Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 309 The Last Reason

Chapter 309 The Last Reason
A track suitable for running, but your standard action is a long jump, which is to jump anyway!
You said, is your speed better than those who run?
More than that, that's for sure!

Then the transformation will come naturally!
If we say that in this kind of place, there is still a track made up of trampolines, which is so big that it will never step on the air!

Then comparing the two, how much faster the latter is than the former, I can't imagine!

And the so-called road creation is the process of transforming the track into a trampoline track!

Of course, there is a wrong description here!

It's not that you move slower than normal!
It means that after you find the way, your speed will slow down in this practice system!

This is not the case. If you are talented and run fast, you will run fast. You will not become faster just because you have clarified some beliefs in your heart. This is not possible!
Its role is to keep you from getting lost!
After all, if you get lost, no matter how fast you run, you can't beat a person with clairvoyance!
And the creation of Dao is to create a situation that suits your situation!
To put it simply, one is to obey the world to survive, and the other is to obey the world to survive!

It looks similar, but the gap is huge!
And in the same way, the existence of Shi Yu, even he himself had to admit that he made the problem more complicated!
To put it simply, his original heart contains power, and his path is just the evolution of his original heart!
This is a very brain-burning question. In theory, the road is the change of the heart!

In other words, nature is the past of Dao, his previous life!

They, to some extent, can be regarded as one!
This is the same as the situation of Yuanhong and Canhong in the bright moon of Qin Dynasty!
In essence, he is just a Taoist!
But now, according to his own development, he has actually seen the future!
Covering, devouring and refining everything, becoming a new way!
This is very fascinating!
This is equivalent to a bar that cannot be crossed in an ecosystem!
In other words, in a world with the highest level 5, a world seed with a potential of level [-] was born!

It looks like nothing, it's quite normal, isn't the protagonist like this?

That's how to describe it!

A world that includes all that exists, and there is nothing outside the world, it is simply 'nothing'!
And in this world, there unexpectedly appeared a power that was slightly stronger than the limit of this world!
How did this come about!

This is a really brain-burning question. To be honest, Shi Yu himself can't figure it out!
The Dao itself is everything, everything, how could an existence that can swallow everything be born!
Isn't this a contradiction in itself?
Theoretically speaking, even if he seized everything from Dao, he should replace it, that is, be on the same level as the current Dao!
And not a fool knows that in order to defeat a person, you have to be stronger than him!
No matter which aspect it is, there must be one aspect that is stronger than him for that possibility to exist!

Otherwise, impossible!
Don't talk about luck, because what I just said includes luck!
So, the one with low luck and the one with high luck will die at random, which one do you think it will be?
In the past, in Shi Yu's cognition, the Dao was everything, everything!
And this does not include consciousness!

So, he is stronger than Dao because he can control consciousness!

But the previous dimension elevation made him see the essence clearly. Consciousness is a concept, or in other words, this incomplete concept!
On the concept plane, there is an individual, which is a complete one, and then the separated part, that is, the part stored in the mind, has a new name, that is, consciousness!

So, consciousness is concept, concept is consciousness, of course, that is the last moment!
Well, pulling back, the avenue is all there is to it!
Here, of course, concepts are included!

Therefore, a large part of his previous guesses and cognitions were correct!
For example, the concept and the avenue are at the same level!

This is similar to the nature of people, Qin people!
Although, we can clearly know that the inclusion of people must be more than that of Qin people!
However, in fact, if you look closely, they can be regarded as one level, the management level, but one is the top and the other is the terminal!

The same is true for Dao. In theory, it does include everything, but let's change the topic!
It is also a concept!
The concept is not false, it refers to the existence of you as a person!
It can be said that the avenue is a collection of everything!

And the concept of 'person' is a collection of everything related to people!
Looking at it this way, the similarity is coming!
Others, so to speak!
For example, Qin people, he refers to the collection of all Qin people!

So, they are regarded as one level, but they are also divided into levels, and it is difficult to reverse the level!
Of course, not irreversible!
Shi Yu's actions are just such a reversal!

The Avenue is where it all comes together!

And after Shi Yu's actions are successful, then he is equivalent to the collection of everything!

This is similar to the Daoist struggle mentioned before!
Or take people as an example!

If we say that there are a total of 8 types of people, they make up the entire human race!

And one day, the Qin people among these 8 kinds of human beings killed all the others until only one kind of person was left!

So, at this time, can the human race be renamed Qin?

So from this point of view, no matter how you do it, although it has been successfully replaced, on the whole, it has dropped by more than one level!
Even if it is a truly perfect transformation, in essence, they have not changed!
But whether it's feeling or something else, anyway, Shi Yu feels that once his idea is successful, it will definitely be stronger than before!
This is where he feels fascinated!
And what he doesn't feel fascinated by himself is, for example, the reason why he can suppress the Taoist!

Because, even the most powerful Taoist, the power he can use is the limit power that the world can mobilize
But Shi Yu, he is the power to mobilize the world!
The gap between the two, as long as you have a brain, you should know it!

So, the invincibility in his world was not made by him!

Of course, there is still a premise here, that is, the strength does not surpass him!

Although he has great potential, but before his potential is transformed into strength, he can only be called potential forever!

This is why, he is still very weak to those who are stronger than him!


Bringing everything back, the reason why Shi Yu can't create new consciousness here is very simple!
Consciousness itself is a concept!
However, no matter what is in Shi Yu's world, it is all composed of Shi Yu's part!
To put it simply, it itself is part of Shi Yu's concept.

So, why do you use his concept to create a new concept yourself!
This is impossible! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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