Chapter 300 Greed
Anyone who has read novels knows that there are often some people who like to pretend to be B in front of the protagonist, and then the protagonist cleans them up!

And this kind of incident, we call it kicking the iron plate, or the steel plate, anyway, the meaning is the same!
And coincidentally, immortality itself is a source of hatred. After all, greed and jealousy are the two evil points that everyone has!
Moreover, although this world can be regarded as the so-called Western Fantasy, it still follows this routine in general!
And among them, the biggest iron plate is God, this is a creature that will still die!

It's like, you see a huge piece of gold, and there happens to be a kitten sleeping on it!
You say, what will you do!
Moreover, this matter should be a little more outrageous than the one mentioned!
It should be said that under a cat's lair, there is a gold mine, and it is the kind with a lot of content, so much that it can support it to death!

As long as you are not a fool, you know what to do!
So, the players have suffered, after all, even if there is only one special one, under the power of greed, they will do something beyond imagination!
What's more, there are so many people who can be immortal. Anyone who is not a fool knows that this technology can be mass-produced. !
How big is the gap between experimental products and mass production? If it is more complicated, it may be more difficult than creating experimental products!

Of course, this is just an example!
However, this technology, which looks awesome at first glance, is naturally an exception!
When looking at this, Shi Yu didn't know what to do!

Even those who violated his own rules, and those who set his own mind on the other side, these two can be said to be extremely annoying to him!

What does he believe in!When I am weak, I naturally follow your rules, but when I am strong, if you still dare to go your own way, then you will face my oppression!
And this rule can be regarded as the real truth, and the last few steps of a practitioner are dominated by this rule!
Of course, it is still not the only one!

So, both of them were people who provoked him, Shi Yu was thinking, whether to slap him to death with one slap, or slap him flat with two slaps, or to raise Gu!
Finally, after thinking about it, let's cut their privileges!

As for the other part, of course it can only be cut!

After all, it's all here, if you don't take this world away by the way, is this worthy of his status?
After Shi Yu thought about it, he decided to learn the behind-the-scenes story he had seen before, that is, the liar!

Of course, calling it a lie is just changing the concept!
Shi Yu carefully checked the development of the players, and finally understood why the development was so slow!
The reason is very simple. First of all, there is no core point, their hearts are scattered, and their strength is naturally scattered!
After all, a person's fist is not clenched tightly, and his strength is naturally not perfect. Only by using all his strength can he hit a blow beyond the limit!
Like, discount the bones! ! !

Players without a core point naturally cannot unleash that natural disaster-like power!
Secondly, although the number of people sounds quite large, these worlds are really much larger than the earth!
Even this world, which he doesn't think is big now, has a much larger real usable area than Water Blue Star!
Moreover, this useful area refers to the presence of people. After all, so-called forbidden places, Jedi and the like often appear in the fantasy world!

Moreover, the area occupied by these things can even be described as a percentage, and the percentage will not be lower than double digits!

Although, due to some inexplicable reasons, their number did not explode, but they also have some other creatures, making up the gap between the two!

In a comprehensive evaluation, there is basically no difference in the average density of land occupation between the two parties!
In addition, there is one more important thing, no aggressiveness!
Human beings, greed is the original power, without which there is nothing, but the original power is not the whole power!

In addition to greed, human beings actually have some other pursuits!

And once these pursuits are up to standard, the so-called greed will turn into satisfaction!

Don't say that people's desire is like a rolling mountain, once it starts, it will never stop!

Although this sentence is correct, it is not absolute!

Human greed is staged, and it has a range!

A simple analogy, when you only have one dollar, you think you have 100 or 1000!
And at this time, your good friend directly gives you 1 yuan, and the greed in your heart will be temporarily satisfied!

And at this time, it will become a salted fish, and when the money is almost spent, greed will re-emerge!

And in the same way, if at this time, your friend expresses that he is in urgent need of money, please pay back some money!
At this time, for a normal person, there will be a kind of guilt in the heart!

Similarly, this kind of guilt will temporarily suppress his desire!

To put it simply, using the metaphor of a mountain rolling stone, he will run backwards for a while!
Of course, anything with fluctuations can be described as a spring!
The longer, stronger, and deeper the suppression, the more intense the rebound will be!
In the end, after the two fell out, after some reflection, an idea came to my mind, why should I pay him back? It's none of my business that he borrowed me!
At this time, the guilt disappeared, and the desire greatly increased!

Of course, the time for the guilt to disappear depends on the attitude, or the degree of anger in the body!

That is, when your friend finds out about your condition, he gets mad at you!

Then it is very likely that it will affect the emotions in your heart and make you angry!
Anger can also be described with anger, and guilt can be described with ice cubes!
Fire overcomes water, water overcomes fire, and the two interact with each other!
In the beginning, when faced with accusations from friends, you would hold back temporarily because of anger, but once the anger continues to output, it will break the last string in your heart, that is, the last bit of guilt!
Then what was just said will happen!
Of course, the world has two sides. If your friend finds out about you, instead of being angry, he comforts you!

Then the guilt in your heart will be worse!
To put it simply, it becomes thicker, harder to break through, and harder!

Of course, all the above refers to ordinary people!Some blackened ones!

Not counting among them, after all, the name is called Hei Hua, and the natural nature is also Hei.

Therefore, although greed is evil, it is an essential point of purification!
Without it, many things are castles in the air!

After all, many people are blinded by the word greed!
Let's put it this way, our normal people's pursuit of profit is a kind of greed!
In novels, there are often existences similar to brave men, who yearn for world harmony!
And isn't this desire another kind of greed?

Can you say that his greed is evil?
In other words, why do you say that other people's greed is evil!
(End of this chapter)

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