Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 296 Status Quo.

Chapter 296 Status Quo.

In the end, we can give such a summary. What you see and feel may not necessarily be true.

Finally, Shi Yu, I just want to express one thing, players' cheats can be upgraded!


With a flash of sight, Shi Yu came to a place, a place that is acting a little weird now.

A huge altar, of course it is called an altar, but it is actually piled up of stones, but it is very neat and very high, and it looks strange.

"My luck really has nothing to say!"

After seeing this altar, Shi Yu knew that his protagonist's halo had worked again!

Looking down, as he expected, a fairy in fluttering white clothes was doing some secondary movements that Shi Yu was a little embarrassed to see.

After a while of nonsense, the altar seemed to be activated, and the special lighting effects started.

As the light became more and more dazzling, it was like overturning dominoes, and then a strange change began here.

There is light and fire, there are strange flashes of thunder, comprehensive evaluation, full of special effects.

Finally, with the special effects at the end, a crack in space appeared on the altar that was empty just now.

Don't ask why Shi Yu knows that this is a space crack, because this space crack connects his small world!
At this moment, as if some kind of setting was activated, a strange force appeared in the space tunnel, spreading out without anyone noticing.

After that, this force is like a cancer cell, constantly devouring and replacing everything that covers this world.

After a time that no one has ever felt, the world has turned upside down.

Seeming to be proficient, the fairy in white turned around and took a look, then stepped into the space crack!

After a few minutes passed...

"I feel like my halo doesn't look like that of the child of luck. Is this the end?"

To be honest, Shi Yu is really confused now. According to his guess, after the altar is built, shouldn't it be the final decisive battle?

How did you write this plot?
The protagonist is still developing, and the big villain boss has successfully exterminated the world. By the way, he took away the protagonist who has not yet developed.

And in the same way, after lamenting this, Shi Yu checked the remaining crowd in this world, and finally he was a little speechless!
How to say it?This world can be regarded as a relatively large world. Although it is not as scary as Dou Po, its area is not small. It is still very easy to live with tens of millions of people.

But now, to put it harshly, there are probably only a few hundred thousand left.

Although he didn't care about the mosquito meat anymore, after seeing this situation, Shi Yu still had the idea, he felt that the customs clearance method of this group of agents had to be changed!

That's right, they are the agents, and they are also Shi Yu's own harem reserve team.

And the fairy in white just now was the woman who made him think this way.

However, after seeing his performance, Shi Yu became a little curious, what happened to make her become like this!
Although that kind of elimination, or disappearance, is reduced from the root, theoretically, she is not qualified to remember!

But as I said before, as Shi Yu's people, they still have some privileges. Although they are, they still can't remember this privilege, but they won't completely forget it.

In the end, there will probably be such a situation, he remembers how many people there were at the beginning!
That doesn't look like much, so let's see how many people are left.

As long as you are not a fool, after looking at the gap between the two, you will understand how much loss there is?

With Shi Yu's inquiry, her experience also appeared in Shi Yu's eyes, and at the same time, he also knew why this happened.

To put it in a simpler way, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. In the end, disappointment becomes despair, and when there is too much despair, it becomes indifference and indifference.

At first, Xia Youyu was very happy, feeling that she had obtained an unimaginable opportunity.

Then, under this belief, she began to conquer the first world mission with 300% patience.

In her calculations, this time she did not say she had to get a perfect finish, but a top runner would not be able to run.

The first world is also those very ordinary and rubbish worlds. The extraordinary power is very weak. To put it bluntly, she can single out the whole world. can I say?How could a powerful saint be a saint? Of course, kindness can't escape, but it's not that stupid.

Relying on her strength, he soon won the first world, or suppressed the first world!
Then after some precise calculations, she thought she had thought of everything, but she underestimated people's suspicions.

Although those people completed her task according to what she said, they did superfluous operations.

On the other hand, the mission requirements released by Shi Yu are actually very simple, and naturally, the mission she released is also very simple, just a turn around.

In the end, under the inexplicable superfluous actions of those guys, they successfully killed themselves, oh no, they succeeded in killing those innocent people.

To put it simply, at the moment when the world was replaced, those innocent people did not get in the car because of their extravagance.

Full of joy, she thought this was her perfect first time, but in the end she faced this situation.

Then there is no more, the rights of these agents are still very high!
Although Shi Yu's possessiveness is still very strong, he doesn't care much about his own things.

To put it simply, he doesn't care about his own things, he has mastered his own things!
And among these permissions, there are naturally many means to deal with those guys.

They couldn't fight at first, but the opponent became a authority dog ​​again. In the end, they could only play GG with wry smiles!

Change is not instantaneous, it is an ongoing, hard to spot condition!

With the reason reminded in the first world, in the second world, although her mentality has changed a little, the essence has not changed significantly.

Then, the reality of the world taught him a lesson for that girl who had never experienced beatings in society.

Although she is very smart, otherwise it would be impossible to become a core child of the saintess level.

But smart is smart, but she lacks experience, and she has no way to change all this in the face of those veterans.

In the end, she comforted herself and got out of that endless loop, but relatively, she changed after all.

To put it simply, I'm just a tool man, and their death is none of my business.

That's right, I learned to think in a self-centered way! ! !
Of course, this is just a joke, the real reason is already obvious!
The only thing that made him a little relieved was that this was not some kind of funny blackening, but a normal transformation.

(End of this chapter)

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