Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 324 Hierarchy

Chapter 324 Hierarchy
Naturally, there are more breakthrough requirements for large levels than for large realms!

Among them, the most important one is that you must exceed 6 units of the same realm, and the combat power level!

For example, you are at the genius level in the blood-moving realm, and after that, you have remained at the genius level in every realm!

Then in the end, you have the possibility of a breakthrough!
In other words, among the 6 great realms, each of your realms must surpass that of the same realm by one level of combat power!
And this level of combat power can be accumulated or lost!
To put it simply, you are very strong in a certain level, surpassing two levels!

And after that, you are very weak at a certain level and become an ordinary person!

After such an increase and a decrease, as long as you can still maintain 6, you can still break through!
Of course, the breakthrough there refers to the breakthrough venerable, that is, the peak state of a large level!
Rather than breaking through the big level!
And if you want to break through the big level, you must complete all the things you just said, and you need to add two levels!
And in the same way, the breakthrough between the supreme and the immortal is also the same, but what needs to be added is not two or three!
Moreover, in fact, if you look closely, it is not difficult to see that there is a very hidden setting here!

After the Venerable, there is no such level as ordinary people!
In other words, every Venerable is at least at the genius level!

And this is why, there will be a new level of combat power in the upper realm!
Because on the whole, the 3 levels cannot be calculated!
However, because of exotic reasons, the fifth level appeared, which is the ninth level!
Even, at this level, there is no upper limit!

In other words, as long as the combat power breaks through 9, it can be regarded as a person of this level!

And the reason for the appearance of the 10th level, that is, the 6th realm, has been mentioned before!

Emperor-level combat power, in 9 days and 10 places, basically no one has appeared!
That person from the foreign land is the reason. His strength may be as high as a top genius, but his overall strength is just king in the evaluation of the foreign land!

Even if you cheer for 9 days and 10 lands, they will be comparable to the emperor class at most!
And the so-called emperor level is 8, and the king is 7!

As for why it is not used as a juvenile supreme, there is only one reason, it is too vulgar!

Moreover, 5~6 is the juvenile supreme!
Again, this is no nonsense!
First of all, because of the god level, the initial combat power is all geniuses!

Then, from the very beginning of the theory, if you want to break through the Supreme, you still need 6 levels of combat power!
However, this is the second time, that is, the second major level, although it can't be the same as before, otherwise what's the point of this!
Naturally, there is actually another level to be added here, that is, 7 levels!
And naturally, if you want to break through to the supreme level, you must be at the level of juvenile supreme in a certain realm, and similarly, in other levels, you must also be at the level of super genius!
Only in this way can there be the most basic foundation for breakthrough!

The most basic is not necessarily a breakthrough!
We all know that some things in the world are very precious, basically have no market, and they will be snapped up as soon as they appear!
And in an environment where there are more wolves and less meat, whoever is stronger can eat meat, that is, buy things!

In the practice system, this principle is also consistent!
There is a golden age for people, although it is not a curse that once you exceed it, you can never break through it!
But in fact, the nature is not much different!
For example, many characters in the novel have gray hair, but their combat power is just like that!
It's okay to say that he is not talented, or that he is this way or that!
How difficult it is for such a person to break through once, it is really difficult to reach the sky!

And in the same way, for some people, it is very easy for him to break through, just like riding a rocket!
Although there are various reasons for this, in essence, the golden period of cultivation has passed, and they can only suffer slowly!
Naturally, in this case, even if you can meet the requirements, it is really difficult to break through that great realm!

And in the same way, even if you break through by luck, your golden period is almost exhausted, and after that, you basically have to stand still!

Those who practice fast and steadily, as long as they maintain this momentum, they can basically break through until the upper limit is reached!

However, all of this is based on the fact that you have sufficient cultivation resources!
But do you have it?

First of all, those with backgrounds can indeed do it, but it is very difficult for those ordinary geniuses!

Moreover, the resources of some realms are no longer simply given, and many of them need to be fought by themselves!
And this time, many people will be eliminated!
Finally, the breakthrough of many realms requires fighting!

Forcibly breaking through is very difficult, and the consequences are very serious!
Just like Shi Hao's last forcible breakthrough, but suffered a lot of injuries!

In addition, there are other accidents, such as vendetta, or falling into some forbidden places!

If you're not the protagonist, and you don't have great luck, it's basically impossible for you to live out of it!
This is also why, there are obviously so many geniuses, geniuses with breakthrough supreme qualifications, but there are not two who can grow up!
If you can't protect it, it's too easy to die!

And if you guard it, you may not be able to break through in the end!
How can you see a rainbow without experiencing life and death!

What's more, there are some forbidden places, no matter how strong you are, you will basically die if you enter them!
Therefore, the reason why those geniuses cannot grow up is very simple, but it is also very real!

Turning his gaze back, there is one venerable and five kings. They are not casual cultivators. As people with great power behind them, practicing is really simple to a certain extent!
Moreover, the great realm in the early stage is really easy to maintain, not to mention all of them are top super geniuses, that is, the combat power is above four!
However, it is very easy to maintain a combat power of three!

Of course, this refers to the 1st and 2nd realms, and the subsequent realms cannot be done!

But even so, with that foundation, they can at least maintain 2 or more!

And now, directly add a big level, which is 4!

Compared with Shi Hao's more than 5 points, although there is still a gap, it is no longer a product that can be killed with a slap!

And the Venerable is the same, theoretically speaking, he can reach above 6!

However, as I said before, the upper limit for the next session is below 6!

Naturally, even if he really has that potential, it will be below 6 at most!

Naturally, knowing the strength comparison between the two sides is the reason for their pride!

As explained before, basically no one is an idiot!
The reason why I think those geniuses who provoke the protagonist are idiots is because we subconsciously assumed the perspective of the protagonist!

One can imagine what would happen if he provoked an ordinary genius!

There is a high possibility that that ordinary genius will be hoisted and hammered by him!
Therefore, it is because of this reason that the so-called famous saying appeared, that is, kicked to the iron plate!

(End of this chapter)

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