Chapter 276
After running through several layers of space, Shi Yu also confirmed one thing, this is a ring, a space ring!

That is to say, the non-existent three-dimensional matryoshka, if you simply break through the space like this, you may not be able to leave for a lifetime!

Although he was a little curious about how the circle was formed, he still decided to go out and talk about it first!
After all, there are some things that cannot be seen clearly inside, and if you don't see clearly, if you want to imagine it out of thin air, it will be more troublesome!
After confirming that he did not follow the rules, Shi Yu stopped playing!

Although space superposition is awesome, it can't trap a person with a high-dimensional personality like Shi Yu at all!

The description is a bit confusing, the so-called space ring, if you walk along, you will, because it is a circle itself, you can never leave!

Normal people have only one way, so normal people, under normal circumstances, can never leave!

And why is it abnormal, that is, if you don't follow him, in a game where you can only jump up, down, left, and right, the protagonist of the game suddenly stretches out his hand, and then crawls out of the TV with his whole body!

And this is not normal!

Moreover, this method is relatively common, as long as it exists in high dimensions, it can be used!

And Shi Yu naturally didn't like to follow the path of others, and directly ordered the indestructible matter to force the invasion. In the next moment, everything was turned upside down quietly and quietly!
And after gaining control of this space ring, Shi Yu also saw all the information in it!
And at the same time, he also knew where this was?What is it again!
To be honest, this thing can be said to be a good thing, because its usefulness is actually resistance!
Anyone who has read novels knows that if a person is thrown into an extremely harsh environment, if he can survive, then he will definitely become stronger, if he cannot survive, then he must be dead!

And the harsher the environment, the lower the chance of surviving, and similarly, the greater the benefits!
For example, the formerly popular traversers obtained space energy and the like, because they entered the turbulent flow of space, a place where the survival rate of normal people is almost zero!
Therefore, the good things they get can also make them real peak figures!

And these, compared with the black sun mentioned before, there is still a big gap!
The black sun, in essence, can be regarded as a four-dimensional water cup or channel!

If a three-dimensional living body falls into a four-dimensional object, what will greet him?


This is the only possibility, don't think that you have entered a high-dimensional world, you are a high-dimensional life, this is impossible!

Because your essence has not changed, since it has not changed, naturally you cannot adapt to that world!

In the novel world, no matter which world a person travels to, he can survive, at least his body still exists!
But when you travel to high dimensions, you can imagine how you feel when you become a shadow!
Please note that the shadow here is not the kind of shadow that only carries your perception, it is a simple shadow!
And this is the feeling after a successful time-travel. Under normal circumstances, the moment you time-travel over, you will be obliterated!
Because, you don't have a true master, the reason why the shadow exists is because he has a real body, an existence that doesn't even have a real body, how can there be a shadow!

Therefore, the moment you cross successfully is also the moment you deny yourself!
And this principle can perfectly fit every gap between low-dimensional and high-dimensional!
Then, from this aspect, the role of the space ring is to prevent some people from committing suicide!

And why is it made into something like a ring, which can trap almost all ordinary people!

The reason is even simpler, as long as you go there, there will only be one death, and as long as the world consciousness is not a fool, it will definitely set up a fence!
After all, if you die outside without absorbing the aura, you might as well die on your own, as the aura can return to heaven and earth!
As for the consumption ratio, the space ring hardly consumes any power, it's just a slight fluctuation of the rules!
If it is a normal person, it is probably that the hands are loosened and turned into clasped hands!
Just such a small change, you can get a few dollars, as long as you are not a real big dog, you should be able to do it!
As for this world without world consciousness, this is actually impossible. First of all, there are two kinds of world consciousness here!

One is self-awareness, and the other is instinct!
Just like the protagonist of a novel, he often becomes the so-called master of the world, the real master of the world!
But the world is changing all the time, the protagonist of the novel, whether he will care about the development of the world all the time, definitely not!

Therefore, there will definitely be an existence to regulate the development of the world, perhaps because there is a master consciousness in the world, the so-called master of the world, they will not give birth to their own consciousness, but this instinct cannot be changed!

It's like slapping you and you will cover it!
Moreover, this matter is not as simple as a slap in the face. It is equivalent to taking a drill and making a hole in your thigh, which keeps bleeding!
As for the reason for such a metaphor, the reason is also very simple. After becoming the new owner of the space ring, Shi Yu discovered that there are not many lives in this infinite ring!
In a more popular way, there are at least tens of millions of them!
Of course, that was before, but now, because of some inexplicable disputes, there are only 10,000+ lives left here!
It looks like a lot, and if you compare it with the initial data, you will understand the gap!
As for why this situation occurs, the reason will not be explained!

Your car's fuel tank is leaking, in order to stop the loss, will you take one that can hold water to catch it!

And this time ring is the one that holds the water!

And the inexplicable killing is even easier!

The water container will be full sooner or later, so it can only be consumed in advance!

Therefore, the life forms trapped inside will naturally have to die early!

While still in his territory, he took back the spirit weapon, otherwise, wouldn't it be a loss after they left!

This is similar to how criminals like to go abroad. In their view, if I go to a foreign country, you can't control me!

The properties are similar, the meat will not be given to you if it rots in the pot!
Having said so much, Shi Yu just wanted to express one thing, how to do this!
But after thinking for a few seconds, he suddenly couldn't react, so I just swallowed it!
Anyway, this world will belong to Lao Tzu, let them float for a while, and call them back when they are in a good mood!
As for whether it can be returned or not, its indestructible matter is also a high-dimensional existence. Naturally, if you want to recall it, you will fall back in seconds. If you don’t want to, it is beyond the horizon!

(End of this chapter)

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