Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 432 The Abstract Use of Energy

Chapter 432 The Abstract Use of Energy

To completely modify Shi Yu's is equivalent to modifying from the entire universe!
To put it simply, your hometown is very poor and has no economic resources. Xiongxin's modification method is to directly create a better world and cover the original place!

It looks beautiful, but in fact, isn't this just provoking the government?

And the so-called individual from the universe is to find a capable person from the entire bureaucratic system to be the county magistrate of your hometown!
Bingxiong, male one, general male, male one nest!
Without a leader, no matter how rich and beautiful the world is, it will be easily defeated!
This is the difference between the warrior and the permanent, and the difference between the real and the ideal!
The ambitious setting is too idealistic and unreal!
In other words, it is not universal!

Unable to adapt to the heavens and worlds, he can only be fierce on his own one-third of an acre of land!

This is equivalent to why those eyes are so awesome among eye ninjas, because in essence, they can be regarded as items evolved from the aura source of that world!
On the surface, it is a display item such as eyes, but in fact, it belongs to the high-end aura control authority!

To put it simply, the area covered by the chakrasso in that world is equivalent to a computer as a whole, and those so-called bloodstains are pieces of software!

And software, of course, is also divided into entertainment and application!
The so-called entertainment is naturally entertainment, that is, sparks, fireworks, water flowers and the like!

And use, of course, refers to the program of this computer!

For example, life and death, life!

Those so-called awesome eyes have the authority to manipulate these, or modify these programs!
So, it looks awesome, but it's actually!

No matter which world it is, except for the technological system, many worlds like to describe their current situation as regressing!

For example, in the prehistoric world, from the very beginning of the fierce beasts, which shattered the world, to the final Conferred God and Journey to the West, the gap between the two is not so big!
The main reason is a change in universality and quantity!

To put it simply, there are 100 lives at the beginning, so their average strength is very strong, and after that, there are 100 million lives, and the strength is definitely not as strong as before!
After that, life has reached an incalculable level. At this time, if their strength is still as strong as at the beginning, it is a simple question, whether the world can bear it!

It's not that the world is going backwards, on the contrary, this is normal development!

Many people like to describe that practice is like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat!

The same is true for the world. If you do not promote the evolution of the world, the world will naturally begin to become universal, that is, the pursuit of quantity, in order to find the possibility of qualitative change in the infinite quantity!
And those who have no possibility of qualitative change, that is, the upper limit of life forms, are the strongest in the legends of that world!
Theoretically speaking, except for the only one among the infinite variables, it is basically impossible for any living body to break the limit!
This principle is infinitely applicable!

And the most current strongest person, that is, the strongest person in that world, determines the strength of that world, as well as the upper limit of other individuals except infinite variables!
And in the Hokage system, his upper limit is Kaguya Hime!
Therefore, even if that world is connected to the Ten Thousand Realms, there will be no real improvement in strength!
Having said so much, I just want to say that what is really awesome is the ability to affect the heavens and worlds, no matter how rubbish this ability is, no matter how useless it seems, as long as its fluctuation can reach the level of the heavens and worlds, then he It will definitely be many times more powerful than the modification time modification variable modification universe in a single universe!
A single universe, no matter how powerful it is, has the possibility of defeat, but this heaven and world does not!

Theoretically speaking, even if he is smashed again, or other things, it will not have any effect on him in essence!
It is also the reason just mentioned!


In a certain universe, Shi Yu looked at this somewhat familiar city, then glanced at this somewhat familiar planet, and finally she had to complain!
"This earth is really awesome, it can be found everywhere!"

Last time, Shi Yu obtained the right to use power and achieved a spiritual breakthrough!
To put it simply, he has taken another step forward. The standard level of his body has changed from a human to a god!
Of course, it doesn't add much to the increase in combat power!
In other words, compared to the obtained energy control authority, the gap is really too big!

You know, relying on your own situation, its energy authority starts a hundredfold at the beginning!
In contrast, as long as he is in the mood, every time he punches, his attack power can be increased dozens of times, or even hundreds of times!
After all, his fist is purely physical, and it only needs to increase energy, then its speed will become faster and faster!

And the faster the speed, the higher the attack power with the same quality!

And because of her special situation, there will be no such thing as frictional consumption!

So, this really suits him so well!

And because, the basic particle composed of a trace of energy and an indestructible matter is the most primitive indivisible unit, or in other words, the God particle!
After having it, Shi Yu can really say that he is invincible!
The current him, apart from being sealed by some strong men beyond his imagination, can really be said to have full life-saving ability!

Of course, in addition to these, there is one more important thing, it can even be said that this harvest makes him more happy than his breakthrough!
As I said just now, a trace of energy and a particle of indestructible matter make up the so-called God Particle!

However, in essence, energy is a kind of process, not pure power and the like, but a process of release!

Therefore, the energy cannot be accurate to the so-called one second. It can be said that the energy has completed a cycle in one second, but it cannot be said how much energy is in this second!
Because energy has an indivisible personality, once it is divided, it is not the so-called energy!
So, this so-called energy is not energy, what is it!


This is the thing, if the calculation is done second by second, then the component of energy is time!
For example, the windmill, as we all know, the power of the wind makes him choose!

If there is no time, will he spin, no, and the others are also the same reason!
Therefore, particles are the foundation, time is the thrust, and energy is the force released by this process!
For example, the power generation of windmills!

And after controlling the energy, the amount of this process can be continuously superimposed!
That is to say, the very first windmill generates one kilowatt-hour of electricity in one hour!

After that, after Shi Yu superimposed the number of energy, the speed of the windmill remained the same, but the electricity it generated would increase!

Therefore, the so-called energy is to rely on matter to transform an invisible thing like time into tangible energy!

(End of this chapter)

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