Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 421 Supporting the power of idealism

Chapter 421 Supporting the power of idealism

At the beginning, Shi Yu said that idealism is from top to bottom, and his steps are not conventional!

A very simple question, what is it that supports the existence of Weixin!
The previous explanations have never fundamentally explained the principle of the existence of Weixin!
After all, the so-called materialism is actually summed up from some rules of the world!
And based on this, the so-called idealism is actually against the world!
So, what kind of power can make it exist!
After all, idealism would not exist at all without a powerful force resisting the pressure of the world
In fact, the answer was given before!
In this world, any life will be connected with three greatnesses!
The first one, as mentioned before, belongs to the concept of self!

The second is the original true spirit concept of the true spirit fragments, which is the theoretical perfect period of the true spirit!
As I said before, many things in the world are beyond our imagination, and even the theory cannot define them!
Among them, the true spirit that lives outside the three dimensions belongs to such an item!
Therefore, there is no essential difference between a broken true spirit and an unbroken true spirit!

To put it simply, a piece of true spirit, even if it is beaten into a million yuan, its original appearance is still nothing at all!
The so-called broken P, from a certain point of view, is neither true nor true!
It's such a rambunctious existence.So there is nothing wrong with him other than three-dimensional!
As for why he has no influence at all, it's a simple thing, the true spirit cannot be integrated!

The setting of the true spirit, this is inseparable!
To put it simply, he is both the largest existence and the smallest existence!

No matter how many times it is magnified, he is perfect!

And in the same way, any attack has no effect on him!
To put it simply, it is the limit of three dimensions. It is a relatively stupid setting. Things that can exist in the world can never exceed three dimensions!

So, in the three-dimensional space, he is truly invincible. As for the four-dimensional space, that is, the high-dimensional existence, he will appear ordinary!
But even so, it cannot be said that he is not awesome!
Moreover, one thing I have to say is that in very ancient times, before the so-called rupture of the true spirit, a true spirit corresponds to an era of life!

At that time, in order to truly give birth to consciousness, it was a real possibility to achieve from the impossible. One can imagine how difficult it is!
And the foundation that supports them to have consciousness is the true spirit. Without the true spirit as the pinnacle of calming the sea, no matter how impossible you ask, it will not be able to accumulate!
Quantitative change cannot lead to qualitative change, everything is successful!

So, when those grown-up beings are awesome, backhands start researching, and don't care about this thing at all, they are their own creators!
Of course, it cannot be said to be the creator, but it must have participated in the creation!
Although the true spirit is a substance and has no instincts, it is deeply bound to the living body!

To put it simply, he must not feel well when the living body dies!

Therefore, in the situation of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, he directly died together with the life body bound to him!
And as the basis of such consciousness, the blindness of the real spirit can easily cause great harm!

After all, that position is really important!
To put it simply, there is an iron rod at the center of your heart, and this iron rod will help you increase the usefulness of your heart all the time!

However, people who are a little more normal will try to take it out, why!
The connection between true spirit and consciousness is somewhat similar!

The true spirit is equivalent to a bamboo stick, and the consciousness is equivalent to strands of fluff. The combination of the two forms a cotton swab!
It's just the bad one, the one that sheds hair with a little effort!
And at this time, I took the small stick in the center, can the small ball on the top still gather together!

It may not be clear to say this, the electromagnet has a strong magnetic force when it is turned on, and if it is turned off, everything will fall down!
And the role of the true spirit is equivalent to that magnet, which has been absorbing consciousness with its own power!
Yes, but the gravity disappears, and everything that was tightly connected before may collapse in an instant!

And every living being has a fatal true spirit weakness!

Therefore, since then, few people have studied the true spirit!

After all, if you lose your life if you don't pay attention, who wants to!
Moreover, there is one more important thing. Some bigwigs have guessed that the origin of the true spirit is not simple. After all, all life will have such a thing!
If not, there is basically only death, and very few lives can survive!

In such a clear situation, if there is no conspiracy, it is basically impossible!

It's just that in the end, they didn't say anything, they didn't do anything, and everything was over!
And the third one is connected with the individual, as I said before, it is the Tao of every world!

Among these three, the fragments of the world and the true spirit have only one function, to keep you alive!
So, isn't it already obvious what the doctrine of idealism and the persistence of idealism are?
Consciousness, that is, the self in conventional cognition, the heart in theory!

The heart of the heart, although important, but he has no feelings!

The strength of the physical body can affect the consciousness to a certain extent, but this ratio is really very low!
It may be 1/10000, that is, you can only get a copy if you pay!
Then this sentence also has another explanation!
If you exert force consciously from top to bottom, you can exert 1 points of force with one force!
Overcome all kinds of losses, at least 8% can be paid out!
Moreover, the most important thing is that this force is concentrated and truly controlled by oneself!

What is the theoretical upper limit of human strength, how much is the limit, and how much do you have now!
That's the difference mastery over your body makes!
As for consciousness, especially surface consciousness and subjective consciousness, it can basically be said that as long as you are original, it is 100% controlled!

How strong is this force? To put it bluntly, it is very easy to interfere with reality!
Of course, this also has a price, but it is not obvious!
After all, to put it bluntly, the degree of development of a person's brain can be calculated, and the strength of his will can also be calculated sideways, but the so-called consciousness is really an incalculable value!
However, the power of consciousness is increasing, and it is an unlimited increase, but it is very demanding to meet the requirements!

However, after consumption, his reply was very fast. Of course, he had to believe in himself. If he denied it, then he would definitely be like that!

Continuing with what I said before, idealism is equivalent to using your own power to forcibly step into the air!

Others climb the stairs, you go straight to the air, of course awesome and handsome!

(End of this chapter)

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