is the concept of this species!

This is where the concept we conventionally think of emerges itself!
But in fact, there is a deep meaning in it!
Flowers are indeed the concept of flowers, but in fact, it can also be said that all flowers condense the concept of flowers!
And at this very moment, the concept of flowers unified all the flowers distributed in the heavens and worlds!
Isn't this saying very similar to an existence!

That's right, this thing is completely a replica of Da Luo!

Of course, it's preconceived reasons, in fact, Da Luo may be a replica of this!

Because of this, Shi Yu thinks that Da Luo can be regarded as a semi-concept, because to some extent, he is already connected with the concept!
But in fact, it has its own concept, which is two concepts, and Da Luo has no ability to completely integrate these two concepts, which can also be said to be devoured!

Therefore, it is a semi-concept rather than a concept!
And this, in fact, can explain many things, such as talking about disputes, or other things!

And this also shows another thing!

The real world and the conceptual world may be two worlds that are almost impossible to merge, but their distance is infinitely close, so close that if one changes, the other will have the same situation!

This can be said to be mutual influence, but in fact, there is another possibility!
That is to infinitely shorten the distance between the two, and there will be a situation where the probability is infinitely closer to the reality, because they are one!

So to a certain extent, at this moment, its reality is extremely high, even close to the concept!
What does this mean? It means that he is awesome!

In fact, this statement is a bit vague, and it can be described in simpler words!
With the mind as the center, up is the concept, down is the reality!
But in fact, we don't have a clear positioning of the up and down, that is to say, it may be one meter away, or it may be billions of meters away!
This is a kind of uncertainty, the so-called superposition state!
And what Shi Yu wants to express is also very simple, if this distance, we are sure!
It doesn't look like much, but it actually has a huge impact!

For example, if we are not paying attention, the distance between the two parties is infinitely far away, so it will definitely have no effect!
But if they are infinitely close, as long as they are not fools, it will definitely have an impact when they come here this time!

Under normal influences, this is a very, very inconspicuous influence, and few people even know what it is!
Of course, there is actually a hidden rule here!

(End of this chapter)

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