Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 285 Previous Thoughts

Chapter 285 Previous Thoughts

The reason for the talent is finished, let's continue to get back to the topic!
After inspecting himself and thinking about it again, his eyes, as a last resort, could only look at himself!
After all, he feels that no matter what the others are, no matter whether it is a large cultivation system or a small cultivation system, he may not have his share!

The big ones refer to Dao, Buddha and Demons, this kind of real ones that radiate infinite worlds! (Buddhas are, to some extent, similar to gods)
And the small one refers to the cultivation system of Perfect World. Although it is very powerful, it is not very radiant!
And after confirming that neither of these two sides has his own position, although Shi Yu really wanted to create another one by himself, such as Yu Dao, or Shi Dao, anyway, he just walked out on his own!

But in the end, the cruel reality told him that you can't do it like this, you should go back and practice for tens of thousands of sessions, maybe at that time, you will be able to clearly understand that you are a piece of trash!
It was because after understanding this, Shi Yu had no choice but to focus on what he knew best, that is, self-knowledge!
After all, he is a person with a strong sense, so the first step is very simple, which is to really see himself clearly once!
And the second part is also very simple, that is to really see the world clearly once, and contact him after seeing clearly, and become a part of him!

Of course, as for how he knew it was real, the reason was not simple, he just had to believe it himself!
Starting from here, according to his plan, his strength should be very weak. After all, to put it bluntly, anyone who has played Clash of Clans knows that there is a so-called speed book in it!

And how to put it, according to his thoughts at the time, he was actually this kind of quick copy, and because of this reason, he didn't care much about the foundation at that time!
After all, he has no foundation himself, so why should he care!
And at that time, I also said that, in his calculations, his future fighting style is to make some dolls and the like, to contain them in front, and then make some dolls for sneak attacks later!
And he himself, looking for a hidden place that is difficult for people to find, hides behind the scenes to control everything and control all his puppets!
He didn't come out to pretend to be B until the end, when he broke through to a level where there was absolutely no genius!

As for why, there is absolutely no realm of genius, and it is easy to understand why the weaker the realm, the more powerful the genius inside!
The reason is actually very simple, just use a more obvious data to describe it!
When everyone is only level 10, their combat power is not uniform here!
Surely this is not uniform!

The reason is also very simple, there are some people whose talent is only level 10, or even below level 10!
On the contrary, if there is a level 10 talent, there must be a level 20 talent, and there are also levels 30, 50, and 100!
Here, theoretically speaking, their combat power must be different at each level!
However, reality is not theory, because of various limiting reasons, the combat power of the fighter will reach the theoretical limit after reaching a certain level!

And this group of people is too strong, hitting children of the same level is basically a slap in the face!
Naturally, they have to be given a very awesome title. I don't know what other worlds say, Shi Yu, but in the perfect world, this existence is collectively called the Juvenile Supreme!
However, some people's talent is beyond imagination, it is truly beyond the limit, so naturally, he surpassed that theoretical limit and reached a new level!

So, what is the minimum standard that this level wants to achieve? To give a simple example, people who can break through the bottleneck!
Perhaps, someone will say, which breakthrough is not a breakthrough bottleneck!
Here I have to say another thing, although in the practice system, the realms are more than 1, but, on the whole, they will eventually have several great realms!

For example, there is a great realm below a perfect venerable, a great realm below a god, and a supreme realm, as well as other realms above, can basically be said to be a great realm!

Every time he surpasses a big realm, his combat power, theoretically speaking, can break through another level!
To put it simply, a fairy king level potential, then his combat power, theoretically speaking, it can break through the limit 5 times!
You can imagine, a human being, an ordinary person, broke through the limit 5 times, how fierce he is at this time!

Let's put it this way, the limit of a human being can basically be achieved, killing a dwarf with one punch!

Of course, I have to mention one more thing here, this is still a theory!
Because, if you break through a realm, it is actually an elimination!
To use the IQ table to describe it, if you want to pass the first level, you must have at least 1 IQ points, and if you want to pass the second level, you must have at least 3 IQ points!

The improvement of these realms, the leaping of realms, he can't limit your upper limit, but he has demanded his lower limit!

What can't be surpassed, will never be surpassed!
It's like everyone looting the single-plank bridge, and breaking through the single-plank bridge once will eliminate a large number of people who haven't broken through!
No matter how big the world is, how many people there are, and how many practitioners there are, under this elimination system, the last remaining people will be single digits after all!
And these guys, or every guy who can reach this level, no matter whether they have an upper limit or not, their lower limit is already ridiculously high!

It's like a high jump, every time you increase the difficulty, the more difficult it is to jump over, and the less you can achieve!
As for you, shouldn’t the rest be all the best?
Why did Shi Yu still have the guts to rush to the top!
The reason is also very simple, every breakthrough will improve one's own strength, and this kind of improvement is actually based on a percentage!
On the contrary, those so-called talents and the like are actually a real number, that is, real data!

To put it simply, for the breakthrough in the early stage, every level of breakthrough is to increase the combat power by 1%, and if it is talent, it may directly increase by tens of thousands or tens of thousands!

It looks like this, as long as you are not a fool, you will know that this talent bonus is too awesome!

But, at the real late stage, the sum of all the percentages may have exceeded tens of thousands of percent!

On the contrary, those talents that seemed to be extremely powerful in the past, they may add up to increase their combat power, but now they can increase their combat power by just 1%!

So, in the later stage, Shi Yu is really not afraid of things. If someone really dares to beat him, then he can beat others to call him father, or let him call him grandpa!
(End of this chapter)

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