Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 417 Energy, element?

Chapter 417 Energy, element?
After thinking about it, he didn't have the slightest idea. After all, he had already thought of what he should think about, but once he implemented it, it was different from what he had imagined in his heart!
This is actually really irritating, it's true, there is no ring to hate the sky, no grip to hate the earth, and no way to hate a sister!

These emotions came and went quickly, and the melancholy in his heart quickly receded from him, leaving behind a really thinking person!
It's not about thinking about breakthroughs, but about how to play after thinking about it!
Since you want to pursue it, but you can't get it for a long time, it's better to give up and be happy yourself, wouldn't it be beautiful!
To put it simply, he wants to be salted fish, anyway, he will break through when it is time to break through, at this time, force it, but it is easy to make mistakes!

Just like what I said at the beginning, the essence of practice is a castle in the air. If you don't pay attention, you will lose its foundation. No matter how prosperous the building is and how much high-tech it contains, everything will be empty!
So, this is why there is such a saying, when it is time to let go, you have to let go!

Otherwise, you will also be pulled into the water, which would be embarrassing!

In the entire heavens and worlds, although there are as many forces that can span the universe, there are not many who are truly famous!

As I said before, if you want to cross the universe, you must have the power of Daluo as the foundation, otherwise, no matter how strong you are, you will fall directly into the sea of ​​nothingness and completely turn into nothingness!
And this rule belongs to directness, which can basically bypass all protections in the world and cause damage fundamentally. Even Shi Yu has no way to bypass it!
This is equivalent to Saitama in One Punch Man. Even though the bull is going to the sky, and such a powerful existence still needs to breathe!
It is a completely unreasonable world, forcing it to be reasonable is meaningless at all!

Since you want to open it, then open it fully, open it completely, what does it mean to leave an Achilles' heel!
And the drop just mentioned is a fatal attack, and it is the fatal attack set by Wanjie!

If you are not higher than that level, you will die!
The realm here refers to a lot, and it does not necessarily need to be broken through before it can be done!

For example, some time ago, when Shi Yu first learned about World Tree, he found the source of this power!

This is the source of power that allows people to cross the sea of ​​nothingness!
And now, except for some very special existences, basically, as long as he has been observed by it, he can be easily imitated!

After all, to put it bluntly, as long as anything in the world can exist, it must have the participation of indestructible matter!
Whether it is the so-called energy attack or mental attack, although their attacks are large, many of them use mental power or soul power!

However, as I said before, it is basically impossible to find the space where the soul resides!

Therefore, if you want to attack, you must start from the physical aspect!
Therefore, in the end, the attack that can hurt others has an indestructible substance attached to it!
If there is no participation of immortal matter, there is no connection between these things and the material world!

And since there is no contact, why can you stop others!
This is equivalent to the you a second ago wanting to attack the current you. Is this possible?

But if there is a strange thing that can forcibly pull the two of you separated by a second into the same space, the same time!

At this time, is your attack effective!

This is the function of indestructible matter!

Moreover, Shi Yu also discovered another interesting thing!
In fact, the properties of energy and matter are almost the same!

To put it simply, thunder, flame!

They are two different energy attacks, which are equivalent to the material world, wood and iron are the same!
They are all real items, but there can only be one thing in common!
What affects them differently is that matter is the composition of matter!
And energy, this is the composition of energy particles!
There are so-called indivisible units in the material world!

In fact, there is such a thing as energy!
We all know one thing, flames, what Dainichi real fire, Sanmi real fire or something!

Well, a question, a very simple question!
These flames, why are they called flames!

Give a very simple example!

Among the ants, there are soldier ants, worker ants, and queen ants!
So what kind of ants can barely be regarded as ants, and what kind of ants are the limit of ants!
We all know a common sense, but no one has ever been able to prove the common sense!

As long as it is infinitely enlarged, all life and dead things in the entire world are actually made of one kind of substance!

And converted to the heavens and worlds, this kind of matter that constitutes all the heavens and worlds is the indestructible matter in Shi Yu's settings, the smallest particle of matter in theory!

Apart from this special example, there actually exists such an indivisible unit!
To put it simply, all life that exists in reality belongs to one unit!
If we enlarge this unit, the next unit we get is an organ!

However, can organs represent life?

For example, a heart is a wolf, this is impossible!

Once enlarged to the organ level, then the organ is an organ, and it is no longer the original individual life!
And to continue to zoom in, it is at the cellular level. At this time, does the theory of organs still exist?

This is the so-called indivisible unit!

The smallest is the individual, followed by the total group, which is the ethnic group, and then others!

And energy, in fact, also has such a structure!
This structure, this is the arrangement of energy!
The initial energy particles, according to some preliminary arrangements, became the so-called elements, that is, fire elements, water elements!
After that, the elements increased, and the fire element became flames, super flames, and three real fires!

What I have to mention is that with the increase of elements, the requirements for substances will not increase or decrease!

To put it simply, the weaker the flame, the more space it needs for material existence!
The most common flame, that is, the flame of conventional cognition, if you want it to exist in the material world, you have to pay for wood, coal, fuel oil and so on!
And the higher the flame, the higher the amount of matter that needs to exist!

And this can also be said in reverse, that is, under the same ratio, the flame heat that can be erupted by a pound of wood is definitely not as strong as a pound of coal!

This might seem out of place, but it's normal, after all it requires an overall calculation!
Especially in Shi Yu's eyes, it is even more clear!
As I said before, everything that exists between objects is composed of indestructible matter!

And the strength of matter is actually the number of indivisible units!
And in the deeper depths, it is actually the amount of indestructible matter!
One cubic meter of wood and one cubic meter of iron look the same on the outside, but in fact, there is a big difference!

The amount of material alone is an absolute difference!
(End of this chapter)

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