Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 281 Time and Space Connection

Chapter 281 Time and Space Connection
Time flies, and 1000 years have passed in the blink of an eye, and the story of the two battlefields has finally come to an end!
That's right, 1000 years have passed. Of course, this 1000 years is not just 1000 years!
As I said before, Shi Yu's control over the world is very strong!
Then, he and the world consciousness made a coquettish operation, that is, to make these two worlds, or in other words, the world of the gods, and a large part of Shi Yu's small world, start time acceleration!
This operation is really very simple, anyone with a little bit of a small world can do it, of course that kind of enlargement should be regarded as passive!
And this is done proactively!
The only difference is that the D disk is a little bigger!
In fact, the operation is really very simple!
Everything in the world has its concept!
And time itself is not simple!
First of all, it cannot exist alone, because if time really appears purely, then this time has no concept!
Because he is real, one thought is eternal!
In other words, this second can stay forever!
In the same way, he can use up all his time without any concept of time!

This is more coquettish, time is gone, then time is gone!

This is a bit complicated, it's almost like 0÷0!
Therefore, any concept of time that can appear is not pure time, it has the participation of other things!
And the same nature as him is space, so many people say that time and space are the most powerful!

Because it is the fusion of time and space!

However, Shi Yu wants to complain, this is a joke!

And similarly, time and space, in addition to being able to merge into time and space, there are many other things!

For example, a long river of time with a huge proportion of time and a very small proportion of space!

And a world where the proportion of time is extremely small and the proportion of space is extremely large!

Because the two can be regarded as complementary, and they have had a strong connection since the beginning of their existence!
For example, the stronger the world, the slower the time, and the weaker the world, the faster the time!
This can be said to be the original formula, or the original original!
And when there is power, able to affect this formula, the power to change time appears!
A very clear example is needed here to describe their specific relationship!
On a road made of rubber, that bouncy rubber!

On this road, there are a batch of peerless BMWs, pulling a carriage!
When the carriage runs on this rubber road, because of the weight of the carriage, the wheels will make a shallow mark on the rubber road!

And as the carriage loaded with more goods, this mark was pressed deeper!
And in the same way, the Peerless BMW, which was running very fast at the beginning, also became slower and slower because of this unimaginable weight!
But this horse is very magical, no matter how heavy the cargo is, he can move forward!

Among them, the carriage and the goods carried by the carriage represent the weight, or quality, of the world!

And this BMW represents time!
As for the flexible road, it represents space!

The walking speed of a horse represents the flow of time in this world!
And the road that the horse runs represents the long river of time!

And the distance traveled is its history and its past, and what has not been reached is the future!

And in this road of running, his actions of turning left and right, combined, is the river of fate!
And here we need to pay attention to one thing. Although the speed of the horse is greatly related to the quality of the goods, there is no direct relationship!

To put it simply, no matter how heavy the world is theoretically, a horse can pull him to a fast speed!
Because the time is uniform, if there is a speed difference, isn't it a joke!

What really affects the speed of the horse is actually the trace, the deeper the trace, the more power the horse will consume to pull it!

And because the quality is high enough and the weight is heavy enough, it will naturally press the wheels deeply into the road!

This is similar to money, the more powerful the country, the more valuable its money is in theory!

Although the two are very far apart in appearance, they are really very similar in nature!

So, if you want to make time run faster, you only need to move your hands!

It's just that the power needed to touch that place is not simple!
And to lift the carriage, the power it consumes is even greater!

However, we should pay attention here, as the owner of the truck, Shi Yu has the right to let him lose weight properly!
Of course, this so-called weight loss is not about discarding quality!

After all, Shi Yu's idea was for that little thing, whoever dares to throw it away, wouldn't that be a slap in the face!

The method is actually very simple. As the owner, he actually has the right to reduce the elasticity of the road a little bit appropriately!
And the reduction of the elasticity, so naturally, the horse pulls faster!

So naturally, the time in this world runs faster!

As for why those with privileges can do this step, the reason is also very simple!
It's not that other people can't do it, but that if the master wants to accomplish this, the price he needs to pay is far less than what other people spend!

To put it simply, let’s take buying a house as an example. You pay the full price, while others get a [-]% discount!
The gap between the two, as long as you are not a fool, you should understand how big the gap is!
So, this is why, some people are obviously weak, but they can change the time!
That's not because he cheated, the main reason is that his privilege is too cheap!

And these, and only those other people!

Shi Yu's privilege, if converted in the same proportion, will probably be discounted by 0.001%!

And with the deliberate cooperation of world consciousness, this ratio will still drop!
Moreover, the traces of the world's depression are not as advanced as imagined. Even in the weakest world, the traces of depression may be more than a few thousand!
And the deepest, I am afraid that there are not tens of millions, hundreds of millions, that is basically impossible!
After all, one day in the sky, one year on the ground!
And the basic unit of this is not just a world of several thousand levels, but at least tens of thousands!

Therefore, it only needs to be slightly tilted, and the speed difference is beyond the imagination of normal people!

For example, now this time, Shi Yu can replenish energy all the time, so his output is a bit fierce, and the lever is raised even higher!

Then the awesomeness appeared, the outside world was just 10 days away, and the speed of the world being shrouded or changed has passed a thousand years!

Although, this situation, in some cases, will appear to be very tasteless!

For example, the difference in this world, no matter how long it has passed, is actually the same for people outside!

As for the imaginary, improving strength and the like, it is impossible, it is just a fantasy!
Because, in essence, no matter how fast or slow time passes, in essence, there is no change!
(End of this chapter)

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