Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 402 Stuck Time Bug

Chapter 402 Stuck Time Bug
Continuing from the beginning, the world and the world belong to a flat line, or a flat side!
And its size, strength and weight will suppress this surface to a certain extent!
And this will create an illusion, the one that is pressed down is closer to time, and the weaker one is farther away from the source of time!

And as I said at the very beginning, time is the force of movement, and it is also in the state of acceleration, that is, it is getting faster and faster!
Then you can imagine, the closer the time is, the speed value he receives is fast or slow!
This is equivalent to driving a car, take your time at the initial stage, and then start to accelerate at a certain frequency!
At this time, on a 5-meter-long runway, there is a plank at 5 kilometers, and there is also a board at 2 meters!
Excluding some objective problems such as the so-called resistance and mechanical upper limit, the impact of the locomotive on the board at 5 kilometers is greater, or the impact at 2 meters is greater!
Don't even think about it!
Of course, time has a similar effect, but his impact, or in fact, is speed, the faster the speed, the faster time runs!

In essence, it was hit by a locomotive, so there should be no difference between the two, except for the point just now, everything they came into contact with is the same!

And there are countless locomotives following behind, which will maintain the flow of time, the strong ones will be slower, and the weak ones will be faster!
And this kind of time power emanating from the source of time is actually a kind of giving in essence, and what affects him is the world, not the life in the world!

As I said before, in fact, at this time, there is clear data, that is, everything that that locomotive can represent!
If there is a powerful person who can directly take down everything in this car within a certain period of time, it means that he has achieved the perfect use of this period of time!
However, is it possible for him to absorb the second locomotive in the same time period?

This is impossible, because there is no 2nd car at all, and the 1st point, is that everything is all!
And in a powerful world, there are naturally many powerful people, so to achieve this kind of perfect use of time can only be regarded as a common operation!

So, for the time running in my own world is slow, or in other words, compared to those in the ordinary world, running too fast, there is actually nothing to adjust!

To put it bluntly, even if you are given a year, what can you do?
However, there is actually a bug here, and of course it cannot be said to be a bug!

First of all, as I said before, the initial value of this absorption rate is affected by the strength of the world!
To put it simply, divide the world into three levels, strong, medium, and weak!

One day for a strong world, one year for a medium world, and 100 years for a weak world!

Simply taking ordinary people, their absorption speed can't be 100%, even if this time is added, it can't be 100%!

The 100% absorption mentioned before refers to those powerful people, not everyone in the powerful world, this is different!

And this value, taking 1/10, is the most standard!
And here comes the problem, ordinary people in the powerful world can absorb the same time period every day, 10% of the time!
Well, what if he was sent to the Middle World!
Theoretically speaking, he can absorb 10% of the time every day, and it only takes 10 days to absorb it all!
Of course, this can only be a fantasy, it is impossible!
What I just said is a time period, not a simple day!
The reason for this problem is that one day and the time flow rate overlap one day, which is easy to get confused!

To put it simply, one day in a powerful world is a period of time, but a year in a medium world is a period of time!

As for the time period, this is an average value, that is, in a medium world, there is actually an upper limit to its value every year, and it will be evenly distributed to each day!
So, even if you are really awesome and can absorb 10% every day, in this place, you can absorb up to 1/365 every day!

It is also for this reason that people in a powerful world will not practice in a weak world!
Because in essence, there is no meaning, on the contrary, it will appear even more boring!

After all, if someone insists on giving you something that you can get in one day in batches over 300 days, who the hell wants to stay!
Even if you are really patient, the gap of more than 300 times, this difficulty, is still found for yourself, as long as you are not a fool, you will not do this!
To put it bluntly, it's completely humiliating yourself!

However, what if ordinary people in a powerful world enter a medium world with a time period equal to 10 days!
In other words, in this world, each time period is equal to 10 days, and the theoretical upper limit of each day is 1/10!

And this person's absorption is also 1/10, what kind of concept is this, perfect!

Moreover, because of the speed of time, if you really stay in this world for 10 days, it is only equal to one day in the powerful world!
This is the bug that Shi Yu mentioned!

It is the true most perfect state, and it is the state that allows the weak to experience the strong!
However, this is not without disadvantages, of course it is not about vitality!
As I said before, the lifespan is bound to the world before transcending it!

So, theoretically speaking, although you have lived in this world for 10 days, the life you have consumed is only one day!

Of course, the binding here refers to the premise of not having any practice!

If you practice, there will be a situation. Although you are a product of world a, you have absorbed the matter and energy of world b!

So, now you are a mixed race, which is not a good thing. To put it simply, if you return to the a world, then your time flow rate is a!

When you come to World B, your time flow is bound to World B!
In other words, you have spent a year in World B, although in terms of time, it is only equivalent to a little over a month in World A!

However, the speed of your time flow is indeed one year!
This is the price of bugs!
It can also be said that this is called equivalent exchange!
And in the same way, this is the real main reason why people in the powerful world seldom go to the weak and small world to practice!
It is conceivable that those people whose life is not eternal go out to practice for a while, and when they come back, they become old men, while others still look like teenagers!

Although, you can rely on this state method to perfectly absorb everything in each time period!
But people only need to stay for 10 days, and the amount absorbed is actually not much different. It is not obsessive-compulsive disorder, so why pursue the perfection that should not belong to you so much!

It is important to mention that it is not easy to find the world where the time flow rate is proportional to your own time flow rate!
The heavens and myriad worlds are quicksands. Can you imagine how to find a grain of sand that you need in the quicksands?

(End of this chapter)

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