Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 434 What is the past

Chapter 434 What is the past
In a villa in Shanghai, a handsome young man got up from the computer chair and turned off the computer casually!
"This world, and the world I lived in before, are roughly the same, but there are subtle differences!
And my goal is to choose one of those differences! "

As if thinking of something, in the end, before he finished speaking, he left!
And not long after this person left the big villa, a crack appeared in the space not far from where he was just now, and Shi Yu walked out of it!
Of course, at this moment, he is not an unfathomable mastermind behind the scenes, but a cursing little gangster!
"This little bastard, he can't speak clearly, and his body is protected by other powers, so it's impossible to even check his thoughts directly!"

At this moment, Shi Yu is really a little upset. He worked hard on the script of the big villain behind the scenes, but because of this kid, Shi Yu doesn't know what he is thinking at all!
This will lead to a situation. If you don't observe it all the time, it is easy to waste the previous layout!

And always observe, when he understands the information, Shi Yu will subconsciously update the arrangement!

This is an external manifestation of his obsessive-compulsive disorder!

But now that this situation occurs in this place, it will seem like a waste of time!

He's here to play games, not games to play him!
Therefore, it is basically impossible to compromise for the sake of the game!

If it's really compromised, it's either really too much fun, or there's other information hidden behind it!
For example, the powerful at the Da Luo level, and those authors!
The reason why Da Luo ended up was because he coveted the rights of the author!

It is not difficult to see from this that as long as the benefits are large enough, no matter how powerful you are, it is impossible not to be affected!

And now, let alone him!


Shi Yu didn't struggle with it for long, because he suddenly thought of one thing, why should he think in human terms!
With his current ability, even if he doesn't pay attention to a person, it is not a simple matter to know his information!

Let's not talk about the so-called observation time in the world of conventional novels, or the calculation of the infinite future!
Just now, he has more than one method in his hands, which can be easily monitored without revealing any flaws!

Use the indestructible matter to directly observe, create another self, and install it directly in his body!
And what he recently discovered, look directly at the energy traces!
Energy is a process of transforming an invisible force like time into a tangible change!
In other words, it can reverse the process and get flawless, information!
This is even more accurate than direct observation of time!
The most perfect means of observation is to observe the timeline!
And the timeline is unique, only allowed to be one person!
So, you can't even look at it!
And the viewing is allowed, that is, the point where individuals come into contact with each other!

Everyone has a thread, use these threads to form a net!

The line is the timeline, and the net is the river of time!

What is allowed to be observed is always the node on the network, not the lines in the network!

That's why, what records time is not just time, but an event!
For example, several common time periods in the prehistoric world!
Fierce beasts measure calamity, conferred gods measure calamity!
Not just time, but a big stage!
The reason for this situation can be explained simply, this so-called calamity is a matter involving all heavens and worlds!
As an analogy, we use a net to fight a catastrophe!
It is to regard the net as a long line, and then use this line to make a small knot!
This summary is immeasurable calamity!
During this period of time, the entire river of time collapsed into one point!
The so-called counting time is meaningless at this moment!

That's why, every time they change, they all use these names, not just the world!

Coming back from the new circle, the observation of time is actually observing each node, that is, the story world, it cannot be peaceful anyway!

However, many things in the world, he changed from calm to restless!
Only nodes can be observed, and only nodes can be observed!
This is equivalent to that you only get an answer, but you don't know the process, and the problem is that what you want to answer is a math problem!

In the perfect world, Chi Wang messed around in the long river of time, and then, he suddenly learned that he would be hacked to death in the future!

Therefore, he began to snipe and kill the person who might be able to hack him to death in the long river of time!

Then, he provoked Shi Hao, and was eaten by him before his transformation was completed!

Another example, the sages in the prehistoric period began to deduce information, and suddenly they learned that their own great religion was facing a catastrophe in the future!
So, they are in a bad mood!

At that time, Haotian held the Fairyland Fair to celebrate the birthday of Yaochi!
Originally, it was just to give Haotian some face, but after it came, I realized that it was to celebrate a woman!
They were upset and left the table directly!

In the end, Haotian couldn't stand the blow and sued the teacher!

Then, the Conferred God Quantity Tribulation came!
It is not difficult to see from here that it is not very useful to get the result!

Because, without knowing the process, no matter what you do, it may cause the incident to break out in advance!

If you do nothing, then events are bound to explode!
And in the same way, if you know the process and the result, that is, the whole story of a matter, isn't it much easier to change it!
But is this possible?
This is impossible, time does not exist in the past!

Because the past you know is just the present of the past!

From the moment time begins to flow, from the moment things appear, from the moment the power of time erodes, the so-called fixation has long been turned into infinity!
There is no so-called parallel world in the world, the reason why one can appear theoretically!
Because of one of your thoughts, a world appears!
This cognition is wrong, it is not because of your thoughts that this world was born!
It's because the variables in this world are born just because of your thoughts!

Among the infinite worlds, there must be one that is almost the same as the current world, except that at this moment today, when crossing the road, I in this world choose to go left, and I in another world choose to go to the right!

Therefore, a pure past cannot exist!

However, we can rely on the traces of his existence and a series of other circumstances to deduce him in theory in reverse!

As long as it exists, it exists in theory!

Theory, including the past, present and future, as long as it has appeared, it can be regarded as theory!

But time is the original speed, and the indestructible matter is the walking speed!

When the two are combined and complete a cycle, it is energy!
Then, energy divided by walking speed is not the original speed!

Of course, the same sentence, the truth is more complicated, but as long as the theory makes sense, it will be fine!

(End of this chapter)

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