Chapter 428 Energy
For example, indestructible matter is not a real thing, it is just defined as indestructible matter, so it feels real!
But in essence, he doesn't exist!

But we assume that it exists, that is, the so-called theoretical existence!
And the original existence in the heavens and worlds exists as long as you can say it, not the real existence now!

Because it really exists, it cannot even contain pure matter and energy, so is it really perfect!
This is also why, Shi Yu once said that indestructible matter, from the concept of existence, has been downgraded again!

In this sentence, although it is not stated, it is also said from the side, the so-called existence has also been downgraded!

The initial pure existence was an incarnation, but now, it is only a part of existence!

And from this inside, the level of indestructible matter and energy particles should be lower than existence, why the feeling is higher than existence!

Again, the composition here is pure existence, and what can be displayed is real existence!

This is equivalent to the difference between human beings as a whole and individual countries!

Let's start, there is only one country in the world. Naturally, this country can represent the entire human race!
But when human beings became stronger, countries did not keep up, and then, multiple countries appeared!
At this time, can the original first country still represent the entire human race?
It's that simple!
So, what Shi Yu should really do is to unify everything and reequate a country with a race!
And his theory at the beginning was just to make him the king of that country, the king of the most powerful empire known!
It looks very tempting. After all, it is the most powerful. It only needs a little bit of tricks to become the first, and even have the possibility of unification!
However, the existence of this thing, theoretically speaking, is infinite!
And real existence, as part of the concept of existence, is naturally infinite!

And the so-called strongest thing is to become one of the infinite individuals, then this is a real existence. You can imagine how difficult it is to reunify the infinite?
So, he really doesn't need to deliberately accomplish anything, he just needs to follow his original plan, and when his original plan is completed, this will definitely be completed!

Of course, it is not completely copied, and one more situation has to be added, energy particles!

After this series of thinking, definition and various comparisons, he has basically been able to define the real energy, what exactly is it!

But this time, he couldn't make it up like he did at the beginning, because it is impossible to find energy particles that are completely opposite to indestructible matter with a simple setting!

He needs to complete the step of finding energy particles according to his own theory!

In fact, it is very simple. From a certain point of view, there is no essential difference between the space of his current body and the so-called singularity of the Big Bang!
What does this mean? To put it bluntly, he can rely on that theory to let indestructible matter invade the world of real existence, and finally, enter the world of energy!

Although it will react immediately with energy at that moment!

In other words, it will instantly become other substances, or items that exist in reality!
If he only has the power to manipulate indestructible matter, he may not be able to feel those items that appear in the real world!

However, unfortunately, he only needs to use his own indestructible matter, and with his current manipulation of the indestructible matter, even if the indestructible matter is transformed into other items, he can clearly feel it!
The reason why Shi Yu didn't have this problem when he made those genius treasures before is very simple!
What Shi Yu manipulates is the energy of the real world, not pure energy!

Energy, in the real world, is a phenomenon of 'movement'!

In other words, under normal circumstances, he will be in the state of releasing energy!

But the problem is, this energy has no direction!

And the role of matter is to control the direction of this energy!

The pure wind, that is, the wind in the energy particles, does not have any directivity, and does not even have much mobility!
But in the real world, he will move in one direction!
To put it in a more vivid way, normal energy is to release energy to the surroundings, that is, with oneself as the center, in an open state!
And matter is like a boat with a raft!
You can imagine what will happen in the end!
As long as there is no problem with the sails, the wooden boat will keep going!
In the real world, the so-called winds are these wooden boats!

And in the same way, people began to understand the so-called wind because they recognized the wind, or felt its power!
From the perspective of going out, what Shi Yu used to make was directly extracted sails, not raw energy!

So, there will be no uncontrollable situation!

But, now he wants to recreate a sailboat, and it is true, to create a sailboat that can move out of nothing!

Under normal circumstances, his manufacturing is actually just a sailboat and cannot manufacture the initial energy source, that is, the initial moving force!

In other words, although it seems that he has a high level of authority, in fact, the most fundamental point is not involved!
Just like the essence of school, it is actually teaching and educating people!

And the highest authority in public schools is at most the principal, and it is impossible to have a right to directly control how much knowledge others can learn!

And Shi Yu's current situation is equivalent to that he wants to involve the right to directly control how much knowledge others learn!
To put it more vividly, in normal public schools, their learning progress is about the same!

Shi Yu, on the other hand, just wants to recreate a private school, a school that he fully controls and can modify the rules at will!
At this time, she only needs one command to greatly slow down the progress of her studies!

Converted to the past, Shi Yu can make a raft, but the speed of the raft, that is, the degree of energy release of the energy-dividing particles, is beyond Shi Yu's control!

But now, Shi Yu wants to create something he can control, it's that simple!
And to do this, it is natural to re-create a batch of matter, that is, to re-create a situation similar to the Big Bang!

And during the explosion period, those new items and new blueprints produced by the combination of the two substances are his goals!

In other words, from the initial manufacture to the so-called creation!
(End of this chapter)

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