Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 410 Fusion Features Choose 2 from 1

Chapter 410 Fusion Features Choose 2 from 1
In a normal country, in addition to the army, the real soldiers are actually the patrol troops in each city!
This is the real boss!

However, can this be easily used?

This is impossible. Once these people evacuate, the country will be in chaos in an instant. Chaos breeds evil, and evil breeds greater evil!

And as a vulnerable group, this is the most desperate blow!
It can be seen from here that this power cannot be used!
The question is, does the tyrant care?

Of course I don't care!
Therefore, after becoming a tyrant, the country may become stronger, but it will definitely not last long!
It is because of this reason that human beings can obtain such powerful power when they explode to the limit, and it is also why, the stronger the will, the stronger the power will be!
If you set a level for him, the will of the first level can break a dimension, that is to say, theoretically speaking, you can use the power of two dimensions at the same time!

In the real world, this is actually very common, especially for those who like to use swords, it is even more common!
For example, this sword, but it condenses my will and my soul!

The will here is not really condensed into it, but is like a kind of portal, blessing the power of the soul to the body!

So, formally described, this sword is physical power plus soul power!
If the will is stronger and reaches the second level, then another dimension will be opened, that is, a total of three powers added together!
And because of the different dimensions, the blessing of this kind of power is not the 1+1 in our cognition!

In addition to being unable to do it, the systems are different, so how can we talk about it together!

So, this blessing is more like a comprehensive blessing!
It is also a kind of blessing that was mentioned when talking about Da Luo!
Da Luo's blessing just turned the two into the same substance. To be precise, they had transformation, and it was a 1:1 transformation!

If you say yes, it can be considered good, if you say no, it is really a bit of a loss!
And this kind of comprehensive fusion, blessing, is the kind that directly fuses the two substances into one!
However, the characteristics taken here are not the ones mentioned, but another one!
First of all, this is a very stupid thing!
Because this substance is a fusion of two substances, it is no longer any of the previous two substances!
In conversion, the dimension where this substance is located is not connected to anything!

In other words, no matter whether it is physical attack or soul attack, it will be ineffective against him, unless he also fuses a substance like him, and then uses that substance to attack!

It is important to say that although it is called matter, in fact it is no longer called matter, and that kind of existence is hard to imagine!
And as I said just now, this attack does not use this characteristic, but another one!
That is to say, although two substances are fused, even if they are perfectly fused, there are still two previous substances in their components!
That is, attacking with this substance, wisdom causes two attacks of the two substances fused by it!

In other words, attacking with this newly synthesized thing is not only a physical attack but also a soul attack!

So, this way of existence is a bit shameless!
The only good thing is that these two features cannot be taken at the same time, only one can be selected, otherwise it will be really shameless!

Even so, can you say that these two are not awesome!

One is that no matter where you are, I can attack you, and the other is that no matter what attack you use, you can't hit me!
The second special effect of shame is somewhat similar to the effect of the three Buddhist scriptures in the same novel world!
That is to say, the past, present, future, after cultivation, to dominate the past, present and future!
No matter how much damage you do to me now, because the future me exists, the damage is invalid! (It's about the online game Ba Ji, not Hong Yi's world!)

Therefore, this consciousness cultivation is completely cheating, and it doesn't make sense at all!

As an idealist, these unreasonable things should be sealed up!

However, this thing appeared, the most outrageous thing, the group of players thought it was a normal development!
After all, the novels of spiritual energy recovery flow can be used in all worlds, and the type of online games fused with the real world is not without it in that world!

So, that world suddenly revived, and most people went back to practice, and now there are not many people who come to play games!

Everyone understands the truth, one is someone else's and the other is your own, as long as you are not a fool, you know who to choose!
The earth is the place where he guessed that the third realm lives, and the privilege of the third realm is what he desperately needs, so nothing can happen to the earth!

"Have you found out, who made the recovery of the spiritual energy!"

Back at his base camp, Shi Yu came to the specially established Earth Management Bureau!

As a possible sojourn in the third world, Shi Yu is not some idiot, it is almost 3 hours, 24 degrees, and is within his sight all the time!
To put it harshly, even if the earth is conscious, Shi Yu understands him better than he does!
As I said before, for the existence of these essences, Shi Yu uses the individuals he created!

That is, conscious life!
As beings who have been scared by Shi Yu since birth, they are the real tools in Shi Yu's hands!

Of course, although their memories can be fused directly, but this way, it doesn't feel like a villain!
So in general, he still likes to use them as a person!
For example, right now, as soon as Shi Yu finished speaking, a virtual figure appeared!

The most accurate description should be described by a two-dimensional wife, the mad three, and the mad three wife is her prototype!
He even frantically copied a set of Kuangsan's skills for her. After all, to put it bluntly, after mastering the original timeline, no one can play with time in front of him!
For example, it is impossible for him to be transported through the past and future. Anyone who meets him can only communicate with her now!

It is invalid for him at any time!
In other words, whether it is accelerating, decelerating or reversing, it is invalid for him as an individual!

It is this rambunctious skill that is why he is not afraid of those time abilities!
Otherwise, if you don't pay attention, you will jump to which timeline!
There is actually a misunderstanding here, a misunderstanding about time!

Many people think that the division of timelines is an era. For example, when someone travels to the 60s, they also travel to the past, and they will meet together!
Actually, that's impossible!

And to accomplish this impossible, unless two people exert the same power to choose a place at the same time, it even needs a power beyond time to bind them together firmly in confusion!
Only in this way can we travel to the same timeline at the same time!
Otherwise, such a situation will appear!
(End of this chapter)

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