Chapter 287

Tianyu, the fusion world created by Shi Yu, after the war between the two worlds, the number of people soared, so he gave up the planet, but gathered all the materials, and he made an infinitely broad continent!

Of course, it is said to be infinite, but it is blown out, but the data is too large, and I am too lazy to calculate it!

And as I said before, such a big world is already very 'crowded'!

If you insist that it is really easy to accommodate those people in such a big world, even if you put them in a place with abundant resources, you can actually accommodate them!

The reason for using 'squeeze' to describe it is very simple, the strong, or the privilege of the strong!
It never occurred to him to regard the strong and the weak as the same species, because ah, this is the greatest injustice in the world!
That's why, even with the smallest range or territory division, the last one, that is, the final boss, can't even reach the place where you can reach out!

To describe it in simpler words, under normal circumstances, the strongest should rule the entire world, and then start to divide it in turn!
But how do you say this world? There are too many people. If the level of the strong is divided into 10 levels, then it is very likely that according to the distribution method just now, there may be still the strong on the seventh level or the strong on the eighth level. By the time of the first person, the entire area or the land has been allocated!

That is typical, inseparable!
Don't talk about expanding the world. The reason is just mentioned. The scope just now is almost the largest. Don't talk about continuing to reduce privileges. Besides, it's meaningless!

In terms that are easier to understand, this has already been assigned to the village head level. If it is divided again, will I give you another parent!
As for why this happens, first of all, you need to understand what Shi Yu defines as a strong man!
The person who dares to shout unwillingly to fate is what Shi Yu thinks is strong!
Theoretically speaking, with the foundation of immortality, no matter who he is, he will become the most perfect warrior!
However, human beings are so wonderful, some things you think are very simple, but you just can't pass the threshold!

To put it simply, the race he thought, the race that everyone can fight, doesn't exist at all!
After the battle between the two worlds came to an end, in his world, there was a large group of people waiting to die!

This is the reason why he wants to give privileges to the strong, because in his eyes, those things are no longer life, they are goods!

And the reason why they are still immortal is very simple, that is to add one plus upper limit to their durability!
Of course, he also knew that there were actually his reasons for this. After all, in the first period, he died every day, as long as he was not a pervert, there were not many moves!

But, so what, he gave them a chance to start again, a chance to climb up, these two opportunities, the two opportunities he wanted the most, or the humble him!
So, Shi Yu, who is still unable to stand up after obtaining these two things, really looks down on him!

However, these are the current situation, although still annoying, but generally speaking, thriving!
However, if he doesn't stop, then in the end, to be honest, he can't touch his conscience and say that he has a clear conscience!

Once the existence of the aristocratic family really appears, then in the future, most of the resources in this world will be controlled by them!

At that time, the two opportunities given, the two shining opportunities, will be dimmed!
Because, you can't climb other people, so that chance becomes smaller, and in the same way, if you do it again, it's still the same, so the other chance is also smaller!
The reason why it is said to be smaller, rather than almost broken, is very simple, because in the future, the battlefield of the two worlds will always exist, and it will even be upgraded!

And relying on this, their chances of rising will increase!

However, this opportunity will disappear after all, because although the world is infinite, he knows how to complete his last step!
At that step, the impossible will become possible!

At that time, the two opportunities he gave will also disappear with the end!
This is not alarmist talk. Some people may think that although the clan was very powerful and powerful in ancient times, it is not the same as before, and will live an honest life after all!
But don't forget one thing, the reason why a clan is a clan is because they have money, and secondly, there are people!

And after everyone is immortal, many people will rise to become big bosses in the early stage, but after more and more people, there is no such meaning!

However, the increase in the number of people is exponential. In the end, theoretically speaking, there are no civilians in this world!
However, human family affection is actually very selfish!

If your sons are quintuplets, then you will love each of your sons. If your son’s sons are still quintuplets, that is, 5 grandchildren, then your love will start to be biased!
It's not that you are really partial, but that you don't have so many!
Of course some people will say that I have an average score, but you have an average score. People get it and don’t get it, so at that time, it’s not that you love him anymore, but that he doesn’t love you anymore!
Then, there are quintuplets in quintuplets, that is, one 125. Can you think that it is a possibility!

Of course, they are practitioners, and they are very strong, so they can be clearly remembered at a glance!

However, how many years have passed, and the possibility of getting blood relatives has been reduced for those with high cultivation bases, so 1 years must be possible!

That is, once every 1 years, you can imagine how many people there will be after 10 years, and how many people will there be after 100 million years!
So at this time, don't say what kind of practitioner you are, you are a god or a fairy, a Buddha or a demon, and your feelings will become indifferent. It's not that you don't want to play with family and feelings, but you have no choice!
And at this time, people will become interested. To put it simply, you have to look at the interests first before doing anything!
Then in the end, they will definitely start to separate their families, then in the end, theoretically speaking, the whole world belongs to the family!

Of course, the aristocratic family will definitely be lonely, and then due to some reasons, they can't make a comeback at all, and finally they become the so-called common people, that is, the common people who are fed by Shi Yu like pigs now!

So at the very beginning, can he really stand still!

Not only that, because of that situation, even if a commoner really rises, he will become an aristocratic family in an instant!

Don't say it's impossible, even if he refuses after arguing, then in the end, his own son's own grandson, when this generation passes and the next generation comes, it will become a family if it doesn't follow!
If the world develops in this way, Shi Yu firmly believes that it won't be long before the world will be gone!

And in the same way, even if he obliterates the creatures in the whole world, it doesn't make any sense, as long as the immortality is still there, it will still be like that in the end!

(End of this chapter)

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