Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 352 Enemy's Enemy=?

Chapter 352 Enemy's Enemy=?

The biggest misunderstanding in the world, matter will be consumed!
In many people's understanding, material will be consumed, but in fact, this is not the case, he just changed his mentality!

Even if it is the so-called perfect fusion and recombination, it is impossible for him to make two substances of unit 2 recombine a substance of unit 2. At least, it is also a unit of 4, and at most, it is also a unit!

And the so-called consumption is nothing more than the consumption of other items when completing this combination process!

As the existence at the top of the material world, the true spirit has an inseparable personality to a certain extent!
Do not think that the true spirit is divided into pieces, as if he could be divided!
Essentially, he couldn't!

Once split into two pieces, then these two pieces are already two new pieces!

And even if it is reassembled, he is not the original piece!
It is also for this reason that Da Luo's fusion does not require his participation!

In essence, they are not the same anymore, so they are not the same person!

And since they are not the same person, naturally they are not within the limited scope of Da Luo's fusion of all himself!
The true spirit space, its way of existence, is equivalent to the surface of a sphere, and all other existences of the same level are equivalent to this!

As for why not bump into each other!
Because, they exist on the surface of a [-]-dimensional sphere at the same time!
Theoretically speaking, this is the surface of a sphere, and there is such a space as the surface of an infinite three-dimensional sphere!
Naturally, they could never meet without socializing!

However, once they intersect, the two circles can directly overlap into a space!
And the overlapping circular space is still a three-dimensional space!

So, there is another item in Shi Yu's collection!
False God Realm, the way to control it is very simple!
First of all, take the true spirit fragments as energy and add them to the origin of the world!

And as a person who can fully grasp this energy, from a certain point of view, he has completely grasped this thing!

As for how to manage it afterwards, it is relatively simple!

Leave it as it is!

And I said it before!

The true spirit has an indivisible state!
In other words, even if he is used as energy, it will not harm his essence!
What's more, it's just equivalent to holding shares, so that's no problem!

After all, I said it before!

The existence of the true spirit, he is only a very high personality, and is the source of support for the Tao!

What can maintain the world, after all, is power, or energy!

The reason why he is so awesome is that he determines your future, or upper limit!

After all, from a certain point of view, the highest is another kind of extraordinary!
And after gaining control, you only need to add energy to him, that is, material energy!
This world will grow slowly!
And it's the kind of natural growth!
Coupled with the increase in personality, no one knows what he will grow into in the end!
Talked for a long time, but moved very quickly. After all, the principle was understood before, and it was just acting according to the plan!

So, after everything is done, the time has not passed for a long time!
As for, why not just devour it!

And most importantly, according to what I said before, it seems that there is something wrong with Shi Yu's swallowing!

First of all, the growth of the world, from a certain point of view, is created out of nothing!

Don't talk about absorbing energy, just lie to ghosts!

Because what is beyond the heavens and worlds!
If the heavens and myriad realms absorb the high-dimensional energy outside the heavens and myriad realms, and use it to increase my body size!
Then here, you will fall into an infinite doll!
And this, from a certain point of view, cannot be counted in this way!

And this kind of creation out of nothing is not really something out of nothing!

In a way, he is just a change in numbers.

As I said before, if the matter keeps shrinking, isn’t the matter relatively increasing?

Therefore, the so-called world promotion has greatly increased the world quality and energy!

But with the permission of the heavens and the world, this world will not be temporarily extracted by matter!

Of course, just don't draw from the whole!
That is, the direct material does not need to be handed over to the manager of the heavens and worlds, but to be used by oneself!

In other words, ordinary people or living beings, what should be given, still have to be given!

It's just that, from the previous heavens and worlds, the warriors have become their own world!

This is material improvement!

And in the same way, the shrinking of the heavens and worlds is synchronized!

In other words, the innate matter of a world in the past was about 5, but now the innate matter of a world is indeed about 5!
Although this number is changing, its total amount has not changed!
Moreover, at the beginning, the quality of their shots was different, but the way of expression was equal!
In other words, when the initial quality is 5, they need to roll a quality of 2 to maintain life!

Now it is 5, and they only need to cast 2 quality to maintain life, and the remaining 49998 is used to maintain the world!
So, Substance 2 was stolen, would you care?

And Shi Yu's swallowing, theoretically speaking, can only swallow that substance 5!

After all, although the world stores more than 4 substances, its storage location is not in the world itself, but in the heavens and myriad worlds!
Therefore, theoretically speaking, he should let the world develop to its peak before devouring it!
But, who has that time!

And the size, or quantity, of a world's true spirits!

It is the embodiment of the potential of the world!
As I said before, the true spirit, to some extent, is the origin of the world!

And once, Shi Yu said that world consciousness is the collection of all memories!

The so-called 'Day of Heaven' is one, theoretically speaking, on the same level as consciousness, but whether it exists or something, it is stronger than normal people!
The reason is that the original space of the world is actually the space of true spirit fragments!

This space, from a certain point of view, is a half-high-dimensional space!

It can compose all consciousnesses in a world!
In other words, the life forms born in a world, and the root of their consciousness, are all in this space!
And the way of heaven is the fragmented true spirit composed of all the fragments of the true spirit in this space!
And this is the relationship between individual life and the way of heaven!

And the same is why, after Shi Yu devours the world from the root, all life forms in that world will disappear from the root!
Essentially speaking, the true spirit is the only channel through which concepts descend!

And when this only channel disappears with the destruction of the world, everyone's consciousness can no longer be lowered, so for others, this group of people will die!

And the connection that was established at the beginning is equivalent to forcibly connecting another place in this service space!
In other words, another overlapping space comes in!
And this leads to a result!
(End of this chapter)

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