Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 408 Transverse

Chapter 408 Transverse

In the end, he still didn't see the picture he wanted to see, but with his sponsorship, Jietianjiao also started his model, and similarly, due to the evil nature of people, those who cleared the customs never said that they were in the end What happened!
On the contrary, they will also guide newcomers sideways, and what's even better is that this has formed a tradition!
And because the graduates from here are all real geniuses, they have basically become the top leaders of the Jietian Sect, and this has become a kind of high-level election!

To put it simply, if you haven't experienced this step, don't even think about becoming a real core!

Of course the above, this is the future!
And because of a problem with the player, Shi Yu left early!

As I said before, outside the world, the definition of the universe, they are floating on the sea of ​​nothingness!
And the sea of ​​nothingness, not only has no length and no width, but more importantly, there are several definitions of thickness!
The length from the first one-dimensional to two-dimensional, and then to the so-called height, that is, the thickness of two-dimensional, and the space-time scale of the three-dimensional world!
The descriptions of these three thicknesses represent three major directions, and because there is only one central point, the three major directions can become countless!
It can be said that if you keep walking in one direction, one day, you will encounter another world!
And in the same way, theoretically speaking, if you choose a direction at will, the possibility of encountering another world is almost zero!

The two seem contradictory, but they are not!
One is the overall view of time, and the other is individual time!
For the whole, it will definitely be encountered. Why is there almost no individual, because there are too many restrictions!

Patience, lifespan and a series of similar restrictions!
This is equivalent to theory and practice!
In theory, no matter how well you do it, it is only theory after all if you have not practiced it!
Therefore, this kind of reckless method is unworkable here!

And in the heavens and worlds, the real positioning is actually very high-end!

To put it simply, in the normal universe, there is a hostile force not knowing how many light-years away!
If you want to attack him, it means beheading him directly!

No matter what, at least you have to understand the space-time coordinates of the distance between the two of you, and then use a high-end space-time transmission machine to carry out fixed-point strikes!

And in this process, the spatial scale needs to be extremely perfect!

To put it simply, it is impossible for you to directly tell the machine what you think, and then the machine will know where to go!
If you want to complete it, you need to input the process, that is, the distance between the two of you into the machine completely, and then perform the calculation!

This is a reasonable operation, and it is also in line with technology!
And the comprehension system is very shameless!
To put it simply, she doesn't need to know how far we are, she just needs to know where you are, and she can come to you directly!
Knowing here is a bit abstract!
It doesn't need your spatial coordinates, nor does it need anything from you, it just needs you to make a positioning!

In Shi Yu's understanding, we divide the world into two parts, one is low-level and the other is high-level!

The high-level world is hidden in the low-level world but higher than the low-level world!

And this kind of traversal is equivalent to entering the high-level world from the low-level world first, and then finding the point where you need to go to the high-level world, and then directly entering the low-level world from the high-level world!
And that point, that is, the point of the high-level world corresponding to the low-level world, is the coordinate left, which is the so-called anchor!
From this we can see the difference between the two!
Finally, any space means that can directly locate the target without completely scanning it belongs to the cultivation system!

Even if it is the technology side that uses this method, it is still a method of the cultivation system!

As I said before, cultivation is from top to bottom, and technology is from top to top!
The traversal on the technology side, in essence, requires liquidity!

The fluidity here does not refer to the fluidity of the space, but refers to the completeness of your process!
To put it simply, the comprehension system is the goal, in the past, here it is!
And the technology side is to locate the target, link with the current position, then pass, and finally arrive!
The linkage here, its main function is to confirm the connection between the two parties, it is not the key!

For example, when fighting a war, using this kind of teleportation machine, the headquarters does not know whether it has been successful or not, and those who passed it on will not receive the information and can only fight on their own!
Does this make sense?
Therefore, without liquidity, it is basically impossible to use it, and when it is used, the power is almost over!
Continuing what I just said, the coordinates of the space, the so-called anchor, if it is purely technological, or in the universe, are generally specific people and the like!
And in this system of heavens and worlds, the so-called anchor has been upgraded!
Breath, memory, cognition, legend, anyway, everything you can think of, anything that can be captured, can be used as an anchor!
And these can only be regarded as routine, and the most fierce one is to directly locate the names of those worlds!

Of course, this name, or this method, looks very simple, but it is very complicated inside!
It's a very simple question. A normal person uses a mobile phone to search for a very common question, and there will be a lot of tmd related questions!

Then you can imagine that in the heavens and worlds, even if you have a location search, if you want to find the place you want to go from the densely related, the difficulty is a little less than at the beginning!
That's all, if you want to solve these, you need to reposition!
This is equivalent to, first you search for wood, and then search for round wood!

As long as it is not a garbage search engine, a little more normal will remove a lot of wood related, and a new pile of round wood related will appear!

If you have the ability, then you can give unlimited keywords, and finally find the one you want!
If you think like this, then Shi Yu can only say that you think too much and are too beautiful!

The search just mentioned actually has one more important condition!
A normal search is actually because we have borrowed other people's resources. I am in the heavens and myriad worlds, who will lend you resources!
And even if it is lent to you, you will not be able to understand it, because you are fundamentally different!
Even if you can understand, there is one more important thing, that is, the searched resources are not equal to all resources!

In essence, all the resources in this search resource are actually added bit by bit!
Can I add all the information of the heavens and the world?
Yes, but it is theoretically possible, but in reality, it is basically impossible!
Therefore, these methods of cheating basically do not exist in the heavens and worlds!
(End of this chapter)

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